Saturday, March 8, 2025

The Faith of Jesus Michael

The Nature of Jesus Michael’s Faith

A. Absolute Trust in the Father

Jesus Michael’s faith was total and unwavering. It was not conditioned on external circumstances, personal success, or human validation—his faith remained steadfast regardless of joy or suffering, recognition or rejection, life or death. His entire being was rooted in the unshakable conviction that God is real, present, loving, and guiding all things toward divine fulfillment.

This trust was not dependent on miracles or signs; it did not seek proof or assurance. He did not need to see visible evidence of God’s work, nor did he require favorable outcomes to sustain his trust. His faith existed beyond doubt, standing firm even in the face of despair, betrayal, and the agonizing suffering of the cross. His ultimate surrender—"Father, into your hands I commend my spirit"—was the culmination of a lifetime of absolute reliance on God.

B. Living as a Son of God

Jesus Michael’s faith was not theoretical or philosophical—it was a lived experience of divine sonship. He did not just believe in God; he lived as a Son of God, fully aware of his divine origin and purpose. His faith led him to:

See every person as a child of God, worthy of love, respect, and service.

Live in the constant presence of the Father, responding to every challenge with divine wisdom.

Dedicate himself fully to revealing the Father’s nature to the world.

He saw the kingdom of God not as a future event, but as a present reality—something that is realized whenever a soul chooses to live by faith, love, and truth. He invited others not just to follow him, but to enter into the same relationship with God that he experienced.

C. Experiential Faith Beyond Doctrine

Jesus Michael’s faith was not based on religious doctrines, scriptures, or theological constructs—it was based on direct experience. He did not merely talk about God; he knew God as a living presence. His faith was:

Personal, not institutional—It was about his own relationship with the Father, not about a religious system.

Spiritual, not ritualistic—It was rooted in divine communion, not in performing religious obligations.

Active, not passive—It was not just belief in God; it was trusting God, living in God, and acting out of divine assurance.

His faith transcended human reasoning—it was an inner certainty that did not require logical proof. It was not blind faith but living faith—faith that produced action, transformation, and divine love.

The Salvington School of the Planetary Prince 

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Embrace Reality

The Living Reality of Communion with God

Communion with the Universal Father is not a ritual, a practice confined to religious settings, or a distant spiritual ideal—it is a living, personal relationship with God, unfolding in real time, within the depths of the human soul. This communion is not bound by location, culture, or external traditions; rather, it is an ever-present experience that grows and deepens as the soul learns to trust, surrender, and align with divine reality.

At its core, communion with God is the conscious awareness of His presence, a continuous dialogue between the mortal mind and the divine spirit within. It is an active participation in the universal flow of divine love, where the soul ceases to feel separate from its divine Source and instead learns to live in harmony with the eternal will of the Father.

This communion is not static—it is an evolving experience. As the individual progresses spiritually, their awareness of God expands, their capacity to receive divine love increases, and their ability to express God’s qualities in daily life deepens.

1. Entering into Stillness: The Practice of Inner Listening

To commune with God is to enter into stillness, to create a sacred space within the mind where the noise of the world fades away, allowing the whispers of the indwelling spirit to be heard. In this sacred silence, the soul comes into direct contact with divine presence, unfiltered by distractions, doubts, or fears.

Stillness is not emptiness—it is receptivity. It is the opening of the heart to divine truth. It is in the quiet moments that God’s voice is most clearly perceived, not as an external command, but as an inner knowing, a feeling of deep peace, clarity, and reassurance.

In stillness, one becomes aware of God’s guiding presence.

In stillness, one learns to discern the subtle promptings of the Thought Adjuster.

In stillness, one finds clarity, wisdom, and a renewed sense of purpose.

Stillness is not an escape from reality; it is a deeper immersion into divine reality. It is a retreat not from the world, but into the Father’s presence, where the soul is strengthened to return to life with greater courage, wisdom, and love.

2. Praying Sincerely: Seeking Divine Alignment

To commune with God is to pray sincerely—not just in times of need, but as a constant seeking of alignment with divine will. True prayer is not a mechanical repetition of words, nor is it an attempt to change God’s will; it is an act of opening oneself to divine transformation.

Prayer is the moment when the finite meets the infinite, when the mortal mind reaches toward divine understanding. In its highest form, prayer is not about asking for things—it is about becoming attuned to the Father’s presence, wisdom, and purpose.

Prayer elevates consciousness—lifting the mind beyond material concerns and into spiritual awareness.

Prayer strengthens faith—reminding the soul that it is never alone, that divine love is ever-present.

Prayer aligns will—it is the act of surrendering personal desires to a higher, wiser, more loving will.

When one prays with a sincere and open heart, they begin to experience communion in its deepest form—not as a one-way request, but as a sacred exchange, where human longing meets divine assurance, where mortal seeking finds infinite love.

3. Living in Faith: Trusting Divine Love in All Circumstances

To commune with God is to live in faith—to trust that, no matter the external circumstances, one is always upheld by divine love. True faith is not belief without evidence—it is a living trust, an unshakable confidence that the Father’s presence is real, active, and guiding all things toward goodness.

Faith does not remove difficulties, but it transforms how one experiences them. The faith-anchored soul:

Faces challenges with courage, knowing that every trial is an opportunity for spiritual growth.

Remains steady in uncertainty, because trust in God is greater than fear of the unknown.

Sees divine purpose in all things, even when circumstances seem chaotic.

Jesus Michael lived by this kind of faith—an absolute, unwavering trust in the Father’s plan, even when confronted with betrayal, suffering, and death. His faith was the foundation of his unbreakable peace, the reason he could love unconditionally, serve tirelessly, and remain serene even in the face of injustice.

To live in faith is to carry this same confidence, to walk through life knowing that, no matter what happens, God is present, God is guiding, and God’s love is the eternal reality beneath all things.

4. Acting with Integrity: Becoming a Living Reflection of God

Communion with God is not just about experiencing divine presence—it is about expressing divine qualities. Those who truly seek the Father do not simply absorb His love; they become vessels of that love in the world.

To commune with God is to act with integrity—to choose righteousness even when it is difficult, to embody truth even when it is unpopular, to live with kindness and mercy even in the face of hardship.

Integrity means:

Choosing love over selfishness.

Speaking truth, even when silence is easier.

Uplifting others, even when it comes at personal cost.

Serving, not out of obligation, but as an expression of divine partnership.

This is the highest form of communion—to live so closely aligned with God that His love naturally flows through one’s actions, words, and presence.

5. The Transformative Power of True Communion

Communion with God is not passive—it transforms the soul. It is not simply about feeling close to God in private moments; it is about becoming a living reflection of divine love, patience, wisdom, and mercy.

The one who communes deeply with God becomes more peaceful, radiating serenity in all situations.

The one who communes deeply with God gains divine insight, seeing life through the lens of eternal truth.

The one who communes deeply with God becomes a source of light for others, drawing them toward spiritual reality.

True communion reshapes identity, aligning the self not with ego, fear, or worldly concerns, but with the eternal purpose of the Universal Father. It awakens the divine potential within, bringing the soul ever closer to its ultimate destiny of spiritual perfection.

Final Reflection: The Ever-Present Invitation

Communion with God is not a distant goal—it is available now, in every moment. It does not require special words or sacred places; it only requires a willing heart, an open mind, and the courage to trust.

The Universal Father is not hidden, nor is He distant. He is always near, always waiting, always calling. His presence is already within, and His love is already flowing through the soul.

The invitation is eternal:

"Come to Me. Know Me. Walk with Me. Become as I am."

The question is:

Will you answer? Will you embrace the living reality of communion—not just in moments of prayer, but in the fullness of life itself?

For those who do, God ceases to be an abstract concept and becomes a living presence, a constant companion, and the eternal guide leading them home.

The Sovrnty Foundation 

The Meaning of Eternal Realities

The Meaning of Earthly Life in Light of Eternity

Understanding that eternity is the outgrowth of righteous earthly striving imbues every aspect of life with new meaning and purpose. No longer is suffering seen as pointless, nor is sacrifice regarded as wasted effort. When viewed through the lens of spiritual progress, even life’s difficulties become essential parts of the soul’s training, preparing individuals for higher responsibilities and greater spiritual understanding. The hardships that once seemed unfair now appear as opportunities for growth, and the struggles of daily life become a sacred process of refinement.

Jesus Michael teaches that no effort toward righteousness is ever lost. Even the smallest act of kindness, the quietest moment of faith, or the simplest choice to uphold truth has cosmic significance. The development of the soul is not measured by worldly success, but by the expansion of love, wisdom, and moral courage. What appears insignificant in the material world can hold profound spiritual weight, shaping the eternal identity of an individual in ways that cannot yet be fully understood.

This realization liberates individuals from the fear of insignificance. Many people wonder if their efforts matter, if their sacrifices make a difference, or if their struggles are seen by God. Jesus Michael assures them that every righteous choice ripples into eternity, that their spiritual progress is actively shaping their future, and that their faithfulness is aligning them with the divine will in ways that will one day be revealed.

The Cosmic Implications of Spiritual Growth

Jesus Michael’s teaching also expands human perspective beyond Earthly life, encouraging individuals to see themselves as part of a vast, evolving universe filled with meaning, opportunity, and purpose. The kingdom of God is not just about personal salvation; it is about becoming a conscious participant in the divine administration of the cosmos. Those who develop spiritually in this life will continue their journey of growth and service in the ages to come, contributing to the unfolding of divine realities in ways beyond human comprehension.

This understanding inspires a higher standard of living. Knowing that life is the beginning of an eternal adventure, people are encouraged to live with greater integrity, compassion, and spiritual focus. The pursuit of righteousness is no longer seen as a burden but as a privilege, a way to align with the divine plan and step into one’s full spiritual potential.

Living with an Eternal Perspective

To fully embrace this teaching, individuals must shift their mindset from short-term thinking to an eternal perspective. Instead of making choices based solely on comfort, convenience, or personal gain, they must begin to evaluate their actions in terms of their lasting spiritual impact. Every interaction, every challenge, every relationship becomes an opportunity for soul growth.

Practical ways to live this truth include:

Prioritizing spiritual development over material accumulation.

Viewing challenges as opportunities to strengthen faith and character.

Committing to lifelong learning in wisdom, truth, and service.

Practicing love and compassion as the highest form of righteousness.

Trusting that every act of goodness contributes to one’s eternal progress.

Ultimately, Jesus Michael calls humanity to embrace their noble destiny, to recognize that life on Earth is not an isolated existence but part of an expansive, eternal journey. The pursuit of righteousness is not merely for this world—it is the very preparation for the endless realities of the next. Through faith, love, and perseverance, individuals lay the foundation for their eternal identity, stepping into the vast and beautiful purpose designed for them by God.

The Sovrnty Foundation 

Monday, February 17, 2025

Mortal Mind

Throughout the mind functions of cosmic intelligence, the totality of mind is dominant over the parts of intellectual function. Mind, in its essence, is functional unity; therefore does mind never fail to manifest this constitutive unity, even when hampered and hindered by the unwise actions and choices of a misguided self. And this unity of mind invariably seeks for spirit co-ordination on all levels of its association with selves of will dignity and ascension prerogatives.

The material mind of mortal man is the cosmic loom that carries the morontia fabrics on which the indwelling Thought Adjuster threads the spirit patterns of a universe character of enduring values and divine meanings—a surviving soul of ultimate destiny and unending career, a potential finaliter.

The human personality is identified with mind and spirit held together in functional relationship by life in a material body. This functioning relationship of such mind and spirit does not result in some combination of the qualities or attributes of mind and spirit but rather in an entirely new, original, and unique universe value of potentially eternal endurance, the soul.

There are three and not two factors in the evolutionary creation of such an immortal soul. These three antecedents of the morontia human soul are:

1. The human mind and all cosmic influences antecedent thereto and impinging thereon.

2. The divine spirit indwelling this human mind and all potentials inherent in such a fragment of absolute spirituality together with all associated spiritual influences and factors in human life.

3. The relationship between material mind and divine spirit, which connotes a value and carries a meaning not found in either of the contributing factors to such an association. The reality of this unique relationship is neither material nor spiritual but morontial. It is the soul.

The midway creatures have long denominated this evolving soul of man the mid-mind in contradistinction to the lower or material mind and the higher or cosmic mind. This mid-mind is really a morontia phenomenon since it exists in the realm between the material and the spiritual. The potential of such a morontia evolution is inherent in the two universal urges of mind: the impulse of the finite mind of the creature to know God and attain the divinity of the Creator, and the impulse of the infinite mind of the Creator to know man and attain the experience of the creature.

Urantia Communion 

Saturday, October 26, 2024

The Kingdom of the Christos

I am come revealing Truth Everlasting as Our association strengthens faith conviction and heightens faith confidence. These are necessary to build the righteous discrimination to perceive the very difference between the kings and kingdoms of the earth and the kings and inner kingdom of the  heaven of heavens.

I shall not show thee the Invisible King of Christos in all Her Immaculate Purity unless you grow the faculties of the new stature of the soul; for the eyes and ears and voice of the soul are capable of a newly acquired perception .. an advancing perspective .. and a maturing insight.

The kingdom of the soul is a broadening viewpoint and a more cosmic vision which is acquired by those who become wholeheartedly sincere and unreservedly consecrated.

Thus, are you growing towards the Everlasting Candidacy of Universe Citizenship.

Michael Of Nebadon

The Sovrnty Foundation

Sunday, September 8, 2024

The Glories of Eternity

Mine earthly children .. I teach ye to transmute a curse of thine circumstances unto a blessing of extraordinary benevolence .. of golden opportunity to grow, to open wider thine heart and mind into the glories of Eternity.

Those who have received the Adjuster Light .. they who have reached into a fuller Illumination by living the true life of Prayerful Intimacy Communion .. of Worshipful Adorational Praise and Collaboration .. they do knoweth Him. 

Only through this Progressive Ascendancy of Illumination .. through developing by moral choices their character righteousness .. by finding the Indwelling One .. shall ye know Him. 

As this unfoldment of Grace and Generosity bring forth your personal  illumination .. as this unifying benevolence with God in you is accomplished .. shall you and all of  humankind enter into the Kingdom of the Heavens. 

Ye shall no longer be of the world .. ye shall be of the Soul Vesture .. ye shall  knoweth the vestments of deliverance .. the virtues of transcendence .. the vision of God sovereignty. 

Ye shall be walking with Me unto the living garment of Immortality.

Michael Of Nebadon

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Boldness and Allegiance Honor

Be thou unfailing in kindness .. touch the hearts of those around you...

Grow in thine stalwart strength of character that ye shall becometh truly sincere. Transform all tendencies in you that are of the hypocrite.

Ye shall be free from affectation and pretentiousness. Bold in embracing truth. Wholehearted in your willingness to grow upward .. and tenaciously genuine in thine motivations of splendor. 

I sayeth to the Father's true children .. that ye shall never stoop to pretense .. neither shall you resort to shame nor guilt and never unto self-judgement. 

Ye shall live the truth with a courageous openness and availability .. even as you come forth to be a demonstration of this one unerring truth. And as ye doeth these things in thine personality soul .. so shall your character  become of dignity and respect. 

Ye shall advance upon these preceptual ideas to become the living truth. Ye shall constrain thyselves in all the ways necessary to minister unto the body of life with truthfulness, temerity, tenderness, tenacity, and transparency .. and to proclaim this good news of saving truth to thine generations and even thine children's generations shall findeth their lives more prosperous and holy.

Verily do I intensify mine proclamations as I give all direction and guidance to the humanity who cometh into the Schoolhouse of Urantia .. even though such sincerity sometimes causes the pain from rearrangements divine.

. . . for ye shall be unquestioningly loyal to all truth and the imminently present reality of love.

Michael Of Nebadon 
Planetary Proclamation of Glory and Honor

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Faith Arriveth

That was the true Light, which lighteth every creature that cometh into the world. The Light of Illumination is the only true Light of existence; for this Heavenly Light can shine, and does shine, through the night as well as through the day. 

Verily do I tell thee that the One Deity is always present with those who are illuminated and even those not yet to give birth to their own purity and illumination. 

Michael Of Nebadon 
Proclamations of God's Joy

Sunday, July 14, 2024


Reception is an evolutionary advancement beginning with the ministry of the Universe Mother Spirit and her extensions .. the seven Spirit Adjutants. 

Everything that I am conducting at Salvington is progressively increasing receptivity in those individuals who by faith and trust in me, are the believers who enter the kingdom of heaven now.

In all these Salvington School activities, I am teaching that two things are essential toward becoming a true apostle .. for there must be a wholehearted faith-entrance into our association, and this relationship is your initial entrance into the kingdom . . .

1. Faith, sincerity. To come as a little child, to receive the bestowal of sonship as a gift; to submit to the doing of the Father’s will without questioning and in the full confidence and genuine trustfulness of the Father’s wisdom; to come into the kingdom free from prejudice and preconception; to be open-minded and teachable like an unspoiled child.

2. Truth hunger. The thirst for righteousness, a change of mind, the acquirement of the motive to be like God and to find God. *Urantia Revelation

Michael Of Nebadon

Sevenfold Revelation

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Planetary Proclamation

I give to you the understanding which is necessary to progressively transform the ideas of existence unto the ideal of expression .. and even further, unto the reality of experience.

Lamaas asked, Pray, what is faith?

And Jesus Michael said, Faith is the surety of the omnipotence of God and man; the certainty that man will reach the deific life.

Salvation is a ladder reaching from the heart of man to the heart of God.

It has three steps; Belief Understanding and  Acceptance in the ideas of God is first, and this is what humankind think, perhaps, is truth merely by intellectual mind.

And faith idealization is next, and this is what humankind comes to know is truth by embodying the ideas into daily living.

Fruition reality is the last, and this is humankind themself, the truth of the reality they becometh over time, determination efforts, and decisions upheld.

Belief ideas are  transmuted unto faith idealization; and in fruition reality this becometh arisen unto its reality; and humankind is saved when s/he has reached the deific life; when s/he and God are one.

Michael of Nebadon

The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Spirit of Truth Proclamation

Thou child of quiet desperation of confusion and conflict and ensuing chaos .. I am come to raise my children of the earth unto childlike humility .. of growth in the meanings of the spiritual realities .. and of the maturing grace of character righteousness.

True and genuine inward certainty and everlasting security does not in the least fear outward analysis .. nor does truth resent honest criticism. 

You should never forget that intolerance is the mask covering up the entertainment of secret doubts as to the trueness of one’s belief. 

No man is at any time disturbed by his neighbor’s attitude when he has perfect confidence in the truth of that which he wholeheartedly believes. 

Courage is the confidence of thoroughgoing honesty about those things which one professes to believe. 

Sincere men are unafraid of the critical examination of their true convictions and noble ideals.

Where you discover the limits of your science and philosophy of intellectual pursuit...I merely begin with you in our Universe Association! 

On the second evening at The Salvington School, Juan Pablo asked Jesus Michael  this question: 

“Master, how can a new believer in your teaching really know, really be certain, about the truth of this gospel of the kingdom?”

And I, Jesus Christ Michael said to Juan Pablo of Spain: 

“Your assurance that you have entered into the kingdom family of the Father, and that you will eternally survive with the children of the kingdom, is wholly a matter of personal experience—faith in the word of truth. 

Spiritual assurance is the equivalent of your personal religious experience in the eternal realities of divine truth and is otherwise equal to your intelligent understanding of truth realities plus your spiritual faith and minus your honest doubts.

The 'Son' is naturally endowed with the life of the Father. Having been endowed with the living spirit of the Father, you are therefore sons and daughters of God. 

You survive your life in the material world of the flesh because you are identified with the Father’s living spirit, the gift of eternal life. 

Many, indeed, had this life before I came forth from the Father, and many more have received this spirit because they believed my word; but I declare that, when I return to the Father, he will send his spirit into the hearts of all women and men.

While you cannot observe the divine spirit at work in your minds, there is a practical method of discovering the degree to which you have yielded the control of your soul powers to the teaching and guidance of this indwelling spirit of the heavenly Father, and that is the degree of your love for your fellow men. 

This spirit of the Father partakes of the love of the Father, and as it dominates man, it unfailingly leads in the directions of divine worship and loving regard for one’s fellows. 

At first you believe that you are sons and daughters of God because my teaching has made you more conscious of the inner leadings of our Father’s indwelling presence; but presently the Spirit of Truth is now already poured out upon all flesh in this 21st century ever since my days of the 1st  century, and it will live amongst all men and women .. and teach all women and men, even as I now live amongst you and speak to you the words of truth. 

And this Spirit of Truth, speaking for the spiritual endowments of your souls, shall help you to know that you are the daughters and the sons of God. 

It will unfailingly bear witness with the Father’s indwelling presence, your spirit, then dwelling in all men and women as it now dwells in some, telling you that you are in reality the sons and daughters of God.

Michael of Nebadon
Urantia Revelation

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The Faith of Jesus Michael

The Nature of Jesus Michael’s Faith A. Absolute Trust in the Father Jesus Michael’s faith was total and unwavering. It was not conditioned o...