Monday, February 19, 2018

Planetary Campus and Spirit Retreat of Salvington

Our Salvington precepts as given by the Universe Son Michael provide both a living balm of comfort for living in the world yet not precisely of it, and a pathway upward and inward towards the destiny of the second birth of immortality which bring the individual personality into a greater and more refined life of light and life through the omnipotence of God’s forgiving love.

In terms of our adequate symbolism for these new and expanding ideas, ideals, and loyalties, our enhanced symbol arises out of soils of proper and righteous religious living, spiritual experience, and the disciplines of true understanding. Salvington offers the civilization a higher and brighter symbolism befitting a higher and more elevated civilization, and this construct is predicated on the concept of the Parenthood of God .. the Fatherhood of God, and it is impregnated with the motivations for exalted fulfilling service to the mighty ideal of the brotherhood and sisterhood of humanity and the kingdoms of the earth.

The olden cultures through the centuries of evolutionary development for the race has been too egocentric; the new upraised cultural norm must be a beacon of living experience which brings the individual into their own respect and dignity of personhood; each individual realization and its concurrent actualizations must be the outgrowth of applied loving mercy and faithful trust-bearing intimacy with the Infinite Father, Son, and Spirit of the Trinity.

Our cultural atmosphere at Salvington is of this new enlightened and awakened culture which must substantiate itself through true religious experience and advancement; and like the old cultures which have been the establishing force for this current civilization, our principles, precepts, and powers of individual freedom do certainly intend to foster deep and exhilarating sentiment caused by an individual’s decision to ‘walk within the unlimited avenues of truth’, satisfying emotional clarity and joy by becoming aligned with what is true and real, and the always potent alliance and allegiance with the Center and Source of existence which promotes loyalty and peace; but it must do more: It must facilitate spiritual advancement for the individual and the civilization. It must augment the prior revealings of truth and understanding progress, enhance cosmic meanings, augment moral values and the everlasting virtues of the universes, encourage social development, and stimulate a high type of personal religious living.

At Salvington, we offer these declarations for the individual personality to climb the great ascendancy of their own advancements into the Kingdom of God.

The new societal and collegiate culture must provide supreme goals of living which are both temporal and eternal — social and spiritual.

No culture can endure and contribute to the progress of social civilization and individual spiritual attainment unless it is based on the biologic, sociologic, and religious significance of the family, the nucleus of the home. A surviving and advancing culture must symbolize that which is permanent in the presence of unceasing change; it must glorify that which unifies the stream of ever-changing social metamorphosis. It must recognize true meanings, exalt beautiful relations, and glorify the good values of real nobility.

Salvington overrides the present disabilities which the culture hath brought upon itself. It understands the great difficulty of finding a new and satisfying symbolism which can outlast the modern person’s adherence with a mind that originates from animal and mechanical origins. Modern men and women, as a collective group, adhere to the scientific and intellectual rationale - attitudes of personal subjectivity which seek to find their absolutes within the realm and range of mankind’s mental perturbations.

The modern civilization as it stands today must eschew superstition, abhor ignorance and arrogance, and individuals, while craving to know and understand the Absoluteness of Life must allow themselves to enter into the unknown, to crave mystery and to accept the mysterious and unknown workings which have been in place since the beginning of all creation. Human beings have been erringly taught to venerate the unknown and to produce certainty even when no such certainty can be found outside of living within the very presence and power of the Nameless God. No culture can survive unless it embodies some masterful mystery and conceals some worthful unattainable ideal.

Our Salvington Ideal comes directly from the Second Center and Divine Source through the embodiment of Christ Michael. Our school fosters and nourishes a newly revived symbolism which is not only significant for the group civilization but also inherently meaningful to the individual in his and her progressive evolutionary ascent into the order of the new humanity - immortal and free from all darkness and misunderstood God principles. The forms of our curriculum serve modern humankind in their thirst for advancement and maturity; and any serviceable symbolism or directive of intent must be those which the individual can carry out on his own initiative with the collaborative guidance and assistance of those who have come before him.  Personalities must find their drive and motivations to succeed in this new culture, and which he and she can also enjoy advancing with his fellows. The new culture of Salvington is a dynamic force for goodness, truth, and beauty. It abhors the static,  and it contributes something essentially worthwhile and absolutely meaningful to the progress of humankind, touching upon the needs of both the temporal and spiritual.

The Salvington collegiate culture — it is declared revolutionary in its simplicity, and its conscious symbolism bypasses the rituals, slogans, or goals of complexity and over-sophistication. Salvington will thrive and prosper in accordance with the individual's demands for devotion, freedom, liberties of every sort, and the unwavering response of the personhood for building its loyalty to God, its allegiance for his way and truth, and the necessary adorational dedications which raise humankind into the spheres where destiny awaits.

Every effective religion unerringly develops a worthy ideal and a practical symbolism, and its devotees must offset any tendencies for stagnation by over-crystallization of such a fellowship with the Trinity Persons of Infinite expression. The old days of meaningless ritual and senseless attempts to cramp, deform, and stifle the individual through primitively charged stereotyped ceremonials which can only handicap and retard all social, moral, and spiritual progress - these fixed and formulated dogmatic coffins bring only discontent and failure for the personality in its ascent into knowledge and courage, understanding wisdom and intuition, counsel and the absolute purities of worship.

No collegiate culture can survive if it retards moral growth and fails to foster spiritual progress. The culture of Salvington is the skeletal structure around which grows the living and dynamic body of personal spiritual experience — true religion.

Salvington Planetary Campus and Spirit Retreat

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