Wednesday, December 12, 2018

21st Century Bestowal Mission of the Universe Father Son Michael

We want to welcome you to the 21st Century Bestowal Mission of the Universe Father Son Michael - The Advent Of Ascendancy

A Seventh Epochal Religious Spirituality to enter into the New and Ascendant Order of Humanity

Christ Michael initiates upon the earth at this time a new and fuller revelation of his original teachings.

His coming into incarnation initiates the Advent of Ascendancy for all the kingdoms of life upon the earth.

He is establishing his Salvington, an oasis of Truth and Light and Love for all peoples of every religious persuasion, all races of every diversity, all peoples from all countries who desire to know God and to become more of his identity and nature as they are prepared by Christ Michael of Nebadon for their eternal ascent into cosmic citizenship and universal service in the advancement of their universe career.

Our main website is

The writings and teachings of Michael Of Nebadon are at the central core of all Salvington educational activities.

An excellent place to begin exploring all of the offerings of Salvington is through the above link.

Michael has written in many many places in the social media .. all free and accessible for all, and he is also presently developing his Triune Campus - the Global Village of Apostles, the University of Salvington, and the Salvington Trinity School.

Here are a few more links to help you explore Salvington better...

The Salvington Family

Michael’s Message to the Salvington Family New Readers

A Seventh Epochal Religious Spirituality to enter into the New and Ascendant Order of Humanity

My 21st Century Bestowal Mission to the Earth holds the Trinity Objective, Impulse, and Intention, as well as the Sevenfold Epochal Revelation for Life.

I am come to enhance all vestments and values and meanings and humanly qualified interpretations so that individuals may live the virtuous life, to ennoble all inherent drives and purposes, impulses and motivations, inclinations and tendencies, to eternalize all receptively qualified minds, hearts, and personalities into the divine destiny and eternal fulfillment.

Initiating the Advent of Ascendancy for the Planetary Kingdoms

To Give My Universe Sovereign Proclamation of the Ennoblement of Human Life and Destiny

Beginning the Ever-Advancing Illumination of the Originating Avenues of Creature Ascent into Cosmic Citizenship and Universal Service

To demonstrate with you the true religious life as a foundation for living by which each progressively ascending creature will arise into their own resuscitating glory as an emerging son and daughter of divinity while  experiencing the Infinity Influences of the Existential Father, the Expressionful Mother Son, and the Experiential Spirit in their personal regeneration, revelation and resurrection into their personal Cosmic Citizenship and Universal Service Expression as a uniquely-created Individual Personality of Supremacy in the Father’s Kingdom of Life. This is the New Order of Humanity Revealed and Actualized.

To present an enlarged revelation of My Original Teachings of Righteousness and Revelatory Ascendancy for every peoples regarding the nature of Triune Deity, his Identity and Nature, and the Plan of Progressive Revelatory Ascendancy.

To establish My universal educational spiritual and religious platform and Triune Campus for Awakening into Individual Progressive Evolutionary Ascendancy - establishing the ultimate aim of the children of time and space to discover the Existential God, to understand and learn the embodiment of incrementally becoming the divine nature, to evolve the bestowed gift of personhood with its body, mind, and will into a soul receptacle hungry and athirst for the Vision of Eternity.

To leave you with an enhanced revelation of our universal fellowship together; to give an understanding revelation of how each personality may enter our Eternity Engagement with Me when I return to My Universe Station - the conscious partnership communion with My guidance and teaching in My Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter which will give each the comforts and illuminating truth-driven revelation of their own personality nature and mortal makeup.

My Comforter relationship with each personality is an eternal fellowship and association transcending all races and creeds and countries and perspectives. Within and surrounding each personal field of Life I am perpetually giving continual opportunities for aid and sustenance and supreme guidance.

In My Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter, every God-hungering creature will find clarity of purpose and conviction of faith and an unconquerable and undeniably refreshing trust in the universes, generating one singular progressive awakening, to have only one supreme ambition, and only one all-consuming desire to become more greatly perfected in their own natures and in their own spheres of influence just as the One Father is in his Paradise perfection of infinite personality and in his universal sphere of influence, his righteous expression as God the Supremacy.

From the Universal Father who inhabits eternity there has gone forth the supreme mandate, 'Be you perfect, even as I am perfect.'

Therewith, the certain aim is this ascendancy, the progressively empowering achievement goal of human existence; to become attuned eternally with the divinity of the Life of God indwelling each human personality.

The great attainment of ascendancy, the vast unavoidable achievement of mortal life is the acceleration of a truly sincere understanding consecration to the everlasting aims of the Father’s spirit who has given himself into mortal safe-keeping while awaiting and working with an undying benevolence within the mortal mind.

The transformative goal and transcendent purpose of the children of time and space is to unveil the divine workings of all Truth and Justice, to find the Existential God, to compassionately comprehend the divine nature and identity of the Father’s Life, and to give acknowledgment and adorational praise and appreciation for the Universal Father by whom you live, and move, and have your existence and being.

Michael Of Nebadon

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