Thursday, November 26, 2020

Salvington is Salvation for Humanity

The Mission of Salvington is to initiate a new era of religious spirituality, the Advent of the Holy Spirit .. the Holy Comforter .. the Holy Parenthood of God .. the Holy Family of all creatures and beings in every kingdom of life in our Universe Home.

To heal all divisiveness, bless every creature with God's Mercy and Forgiveness, prosper all individuals with personal knowledge and self understanding of their divine heritage, educate each receptively ready individual in their natural and inherent free will creative powers, enlighten all personalities in the Progressive Ascendancy of the Interdimensional Personhood Soul, illuminate each child of the One Infinite God with a renewal of mind and a regeneration of heart and a resurrecting faith conviction and trusting reliance with the Trinity Parenthood of Life, accelerate each evolving creature and being with the Way of Victorious Living, graduate each into their destiny of Cosmic Citizenship and Universal Immortality!

The Way of God Victory in the Foundational V's of the Universe Mother Spirit and the Cardinal V's of the Universe Father Son Michael 

The Truth of God Authority and Personality Authorship in becoming the Self Directive Governor of your life and world

The Life of Prayerful Intimacy Worshipful Communion .. Giving Reciprocity .. with the Infinite Trinity Circuits of Omnipresent Love, Omniscient Wisdom Intelligence, and Omnipotent Mind Spirit and Power.

Salvington nurtures the individual personality’s experiential unfolding wisdom and understanding knowledge of God and his Pure Objectivity of Love, the mortal personality’s progressive attainment by it's intended design for transmutative evolutionary personality mind and emerging immortal soul illumination, and the personality soul’s developing powers and prerogatives and purposes of its personality ascendancy in the Kingdom family of the Trinity Parenthood.

Arc of Ascendancy is your New Trajectory 

Adonai Of Ascendancy is our Educational Curriculum

Divine Precepts and Eternal Instructions for Apostles Worldwide shall make you the immortalized sons and daughters of Infinity 

The Way of God Victory in the Universal Father develops personality character, consciousness, and consideration...

The Universe Mother Spirit Ministry...
1. Vestments of mind development and character maturing and soul growth

2. Values of personality advancement in the Cosmic Circles of Ascendancy

3. Virtues of Soul Emergence

The Universe Father Son Michael begins with Vision, Verities,  and Volitions...
1. Vision
This divine plan of perfection attainment embraces three unique, though marvelously correlated, enterprises of universal adventure:

The Plan of Progressive Attainment. 
This is the Universal Father’s plan of evolutionary ascension, a program unreservedly accepted by the Eternal Son when he concurred in the Father’s proposal, “Let us make mortal creatures in our own image.” This provision for upstepping the creatures of time involves the Father’s bestowal of his Life Spirit and the endowing of material creatures with the prerogatives of personality.

The Bestowal Plan. 
The next universal plan is the great Father-revelation enterprise of the Eternal Son and his coordinate Sons. This is the proposal of the Eternal Son and consists of his bestowal of the Sons of God upon the evolutionary creations, there to personalize and factualize, to incarnate and make real, the love of the Father and the mercy of the Son to the creatures of all universes. 

Inherent in the bestowal plan, and as a provisional feature of this ministration of love, the Paradise Sons act as rehabilitators of that which misguided creature will has placed in spiritual jeopardy. Whenever and wherever there occurs a delay in the functioning of the attainment plan, if rebellion, perchance, should mar or complicate this enterprise, then do the emergency provisions of the bestowal plan become active forthwith. The Paradise Sons stand pledged and ready to function as retrievers, to go into the very realms of rebellion and there restore the spiritual status of the spheres. And such a heroic service a coordinate Creator Son continues to perform on this planetary sphere in connection with his experiential bestowal career of sovereignty acquirement.

The Plan of Mercy Ministry. 
When the attainment plan and the bestowal plan had been formulated and proclaimed, alone and of himself, the Infinite Spirit projected and put in operation the tremendous and universal enterprise of mercy ministry. This is the service so essential to the practical and effective operation of both the attainment and the bestowal undertakings, and the spiritual personalities of the Third Source and Center all partake of the spirit of mercy ministry which is so much a part of the nature of the Third Person of Deity. Not only in creation but also in administration, the Infinite Spirit functions truly and literally as the conjoint executive of the Father and the Son.

Michael of Nebadon 

Friday, November 20, 2020

Las Actitudes de la Ascendencia

Las Actitudes de la Ascendencia

No entreguéis vuestra oración por las cosas de este mundo. Vuestro Padre ya sabe lo que deseáis, y más aún, lo que necesitaréis para cumplir su gloria y voluntad, su plan de perfección.

En cambio, orad por la comprensión de vuestro camino, vuestro acercamiento a vosotros mismos, amados. Orad para que se borren las miserias y los malentendidos que vosotros mismos habéis creado y que habéis perpetrado sobre vosotros mismos a lo largo de las vidas de experiencia y de evolución.

Ore para que os alineéis con él en todos los sentidos, para que aprendáis a estar íntimamente rodeados de Su investidura, para que encontréis el coraje y el ingenio para entregar lo que es irreal al abrazar la eternidad en cada aplicación diaria de estos preceptos de la Trinidad del Paraíso, y para sacrificar el yo inferior por la mayor integridad y sanación.

Orad para que descubráis la fuerza y ​​la fortaleza para hacer crecer vuestro carácter en vuestras actitudes y comprensiones cooperativas.

Orad para que construyáis una asociación eterna con Nosotros ... la Madre y Yo; pues todo se os da para vuestro logro evolutivo progresivo, y simplemente se espera vuestra comprensión y uso maduros.

Orad para que construyáis la alianza personal de vuestra alma con el Espíritu de otorgamiento del Padre Universal a través de vuestra confianza fiel y vuestra comunión espiritual recíproca y vuestra relación con Él.

Vuestra cooperación concentrada, dedicación y devoción a Su Causa en la expansión de vuestra Luz… el Reino interior de Su realidad.

Orad para que os volváis llenos de Su gloria y perfección al honrar su ley y vuestro acercamiento hacia la libertad y a la verdadera maestría.
Orad para que vosotros desatéis vuestra propia soberanía al adheriros al Reino de Su propia Soberanía y Supremacía.

Orad, para que a través de esta comunión espiritual recíproca y vuestra relación de fe y confianza, podáis dar a luz vuestras propias realizaciones, vuestras percepciones espirituales y las percepciones divinas de Su inminente presencia y gloria que espera vuestra adhesión, vuestras disciplinas, vuestra obediencia y maravilla y vuestro asombro sobre Él.

Porque de cierto os digo que todo aquel que diga hacia las luchas y contiendas de este mundo: Sed vosotros removidos, y echaos hacia la transmutación de la luz; y no dudéis en vuestro corazón ni en vuestra mente, sino que creed que las cosas que él dice sucederán; él dará testimonio de vuestra transfiguración en luz y plenitud, hacia la sanación y el perdón.

El tendrá todo lo que diga. Por tanto, Yo os digo que todo lo que deseéis cuando vosotros oréis, creed ahora en este momento perpetuo de la eternidad que ya las habéis recibido y las tendréis. Porque vuestra fe es el motor infinito ... el poder animador y el agente transmutativo que fomenta la unión y la manifestación que se produce en las actividades de espiritualización y elevación de la mente, el pensamiento y el sentimiento humanos ... y el desencadenamiento de la gracia y el poder del espíritu.

Christ Michael of Nebadon
Oficina el Primer Contacto

The Attitudes of Ascendancy

Give thine prayer not for the things of this world. Thine Father already knows what ye may desire, and even more so, what ye will need to fulfill his glory and will, his plan of perfection.

Instead, pray for understanding of his way, his approach unto himself, beloveds. Pray for the erasure of your own self-created miseries and misunderstandings that you have perpetrated upon yourself over the lifetimes of experience and evolution.

Pray, that you align with him in all ways, that you learn to become intimately encircuited in His Endowment, that you find the courage and wit to surrender what is unreal by embracing eternity in each daily application of these precepts of Paradise Trinity, and to sacrifice the lesser self for the greater wholeness and healing.

Pray, that you discover the strength and fortitude to grow thine character into his cooperative attitudes and understandings.

Pray, that you build eternal association with Us … the Mother and I; for all is given to you for your progressive evolutionary attainment, and simply waits upon your ripened understanding and use.

Pray, that you build your personal soul alliance with the bestowal Spirit of the Universal Father through thine faithful trust and thine reciprocal spiritual communion and relationship with Him.

Thine cooperative concentrated dedication and devotion to His Cause in the expansion of your Light … the inner Kingdom of His reality.

Pray, that you become filled with His glory and perfection by honoring his law and his approach into freedom and true mastery.

Pray, that you unleash thine own sovereignty by adhering to the Kingdom of His own Sovereignty and Supremacy.

Pray, that through this reciprocal spiritual communion and relationship of faith and trust, that you birth thine own realizations, thine spiritual insights and divine perceptions of His imminent presence and glory which waits upon thine adherence, thine disciplines, thine obedience and wonder and awe of Him.

For verily, I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto the struggles and strifes of this world, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the transmutation of light; and shall not doubt in his heart and mind, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall bear witness to their transfiguration into light and wholeness, unto healing and forgiveness.

He shall have whatsoever he saith. Therefore I say unto you, what things soever ye desire when ye pray, believe now in this everlasting moment of eternity that ye have received them already, and ye shall have them. For thine faith is the infinite mover … the animating power, and the transmutative agent that fosters union and manifestation to come about in the spiritualizing and raising activities of human mind and thought and feeling … and the unleashing of the grace and power of the spirit.

Christ Michael of Nebadon
Office of First Contact

Thursday, November 5, 2020

City of Michael

Thou seekers of advancement and soul refinement...

Discernment brings thee freedom .. and it is this volition of mind which shall awaken thee in good measure beyond death and degeneration and divisions and dissension; for thine personhood shall be discovering its connection relationship with the Father's Reality which is his very Kingdom of Heaven.

Our Engagement of Eternity is a Living Reality that I call you to enter into. And in this you must discard all your own subjectively qualified notions of Truth and Reality; for My Wine of the Universal Father's Ideal shall not mix well with thine own wines of preconceived opinions about the approach to the Father's Life and Kingdom. In our association, you shall be faith trust discovering thyselves  as daughters and sons. Your relationship with Me .. with the Father Son Spirit .. hath a new quality .. a tender reciprocity .. a devouring desire .. which quickens you within My baptism of everlasting fire.

My Love is a fire that ignites thine atomic structures .. giving  thee Life in greater portions; as you are becoming lifted out from the collective race consciousness; as you are raised and made ready for the higher worlds; in this I have attempted to tell thee; that in My Father's House are manifold worlds without end which shall be those residential landing achievements for those individuals who believe as I believe, and live as I am presently living My own life in the garment of ephemerality.

And these worlds are actualities for many millions and trillions of others of My Universal Fold .. other creatures from many a world who have My Universal Hand upon their very brow .. guiding each precious jewel of personhood into their reception of the greater Life of My Father.

Hence .. our Fellowship catapults thee unto becoming the privileged sons and daughters of a loving and divine Father .. an Infinity Parenthood .. and the qualities of this religious relationship shall mature in thee only as you taketh thine rightful steps forward with My Hand upon thine personhood.

Verily, verily, I say to you, when the Father’s will is thine law .. then, ye shall merely be touching the living hem of his garment .. you are beginning thine evolutionary journey with Me .. hardly yet are you established in his kingdom. 

Yet, the Father’s will becometh truly your will from that place of greater union and cooperative collaboration, then are you truthfully entering into the kingdom of the heavens .. you are identifying in your holy allegiance with He and I .. the kingdom is becoming your own more established reality realization .. his Existential Thought Ideal is expanding in thee unto this Expressionful Perfection of Personality Ascendancy. It is a demonstration of your perfectionizing personhood which hath momentums generated towards graduation in the Second Birth.

Only now, shall your Experiential Acts in living be well attuned in righteousness and reverence .. respect for Life Everlasting .. so much so that your mortally-originated viewpoints and experiences are elevated with Me into the more abundantly prosperous Life Eternal. 

When the Father's will is thine own inheritance of protection and love and safety and assurance realized .. wherein joy and happiness abound .. then, are you ennobled in experience and in Truth.

You are no longer mere subjects and slaves to an 'imposing law' which seems to come from outside of you .. but as you believe in My resurrected gospel of divine daughtership and sonship .. then My Father’s will becomes your will and your way of life. You are elevated unto the exaltations of this higher relation .. this majestic position of all the free worlds of  ennobled children of God. You are beginning thine ascent as the liberated sons and daughters of the Kingdom of Progressive Ascendancy.

I sayeth to those personalities who art prone to be listening intently for My Word in spirit and in truth, and also in Its enlivening and materializing Influence... 

Paradise .. as ye may call it .. is the very throne of the Infinity of God .. the One Unnameable and Indescribable and Ineffable Glory and Power and Goodness and Truth and Love who hath created all .. and brought forth all Life from out of Himself. 

Paradise is the everlasting beginningless and endless dwelling place of the Person of the Father. Throughout all the heaven of heavens .. ever does he fill all things .. ever does he hold all worlds in his creation in the palm of his Hand .. forever shall he proclaim his laws and his ways to the universes upon universes. 

And the Universal Father has given a portion of his Life .. with the intention and plan to expand this Life .. to rule as Loving Majesty within the hearts and minds of all his children on earth and in all the manifold worlds of his creation. And, by the very Spirit of this Life which he hath sent to live within the emerging immortal mind and soul of every morally-centric creature .. shall you discover your blossoming reciprocity of relationship giving you all happiness and harmonious living .. overflowing with justice and order and trustworthiness shall you unfold thine divinity nature.

I come into your human viewpoint to further gain your perspectives .. to view as you view .. to walk as you walk .. to live as you are living. And I call thee forth to also view as I view .. to live as I am living .. to walk as I AM .. from the perspective of the Trinity Host and the Sons of Paradise .. from the point of view of Creator, Upholder, Preserver, Sustainer, and the Establisher of Life in the hearts and bodies and minds of all creatures.

Michael Of Nebadon

City of Christ Michael

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