Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Knowledge Everlasting

The knowledge of how to approach Him in you is my Everlasting Gospel .. how to give thyself to thine Adjuster Godhood necessary preparing of mortal selfhood into greater self-consciousness .. self-determinative powers .. and a fuller experience of self-ceeative empowering.

In this Universal Knowledge of Understanding, you are engaging with existence .. extending existence and his highest values .. expressing existence with his fullest virtues .. emanating existence with conscious capacities .. expanding existence with character righteousness .. experiencing existence one day soon as a candidate of Cosmic Citizenship.

You begin the upward trajectory into the soul vesture capable of the greater experience of God...

God the Father — Creator, Controller, and Upholder. The Universal Father, the First Person of Deity.

God the Son — Co-ordinate Creator, Spirit Controller, and Spiritual Administrator. The Eternal Son, the Second Person of Deity.

God the Spirit — Conjoint Actor, Universal Integrator, and Mind Bestower. The Infinite Spirit, the Third Person of Deity.

God the Supreme — the actualizing or evolving God of time and space. Personal Deity associatively realizing the time-space experiential achievement of creature-Creator identity. 

The Supreme Being is personally experiencing the achievement of Deity unity as the evolving and experiential God of the evolutionary creatures of time and space.

God the Sevenfold — Deity personality anywhere actually functioning in time and space. The personal Paradise Deities and their creative associates functioning in and beyond the borders of the central universe and power-personalizing as the Supreme Being on the first creature level of unifying Deity revelation in time and space. 

This level, the grand universe, is the sphere of the time-space descension of Paradise personalities in reciprocal association with the time-space ascension of evolutionary creatures.

Christ Michael

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The Faith of Jesus Michael

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