Sunday, May 24, 2020

I Give Thee of My Life

I give thee of My wisdom and love as given to Me by the Infinity of the Paradise Persons of the One Deity...

Thine transformative consciousness emerges by Love Everlasting .. the One Father Mother brought forth into your human expressionand experience.

Transformation is the natural offspring resulting from an ennobling planetary culture .. of true ideas .. and well incorporated in the life of the individual .. a steady and persistent soul growth of personality flowering .. and its character attributes elevating unto all that exalts human consciousness .. above all the imperfect forms of thought, feeling, and  immature judgment. 

Universal Love underlies and builds up the entire superstructure of the human life.

The primal condition of the Spirit of Life becoming preeminent in your life attentions and values easily builds up the physical body and mind. 

Love is not free .. nor can it ever be; it has freedom in its own sphere .. yet, not to interfere with, or transcend, other faculties; it is free to choose .. it is not free to cast aside duties once assumed. 

When you have once decided to fulfill the way of the Eternity .. the fact that this decision is final and unwaveringly wholehearted .. is a potent cause for permanency in the life of the personhood.

Ye shall become that portion of personalized Eternity in the universe of universes.

Michael Of Nebadon
Michael Sananda Maitreya

Revelations upon the Mount of Nebadon

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