Sunday, February 24, 2019

The Eternalizing Word of the Primal Son

Salvington New School of the Planetary Prince instructs students to never pray as obligation nor as solely a religious duty.

Instead, the Ideal of Salvington permits you to develop a genuine faith and a spontaneous trust leading to the ennoblement of all mortal desires and human devotions .. the heights of an augmented spirit perception .. the awakening to truth as an objective love flourishing state of being bringing new insights into reality and the assuring purpose of your emergingsonship and daughtership with the Infinite Center and Source.

Prayer is a sincere expression of spiritual attitude enhancing all urges, a declaration of soul loyalty building alignment and a new momentum of allegiance, a recital of personal devotion as you are learning true healthy surrender, an expression of thanksgiving while growing in your appreciation for the eternal meanings, an avoidance of emotional tension in the transformation of every limited conflict and perplexing circumstance, a prevention of conflict as you are understanding your creative nature and divine identity, an exaltation of intellection as you raise the mind's usefulness into God knowing, an ennoblement of desire for the procession inwards to the One Absolute, a vindication of moral decision as you converge all choices into God's will, an enrichment of thought building clarity and poise, an invigoration of higher inclinations in developing your soul receptivity, a consecration of impulse and inclination awakening true strength to overcome all ephemeral oppositions, a clarification of viewpoint while illumining purpose and priority, a declaration of faithfulness in growing your personal relationship with Infinity Individualized, a transcendental surrender of will allowing you to become the very Ideal you are aspiring towards, a sublime assertion of confidence and spiritual expectations in bringing forward the indwelling Life while directly empowering conscious awareness, a revelation of courage to face the ephemeral darkness and to overcome its illusory nature, the proclamation of discovery in the assurance of survival of your endowment of personhood, a confession of supreme devotion rejuvenating trust and refreshing you into the glories of Spirit Adjuster collaboration, the validation of consecration bringing experience of the  spiritual realities gaining you spirit ennobling  insight and a righteousness of character, a technique for the adjustment of difficulties as you learn to sacrifice the unreal for the real, and the mighty mobilization of the combined emerging and immortalizing soul powers to withstand all human tendencies toward selfishness, evil, and sin.

You will come to live just such a life of intimate prayerful communion and joyous consecration to the doing of our Father’s will, and your life will expand and express itself triumphantly with just such a life of prayerful contact and Adjuster communication.

The secret of blossoming into this unparalleled religious spiritual life is in the  consciousness of the presence of God who lives in your midst; and you will attain to this wholehearted spirit transmutation by intelligent and intimate prayer, perpetual communion, and sincere adorational praiseful worship; each day building the fortifications of an unbroken contact and awakening communion with God .. and not by any extraordinary circumstances of mystical leadings, other-worldly voices, erratic and unreliable visions, or by the extraordinary religious doctrines, dogmas, and practices.

I have come to lead all sincere believers into all truth .. into the always expansive  knowledge of the experience of reality .. the actual mortal living and growing their spirit insight, divine perception, a spiritually-centric  consciousness of the reality of eternal and ascending sonship with God in the great procession of eternity.

I am come to baptise earnest believers of the gospel of the spirit with an extra-worldly fire of merciful love, a renewal of purpose and eternal priority and impulse towards the fulfillmentof your thirst for truth and hunger for Absolute advancement.

Your Comforter baptism begins with your education at The Global Village of Christ Michael and it's Illuminatum College of World Servers as a candidate for the second birth.

This baptismal fire of truth signifies your conscious reception of the gift of My Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter.

. . . and your personal acknowledgment of this new spiritual power shall become an augmentation of all spiritual influences previously experienced by you; my Truth Spirit is a conductor of merciful forgiveness .. a unifying force of goodness and an awakening power of truth .. a refreshing stimulant of the living Word of eternity for all God-seeking, God-aspiring, God-disciplining, and God-knowing personality souls upon the earth and every planetary civilization in our universe.

Michael Of Nebadon
Enhanced Urantia Revelations

Friday, February 22, 2019

Planetary School of Wisdom

Thou Global Villagers of Illuminatum College...

The bestowal of My Spirit of Truth provides for your everlasting expansion and your endless growth within the religious relationship which I live and the gospel which I am proclaiming to humanity during this new 21st Century Advent.

My Spirit guides you into all Truth and Love and Freedom...

My Comforter Consciousness is the Teacher Universal for every civilization within My Care. All enlightening civilizations have embarked upon the journey of fuller acknowledgment and adorational Praise and Gratitude of the Trinity Persons and Infinite Parenthood of life.

I come setting up the New School of the Planetary Prince .. and I come to instruct you in the glad tidings of our Eternity Engagement.

This New School is for the entire Civilization .. and is the beginning of thine race re-entrance .. the reordering of the planet back into the Order and Harmony of our universe.

The School is for every human being and for every Kingdom of life .. it is nurtures the expanding and always-growing Truth religion of endless progress and divine unfolding .. as there are those Celestial and Divine Personalities who serve with Me in fostering for all beings this great procession of Life.

This New School of the Planetary Prince works with My own Spirit of Truth which is the new teacher for human life.

In our Comforter Engagement .. I will be forever unfolding you into the truth-seeking believer that which is so divinely folded up in My Everlasting Persona and Eternal Nature.

As you arise and participate with Me .. so shall I give you the greater experience of love that you are searching for; for it is Absolute Love of God that resolves every struggle and survival challenge .. every psychological disorder and every disharmony becomes healed in the great pools of the Father's Love.

Salvington is the School of the New Planetary Prince .. a School of Wisdom Illumination and Progressive Ascendancy for the evolutionary progress of the Planetary Civilization, and all of these developments are always directed by My Eternal Persona .. the Holy Comforter Spirit Of Truth.

Salvington ushers in the Triune Epochal Revelation for the next three thousand year epoch upon the earth through Illumination with the Universe Spirit Mother, Revelation with the Revelatory Commission and Celestial Entourage of Divine Personalities who serve the planet at this time.

Verily do I say unto those with a mind receptive to Our Visionary Ideal .. and a personal free will eager to accomplish perfection .. desirous to conquer all personality challenges...

Thine Progressive Personality Ascendancy within My Universe Administration protects your free will .. fosters your spirit urges .. grows your godly impulses .. and it is My Eternity Spirit of Truth which shall carry you through every obstructing artifact within your soul, as you become receptively qualified to advance thyselves.

I bid thee eternal wisdom in your choices ..  and truth hunger determination in your willingness to advance thine universe career into eternal union with the All-loving Spirit Of God's Life in thee.

Michael Of Nebadon

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