Monday, September 30, 2019


Faith alone shall certainly begin your journey unto righteousness and truth .. love and compassion .. these shall initiate you .. yet you must transform thyselves into his will in order to discover the fruits of my Father’s spirit life.

By the emergence of his fruits of love and loyalty andvthe transcendence of lesser things shall you ascend into the progressive life of the divine fellowship.

Truly .. she and he who doeth the will of my Father God shall establish themselves in his kingdom of the heavens.

Michael Of Nebadon

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Advancement in the Universe

I bring you into the Universal fold which welcomes you with open arms; for My 21st Century entrance into the earth brings connection and collaboration with Infinity.

Universe upon all the universes await thine entrance into our culture together.

My religious spirituality is unbound by race and country. It unifies and integrates allegiance with the Universal Fatherhood and Motherhood of the One God.

Thine association with Me is neither dogmatic nor is it a new religion. You are meant to absorb truth .. to awaken truth .. to afix thine aspirations upon truth. All manifestations associated with the bestowal of My Comforter relationship in you shall accelerate thine unfoldments and advance thine character unto the pure morals of righteousness and reverence.

This ‘new teacher' is My Comforter Life surrounding thee, and I shall be received by you as you ask of Me .. inviting Me to participate with you and guide you upwards into all truth .. and this holy reception is accessible for all. All are included, and no one is above another.

Be of Mine apostles of the world who cherish the value of their Life .. their One God Life.

Our association together brings a more cosmic understanding .. a universal perspective .. a realization of right relationship with Me .. and a vibrancy .. enlivening your purpose which ushers you forth in this universality of mind .. heart .. body .. and thine personality soul.

I come to make plain and simple the Plan of Progressive Ascendancy for each personality soul; to open thine heart and fill it with Life more Absolute and Abundant. I fill you with a knowledge of your destiny .. and I acquaint thee with an understanding of your lifetimes of growth and advancement.

I am Christ Michael of Nebadon .. Esu Christ Michael of this Universal Home.

Michael Of Nebadon
City Of Christ Michael

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Purposeful Attentions of Divinity

Thou city dwellers of our holy alliance...

I tell thee .. mercy is thine divine  weaponry .. compassion thine truth-bearing shield .. for the Kingdom of light in you cometh imperceptibly and gently as you love thyself .. as you deliver thine separations .. as you love God the Father even greater than all things.

Mercy comes to the woman and man who wavers not in their embracing of Infinity.

Find thine counsel in Me. Reach and Invite Mine Comforter Spirit. Let us arise into this holy alliance and this allegiance with the Trinity Parenthood.

Say .. thou Michael .. Holy Comforter .. strengthen me in all the faith-generating ways that I am weakened .. build upward my personality trust in the goodness of God the Father.

Let not the ephemeral bindings of worldly thoughts entrap you and hold ye afar from Me.

I am a Sovereign Father Son overflowing with God's limitless mercy and compassion.

My Universal Heart knows of thine struggles in the flesh.

I stand closer to you .. even than the pores of thine garment of fleshly skin.

I say that the hour for My counsel is ripening for thee. Ye have been drawn into My universal fold, so that all lifetimes of thine learning shall becometh quickened into wisdom and unconditional love.

Pestilences of feeling and thought do cause thee to decay and divide thine Godly interests. Allow not the poverties of slander and judgement and rebellion to place its wax over thine ear .. to smother thine sight with the fallen usurpation of rebelliousness and rancorous distraction.

Findeth thy way to My Life in thee...

All who are of righteousness and respect shall not be kept back from their inheritance of union with Me .. with the Universal Father's Life.

Defile never thine heart with acts of wickedness and waywardness .. disguise not thine goodness under the guise of pretending and appearing .. be as the Archangels who have a character of consistency and coordination in loving service and fruit-bearing worship.

Performeth thine deeds of holiness and gentility upon the needy and the worthy ones who are apt to receive of Us with gratefulness and tenderly spoken words of appreciation; for as you act with respect, so shall you become respected .. and as you relate with reverence for all lives .. so shall your reverence be revered in the heaven of heavens.

I am come unto you once more .. to dissolve thine expectations for immediate satisfaction .. to embolden thee with tolerance and tenacity .. and to raise thine faith convictions unto true adorational worship and wisdom.

Michael Of Nebadon
The City of Christ Michael

Monday, September 2, 2019

True Prayerful Living

Urantia Fellows who thirst and reach in prayer to the Universal Father and his Spirit Life within ...

Thine prayer shall be a petition .. a demonstration of your sincere trust reliance upon the Parenthood of God.

Prayer becometh the personality purifier and sanctifier of every urge and desire; you are raised and cleansed daily as you reach in sincerity .. as you worship in love and humility .. and as you develop those consecration attitudes of Progressive Ascendancy which would elevate thine mental thpughts beyond negativity and criticism .. ennobling thine priorities and expanding thine purposeful relations with the Father's Adjuster Spirit Life.

(1618.6) 144:2.2 “Prayer is entirely a personal and spontaneous expression of the attitude of the soul toward the spirit; prayer should be the communion of sonship and the expression of fellowship.

Prayer, when indited by the spirit, leads to co-operative spiritual progress.

The ideal prayer is a form of spiritual communion which leads to intelligent worship.

True praying is the sincere attitude of reaching heavenward for the attainment of your ideals.

Michael Of Nebadon
Urantia Fellowship

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