Thursday, December 30, 2021

True Religiousness

I am come unto the plains of the earth bringing true religion .. authentic spirituality .. the genuine way of direct and personal spiritual relations with the Living Spirit of Truth .. the Holy Spirit .. and the Father's Life within.

I sayeth unto you .. leave behind the false organized religions of confused doctrines which pretend to speak of My Way .. artificially designed controls and superficial dogmas to keep you dependent and disempowered.

Awaken beyond the manipulation and the church's call for fairy tale stories about my Person .. blind obedience and phony authoritarianism .. they who pretend to conduct religions in My Name are in the darkness and shall be unable to bring freedom to you .. incapacitated to represent me and the gospel of true religiousness.

Enter the real and the true with Me .. engage with Me directly in Spirit and in Truth .. partake of our Universe Association of Ascendancy bringing you unto the greater Light and the Illumination of Life. 

Jesus Christ Michael of Nebadon

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The Faith of Jesus Michael

The Nature of Jesus Michael’s Faith A. Absolute Trust in the Father Jesus Michael’s faith was total and unwavering. It was not conditioned o...