Sunday, September 8, 2024

The Glories of Eternity

Mine earthly children .. I teach ye to transmute a curse of thine circumstances unto a blessing of extraordinary benevolence .. of golden opportunity to grow, to open wider thine heart and mind into the glories of Eternity.

Those who have received the Adjuster Light .. they who have reached into a fuller Illumination by living the true life of Prayerful Intimacy Communion .. of Worshipful Adorational Praise and Collaboration .. they do knoweth Him. 

Only through this Progressive Ascendancy of Illumination .. through developing by moral choices their character righteousness .. by finding the Indwelling One .. shall ye know Him. 

As this unfoldment of Grace and Generosity bring forth your personal  illumination .. as this unifying benevolence with God in you is accomplished .. shall you and all of  humankind enter into the Kingdom of the Heavens. 

Ye shall no longer be of the world .. ye shall be of the Soul Vesture .. ye shall  knoweth the vestments of deliverance .. the virtues of transcendence .. the vision of God sovereignty. 

Ye shall be walking with Me unto the living garment of Immortality.

Michael Of Nebadon

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The Glories of Eternity

Mine earthly children .. I teach ye to transmute a curse of thine circumstances unto a blessing of extraordinary benevolence .. of golden op...