Friday, January 12, 2018

Salvington Planetary Campus and Spirit Retreat

University Of Salvington is an American Private White Lily League School offering an educational fellowship leading into Universal Citizenship.
The Salvington Corporation is the governing body of Salvington, University Of Salvington, Salvington University, Salvington Divinity School, and the Michael Of Nebadon Foundation.
The Corporation is a private religious and educational association and an illuminated fellowship communion with the Creator Father Son Michael and the Infinite Universe Mother Spirit.
Founded in 2011 in the Pacific Northwestern United States, the Corporation disseminates the Public Teaching and Healing Trust of Michael Of Nebadon and His Universe Administration. His public ministry is an epochal revelation furthering the universal teachings of the Sons and Daughters of God.
University Of Salvington Divinity School is a private experience driven educational seminary established to offer students an illuminated educational fellowship and divine association with the Universe Father Son and Universe Spirit. It is located in the Pacific Northwest of the USA.
Founded in 2014 in Oregon USA, the school’s mission is to train and prepare individual personalities in their evolutionary paradise career especially in regards to candidacy for graduation into Universal Citizenship.
Salvington University is a private White Lily League Seminary and School of pure religious development; it’s society fosters in the individual intellect supreme emancipation and in the spiritual heart a supremacy of growth in character and an unfoldment of consciousness into soul revelations through the approach of the Persons of the Trinity Absolute, the universal attitudes of ascendancy, and the attentions of advancement.
While the school is governed by the Salvington Corporation, the school’s faculty oversees its curriculum and non-degree granting programs.
In addition to our vision for a 1,000 acre central campus in Siskiyou County Ca, Salvington Corporation intends to own extensive amounts of land and other assets such as forest and nature preserves in the Northern California and Pacific Northwestern USA.
The school’s vision for assets include an endowment valued at just over $1 billion, the largest of any educational seminary institution.
The Salvington Planetary Campus and its divine curriculum is the planetary locale for the University of Salvington of Wisdom and Illumination which has its main headquarters campus situated at the Salvington Headquarters for this Universe. It is the oldest and largest educational institution within Nebadon.
Salvington is the very first of its kind in offering the formal preparations for individuals to attain to the eternal embrace of perfected union with the Spirit of the Universal Father’s Life Bestowal; Universal Citizenship into Light and Life through the development of pure righteousness in character through the way of Victories in the advancements into the Kingdom of God, the Fatherhood Of God and the Universal Brotherhood of Nebadon, and in the demonstration of the wisest use of the human creative powers of free will and its daily choices and decisions .. Values and priorities.
Salvington is the Educational Trust of The Salvington Corporation. The Corporation and its global educational fellowship and worldwide communion prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, national or ethnic origin, age, religion, marital status, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression in all programs, activities and employment practices.
Copyright© 2018 The Salvington Corporation.

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