Sunday, December 30, 2018


This kingdom of sovereignty which you are to go forth proclaiming is the desire of the good men and women of all ages, it is the hope of all the earth, and the fulfillment of the wise and sturdy promises of all the prophets and teachers of olden times.

But for you, My children, and for all others who would follow you into this Sovereign Kingdom of Love, there is a price to pay .. a severe test. Faith alone will pass you through its doorway, but you shall bring forth the fruits of My Father’s spirit only as you increase the capacity of mind to receive through the Vestments of Mind, the Values of Eternity, and the Virtues of the Universe Spirit Mother.
...and even so and ever further, shall you discover your inheritance as you uphold Mine Vision, act upon its Precepts and Verities of the heart, and hail into actualization the Volitions of character-making and consciousness accelerating.

As ye would continue to ascend into the progressive life everlasting of the divine fellowship, I sayeth unto thee, not all who say, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter into the vibratory realms of sovereignty and serenity which My Father's Kingdom offers .. for this Kingdom of heaven requires of you the all and the everything. You shall learn to give thyself to the Individualized Infinity by cooperating with the life plan, fulfilling the great law, and then, living the will of Paradise through your own God Identity. He and she who doeth the will of My Father who is in heaven shall be entering daily in this God Immersion and God Illumination leading into the graduation ceremony of God Immortality at some certain point in your incarnated lifetimes.

Your service to the world shall be: Seek first the Kingdom of God and enter into this new and old reality by your Prayerful Intimacy and Reciprocal Spiritual Communion, thine building upwards of a character of righteousness and honor in your relationship with the Divine Gift of Life; and as ye fulfill these requirements, all thine life and world shall realign and re-empower and a powerful resurgence of body, mind, and heart shall lift you into realms of mercy and joy .. purpose and meaning .. direction and decision. You shall be accelerated and gradually raised upon the wings of thine faith and trust. And this empowering daily alignment of thine personhood shall find itself refined and resurrected into this One Universal Alignment with the Omnipotence of Love and Forgiveness; thine personality soul survival shall be secured therewith.

And now I would make it clear and simple to you that this Kingdom of My Father will not come with any vain outward showing of power, nor shall it be revealed through the vulgarities of the the trinkets of world-rearing signs and wonders, and it shall not emerge with any unseemly demonstrations of bright lights and momentary feelings of inspiration which would remove you from the task of growing thine faith and building thine trust in the One Presence and Glory.

You are not to go forward in the proclamation of the Kingdom, saying, ‘it is here at Salvington’ or ‘it is there at some certain location in the world terrain,’ for this Kingdom of which we shall preach is God within you .. his Glory and Power cometh directly and through your own wholehearted willingness and daily reaching and rectifying. His eternal nourishment shall come upon thee in just this simplicity of way as you open to make of thine selfhood a receptacle of the soul's truth.

Whosoever would become of service and selflessness .. sacrifice and surrender in My Father’s Kingdom shall become a sovereign shepherd unto all Mine Body; and whosoever would be first among you to take upon himself the task of this further revelation, let him and her become the servant by demonstration of their trustworthy reliance upon the Host of the Heavens and their Mother Spirit who fosters continually all grace and merciful ministrations for the benevolence of all.

Let these first few shepherds of Salvington be immersed in and of the living humility necessary to reveal God's Purity and Poise .. his Perfection and Persistence of Love to overwhelm all else.

Now .. are you walking with Me into the Kingdom of Mercy and Freedom. But when you are once truly received as Universal Citizens in the heavenly Kingdom of this Immortality, you are no longer servants who hold themselves apart from the Totality, but ye are the great and grand sons and daughters of the living God.

And so shall this Kingdom progress in the world until it shall dissolve the mists of ephemeral bondage for all creatures and kingdoms. It shall break down every barrier while bringing all personalities into the knowledge and understanding of My Father who is a Universal Spirit everywhere present .. and those who declare to themselves the validity of My teachings shall at once propel themselves into the everlasting believing grace .. in the saving truth .. and in this merciful revelation .. which I have come to declare. Even now at this very time is the Kingdom at hand, it is accessible and available for all those who will follow in My Way, Truth, and Life.

And as you partake of this inheritance of mind and soul and body physical .. then some of you will not die but you will bypass the gates of death while taking upon thine mortal frame the immortal garment of everlasting light and life. You will have awakened into the reign of God who hath come in great power and purity.

And this which your mortal sight beholds in My works at Salvington shall multiply and grow until eventually the whole earth shall be filled with the adorational acknowledgement and all-powerful praise of My Father.

Alas .. it will not be so much by thine thoughts you think nor by the hollow words that you may speak .. but it shall be according to your acts and demonstrations of love and compassion, mercy and understanding, willingness and generosity .. purity and humility.

The lives you live shall radiate to all others even before you step forth into their realms of society .. so much so that .. all women and men will know you have been with Me .. and that they have failed to afford themselves this opportunity which we together have bestowed upon ourselves .. and through you these men and women who come afterwards shall have learned of the realities of the Kingdom and the teachings of Eternity.

And while I would place no further demand upon thine countenance .. nor lay no hardships upon your minds, I am declaring unto you the sovereign responsibilities to put thyself in contact with those searching ones, the seekers who desire, and the aspirants who crave their freedom through the Absoluteness of My Father's Trinity Truth .. that you reach to others in this spirit of generosity and patient giving, long-suffering and tolerance for what each must undergo to afford for themselves the Second Birth into this Kingdom of Sovereignty and Supremacy.

I place upon thine shoulders the holy and solemn responsibility of representing Me in the world to all others .. for there will be a time in the fortuitous moments of the future when I am no longer walking with you in this ephemeral garment of flesh and pore, and when I shall presently leave with the renewal of your mind and the transfiguring of your heart .. so that you are capable to be Mine agents for planetary change and transformation.

Christ Michael Of Nebadon

University Of Salvington

University Of Salvington is a White Lily League Private University. The University is organized around its Triune Campus of the Global Village, Salvington University and College Trinity Retreats, and Salvington Trinity School.

The City Of Michael and Salvington Yard allow visitors from the public to experience the collegial culture of Salvington.

Michael speaks about the benevolence of the Triune Epochal Revelation and the Advent Of Ascendancy

And these Infinity Fruits which grow upon the great tree of the living .. they are of the divine spirit ..  and these new momentums of power and grace and forgiveness and mercy are yielded in the lives of spirit-born individuals who choose wholeheartedly Absolute Truth .. and those  God-knowing mortals shall discover a new life renewed in My Spirit with the Father .. prepared by the Universe Spirit of Life .. and these fruits of the living are are loving service, unselfish devotion, courageous loyalty, sincere fairness, enlightened honesty, undying hope, confiding trust, merciful ministry, unfailing goodness, forgiving tolerance and enduring peace.

As you give your life of mortality to the immortality of God in thee .. and as ye believe as I believe in Spirit and in Truth .. thine personal proclamations shall become our saviorship together.

Those acknowledged believers who bear not these fruits of the divine spirit in their lives .. they are amongst the walking dead, My Spirit of Truth needs their engagement of decision, their impulse of choice, and their awakening desire for life and liberty shall become a beacon of living light and life.

These are My disciples and apostles of the next millenia who have become .. through choice .. the useful branches on the living vine that I am, and they will soon ushered inwards unto the eternal stature of the sons and daughters of light and life.

Christ Michael Of Nebadon

Holy Advancement

I say unto the receptive and the holy one who art impulsed and urged to advance themselves into the vestment of eternity...

Propagate .. disseminate and distribute Mine revelations which shall  awaken wisdom .. bring forth illumination and healing .. and prepare the  personality for its progressive ascent into Christhood.

Our  eternal fellowship shall gather this renewal of mind, this transmutation  of the heart, and this ever soul enlivening of receptivity and love for  all who gather their desires and focus  upon our association together; and this relationship with Me which you  are building shall spark a new religious inculcation .. a renewal of  faith and hope and charity and trust in the populace.

Be thou Mine Shepherds of Integrity who choose Light and Life. Decide  upon fostering our holy emerging expansion of the Christos.

Michael Of Nebadon

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

21st Century Bestowal Mission of the Universe Father Son Michael

We want to welcome you to the 21st Century Bestowal Mission of the Universe Father Son Michael - The Advent Of Ascendancy

A Seventh Epochal Religious Spirituality to enter into the New and Ascendant Order of Humanity

Christ Michael initiates upon the earth at this time a new and fuller revelation of his original teachings.

His coming into incarnation initiates the Advent of Ascendancy for all the kingdoms of life upon the earth.

He is establishing his Salvington, an oasis of Truth and Light and Love for all peoples of every religious persuasion, all races of every diversity, all peoples from all countries who desire to know God and to become more of his identity and nature as they are prepared by Christ Michael of Nebadon for their eternal ascent into cosmic citizenship and universal service in the advancement of their universe career.

Our main website is

The writings and teachings of Michael Of Nebadon are at the central core of all Salvington educational activities.

An excellent place to begin exploring all of the offerings of Salvington is through the above link.

Michael has written in many many places in the social media .. all free and accessible for all, and he is also presently developing his Triune Campus - the Global Village of Apostles, the University of Salvington, and the Salvington Trinity School.

Here are a few more links to help you explore Salvington better...

The Salvington Family

Michael’s Message to the Salvington Family New Readers

A Seventh Epochal Religious Spirituality to enter into the New and Ascendant Order of Humanity

My 21st Century Bestowal Mission to the Earth holds the Trinity Objective, Impulse, and Intention, as well as the Sevenfold Epochal Revelation for Life.

I am come to enhance all vestments and values and meanings and humanly qualified interpretations so that individuals may live the virtuous life, to ennoble all inherent drives and purposes, impulses and motivations, inclinations and tendencies, to eternalize all receptively qualified minds, hearts, and personalities into the divine destiny and eternal fulfillment.

Initiating the Advent of Ascendancy for the Planetary Kingdoms

To Give My Universe Sovereign Proclamation of the Ennoblement of Human Life and Destiny

Beginning the Ever-Advancing Illumination of the Originating Avenues of Creature Ascent into Cosmic Citizenship and Universal Service

To demonstrate with you the true religious life as a foundation for living by which each progressively ascending creature will arise into their own resuscitating glory as an emerging son and daughter of divinity while  experiencing the Infinity Influences of the Existential Father, the Expressionful Mother Son, and the Experiential Spirit in their personal regeneration, revelation and resurrection into their personal Cosmic Citizenship and Universal Service Expression as a uniquely-created Individual Personality of Supremacy in the Father’s Kingdom of Life. This is the New Order of Humanity Revealed and Actualized.

To present an enlarged revelation of My Original Teachings of Righteousness and Revelatory Ascendancy for every peoples regarding the nature of Triune Deity, his Identity and Nature, and the Plan of Progressive Revelatory Ascendancy.

To establish My universal educational spiritual and religious platform and Triune Campus for Awakening into Individual Progressive Evolutionary Ascendancy - establishing the ultimate aim of the children of time and space to discover the Existential God, to understand and learn the embodiment of incrementally becoming the divine nature, to evolve the bestowed gift of personhood with its body, mind, and will into a soul receptacle hungry and athirst for the Vision of Eternity.

To leave you with an enhanced revelation of our universal fellowship together; to give an understanding revelation of how each personality may enter our Eternity Engagement with Me when I return to My Universe Station - the conscious partnership communion with My guidance and teaching in My Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter which will give each the comforts and illuminating truth-driven revelation of their own personality nature and mortal makeup.

My Comforter relationship with each personality is an eternal fellowship and association transcending all races and creeds and countries and perspectives. Within and surrounding each personal field of Life I am perpetually giving continual opportunities for aid and sustenance and supreme guidance.

In My Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter, every God-hungering creature will find clarity of purpose and conviction of faith and an unconquerable and undeniably refreshing trust in the universes, generating one singular progressive awakening, to have only one supreme ambition, and only one all-consuming desire to become more greatly perfected in their own natures and in their own spheres of influence just as the One Father is in his Paradise perfection of infinite personality and in his universal sphere of influence, his righteous expression as God the Supremacy.

From the Universal Father who inhabits eternity there has gone forth the supreme mandate, 'Be you perfect, even as I am perfect.'

Therewith, the certain aim is this ascendancy, the progressively empowering achievement goal of human existence; to become attuned eternally with the divinity of the Life of God indwelling each human personality.

The great attainment of ascendancy, the vast unavoidable achievement of mortal life is the acceleration of a truly sincere understanding consecration to the everlasting aims of the Father’s spirit who has given himself into mortal safe-keeping while awaiting and working with an undying benevolence within the mortal mind.

The transformative goal and transcendent purpose of the children of time and space is to unveil the divine workings of all Truth and Justice, to find the Existential God, to compassionately comprehend the divine nature and identity of the Father’s Life, and to give acknowledgment and adorational praise and appreciation for the Universal Father by whom you live, and move, and have your existence and being.

Michael Of Nebadon

Monday, December 3, 2018

The Universe Mother Spirit and I

Come unto Me all ye who are struggling in the quietudes of thine individual persona.

Rest in Me and upon My Shoulders Universal by asking for My Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter which is surrounding thee.

I am thine true guide and teacher from the beginnings. The Universe Mother Spirit and I hover over all worlds observing ..

Ask with humility and believe in our association.

Acknowledge our religious spirituality and its relationship.

Adore the Father's Life in thine midst.

Accept My guidance and follow in My way.

Appreciate your existence.

Now .. are you beginning to walk upright with dignity and honor.

My Comforter Presence is My Life and Consciousness. I surround thee and you are bathing in Me; for I am the Vine of Life .. all cometh out of Me .. all are the living tributaries  .. the branches of this one Vine.

Maketh thineself of goodly use to our Universal Fellowship by raising all thine field of consciousness into the field and Kingdom of the Father's Life.

Michael Of Nebadon

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