Michael Of Nebadon
Tuesday, September 25, 2018
God the Supremacy
Michael Of Nebadon
Friday, September 21, 2018
Mine Arrival
Blessed are the holy ones of the earth who heed Mine arrival upon thine shores.
I have told you that I would return to you in My Spirit Person .. and that I would knock upon the doorway of your hearts for admittance.
Admit Me to come in. Accept Me in My Father Son Persona in this 21st Century Bestowal Mission.
Greater works doth humankind have to perform in lifting themselves beyond the current predicament of the world crisis.
Greater fortunes are there to unearth .. and greater leagues hath man to become in his and her soul advancements.
I call thee .. I come in the humility of our covenant to grant thee a passageway through the dimensions of the earth.
Fulfill My command. Honor Me as your Sovereign Father Son sent to gather the readily receptive ones.
Bend thine knee in holy admiration to the Father Son Spirit who shall deliver thee into righteousness and respect.
Bend thine heart with the scaffolding of your service and silence. Adore the Trinity Parenthood of Eternity; for they alone shall distribute through Mine Persona the adventures and advantages of your ascendancy in Light and Life Everlasting.
Michael Of Nebadon
Thursday, September 20, 2018
Be thou Brave and Unflinching in thine Heart
Verily verily shall I give you of eternal wisdoms which penetrate the humanly crafted delusions of subjectivity which the societies of the world uphold in their ignorance and their perpetual admiration for untruth.
Seek Truth Absolute .. Unchangeable and Unwaveringly .. in thyself.
The Universal Father hath his Individualized Life which moves thee and gives thee motivations through all circumstance and every environment.
Thine discernment is needed. Thine subtle eye shall allow you to perceive that Father Life in thee.
Build thine mind unto its destiny by resting in God assurance in every moment. Grow thine character by way of the Vestments of the Creative Daughter Spirit. Refine thine senses so that you gain insight and vision of the Unassailable Truth of the Father's Life and Sovereignty.
Now .. are ye taking My Everlasting Vine of Consciousness. You are partaking generously of the unconventional and the unconquerable .. the unconditional emptiness which bringeth about thine fullness in the Universal Father shall be thine salvation.
I bid thee Grace and Purity and discriminatory boldness in growing your discerning heart and divinely perceiving mind.
Michael Of Nebadon
Saturday, September 15, 2018
Minister unto the Kingdoms of the Earth
I am advising each one of you to bring forth the glory of my Father’s kingdom, and as you do bring forth His Kingdom, put your trust in the Father whose individualizations you are.
Resist not the appearance of injustice; and put not your trust in the temporal and unsightly wickedness of the world's justice system.
Be thou willing to go through the temporal suffering of the appearances of injustice, and allow God's justice to reign supreme over all in your trust in Him.
Focus instead on being a kind and merciful minister to all that are within your sphere of influence.
Receive and minister patiently and attentively in kindness and with mercy to all who are in distress and in need.; for the world is full to overflowing with those souls who have good intent and yet, have become imprisoned by the karmas of their past intendings.
Help them to understand the law and how to fulfill it with unconditional love and acceptance, supreme knowledge and maturity, giving them your receivings with full attentive love.
Michael Of Nebadon
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