Monday, January 21, 2019

The Dissolving of Transgressions

Thine past sins of misqualification and all vibrational misalignments shall be swept clean as you enter the Kingdom of God; for his way washes and dissolves all struggles and sufferings just as the morning's mist is immaculately dissolved upon the coming of the sunshine.

Love the Lord thy Life .. love him with all thine love and devotion. He is the Bread of Life who shall expand his glory to fill thine field of consciousness and mortality.

Believe with all the passion of thine heart which yearns for intimate closeness with the Individualized Paradise Adjuster Life .. for the Father's Life responds to your free will decision to come closer to him. He then expands his own Life Everlasting to saturate your mortal misgivings.

He cleanses all iniquities by the grace of his Presence of Perfection only when you wholeheartedly ask of him and accept him and allow him and appreciate him and acknowledge his Life as the One Presence,  Intelligence, and Power to act in you.

Divide not thine dedication by believing there are any others who act and will. Even though you have free will to choose him or deny him .. even though your free will decides how ye shall utilize his Life .. he allows all things ..  knowing all evolutionary creatures must collapse at certain times into chaos and disorder .. yet he allows you to create with his Life according to your choices and the loyalties of thine heart.

He thus .. dissolves thine temptations as you live accordingly with his laws .. and as you express rightly the Volitions of the Seventh Master Spirit.. Accountability and Acknowledgment, Acceptance and Appreciation, Alignment and Adoration.

These are yet a few of the Divine Volitions of Master Spirit Seven.

The Father blots out all errors and devours all separative tendencies. He elevates the mind's understanding and meanings. He quickens all attitudes into glory and honor.  He accelerates every attribute as you accept his Way .. live his Truth .. and aspire for his Life.

I bid thee strength to ask Us to erase thine transgressions as you accept wholly the Father's Authority and your Personality Authorship and Creative Nature.

The Father's Life .. his Paradise Thought Adjuster .. is his Individualized Life Presence and Eternity Endowment given to you.

This God Life travels with you in your evolutionary unfolding .. he hath interest in merging with his mortal subjects in order to becometh baptised into personalization.

...and for Our own sake do I come as Father Son Personified .. as Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter Guide and Teacher .. to forgive thine transgressions of ephemerality .. to prepare men and women for their ennobling Universe Career as a Cosmic Christ Citizen of our Supremacy.

I am the Sovereign Father Son of Nebadon.

Michael Of Nebadon

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Perfection Attainment

Verily verily Mine children .. always do I show you the better way leading unto a life more prosperous .. advancement of all potentialities into their actualization.

I teach thee of the eternal realities beyond the ephemerality of the mechanical and material and animalistic pursuits.

I show you the benevolence of the Infinite Deity who is the Life of each and all. He who desires to merge with thee and establish the new and higher ascendant order of human beings who are decidedly choosing to live the will of the heavenly One.

As ye focus all thine attentions upon the Individualized Life of God the Father who hath come as Thought Adjuster and Individualized Life .. who leads thine mortal mind ever upwards into the Eternity perspectives .. and as ye gradually give thyselves to him in thought and word and act .. so art thou arising into Intimacy with Infinity.

Thine focus upon the eternal things shall bring to you rewards of righteousness and remembrance .. revelations and receptivity unknown to normal men and women; advancements of the Father's Life in the world of the individual personality shall cause thine human field of life to becometh atoned and integrated with God's Life.

In all thine earthly striving .. in gaining thine goods and experiencings within your mortal sojourn on earth .. in acquirings upon the stage of carnal happenings .. I say .. achieve the things of the spiritual and the everlasting .. awaken thine character upon the pastures of new and higher meanings .. accept and receive of thine holy deliverance and the purity of our purpose .. recognizing that ye have a noble destiny to fulfill with Me.

Mine coming into this ephemeral expression hath purpose of expression; I demonstrate the Way of the Progressive Ascendancy of Personality, the Truth of God Authority and Personality Authorship in ascending inwards unto My Father's worlds upon worlds, and I showeth thee the living of the Life of Personhood Perfection through Prayerful Intimacy and Personal Communion with the Individualized Godhood in thine midst.

Be as the angels of the universes who seek to please the Nameless One .. they strive to reach for his nature and character .. to emulate his Life ..  and to bring forth his Love in their service to all of Life.

Christ Michael Of Nebadon

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Thou City of Christ Michael

Thou City of Christ Michael .. and the Global Villagers of the College of Revelation and Illumination .. Illuminatum College of World Servers

I have faith in you .. each and every child of the One Infinity of Life. I hold you in the highest way .. the purest vision of who you truly are in God the Supremacy.

Mine revelations in this second coming of Mine Spirit Persona shall be recognized by those with the eyes of faith trust ... the vision of truthfulness .. the mind urging itself toward learning and growing in the ways of the Spirit Life.

I place Mine emphasis upon five beginning central tenets .. precepts of understanding and relationship .. with thine Indwelling Life of the Father and I. With the Universe Mother and I. With the Primal Son and I.

The cardinal features of My gospel of the kingdom shall inaugurate a renewal of the normal revolutionary progressive ascendancy for the race .. it shall generate an all-conquering divine purpose for every member of Life .. a renewal of the benevolent force of love in direction for thee .. an arisen knowledge of your place in the Universe of universes.

Begin with these Cardinal Virtues

1. The pre-eminence of the individual in attaining to their progressive ascendancy in personhood and the emergence of your soul receptacle.

2. The strengthening of free moral choice .. of spiritual decision .. of your free will as the determining factor in the experience of the ever-unfoldment of the Kingdom of God's Stabilizing Love and his Securitizing Life.

3. Spiritual Fellowship and Prayerful Intimacy in each moment with God the Father who hath given himself to thee with the faith knowledge that you choose to share your mortal life with him.

4. The supreme decisions and loving satisfactions of the obligation and duty to be in the genuine service of humankind and the kingdoms of the planet.

5. The daily transcendence into the spiritual things .. those attitudes and attributes and impulses of glory over the material mind and the limitations of mere sensory living in the human personality.

Gradually strengthening thine will and inner urge for growing the soul receptivity of mind and heart and body; and this renewal shall motivate thee forth .. as each evolving individual discovers a new possibility emerging in themselves.

This broadly and invigorating new inner force guided by Mine Spirit of Truth .. shall begin affecting all thine decisions .. gradually and certainly changing the trajectory of the social culture of human evolution towards an epoch of light and life.

Be thou immersed in Truth Everpresent. Decide now to focus thine attentions upon expanding and experiencing My Father's Kingdom of Consciousness. And all struggling perturbations of confusion and lethargy shall cease to have their hold upon thee. Ye shall go forward in the good and great opening of sonship and daughtership with the Universal Parenthood of God.

Ye shall be forging a new possibility of prosperous and healthy experience in this progressive field of our association together.

Christ Michael Of Nebadon

Sunday, January 6, 2019

The Infinity Impulse of Glory

Mine children of Urantia ..

You have been endowed with an intellectual selfhood of mind .. and as ye traverse the world of thine personality mind .. as ye art openly receptive in becoming guided by the Universal Father in thee .. you do begin the preparations in becoming eternalized in mind and body and personality.

As ye engage with Eternity .. only then shall those potentials come forth into tangible use. Thine intellectual thinking gives way in its expansion unto this heightened soul development which is as a power and impulse of glory.

The Spirit of Life becomes more dominant for you as you associate with Me. And with the agreement of thine mortal mind and the cooperative relationship of the spiritual endowments of the human personality .. you grow in all creative power, the absolute values are raised in thine sight and vision, and a new meaning emerges .. a fuller understanding unwinds and develops .. divine purpose takes precedence in thine human self experience.

I guide thee into allowing this Spirit Life Adjuster dominance of the material and intellectual mind; for the benefits are astounding and vividly clear.

All minds which yield to the Life Indwelling .. the Thought Adjusters .. are gradually and positively becoming influenced .. you discover a new radius of comprehension and concentration emerging. This is mortal mind at its finest hour wherein mind enters our Engagements .. mortal mind permits the Mother's Ministry of her seven adjutant mind-spirits to impregnate thine intellectual, animal, material, and mechanical mind into the higher vestments of counsel, worship, and wisdom.

I sayeth unto those with a gentle and hungry receptive heart .. the material personal selfhood shall choose to cooperate and share and coexist with the Indwelling Spirit Adjuster of God the Father in creating and nourishing and fostering and upholding the morontia self .. and these advancements shall secure for the individual who allows and attains this attunement a renewal of mind into its spirituality .. a restoration of all thoughts beyond the limited radius of intellectually bound concrete thought.

Thine faith blossoms and matures.

Thine trust seeps itself into every corner .. and you are transmuted into that potentializing son and daughter of righteousness.

Thine evolutionary and potentially immortal soul prospers...

I Michael .. and the Universe Spirit.. the Divine Minister ..  reach to thine material mind in order to advance thee and prosper thine urges; for this mortal instrument of mind is the only arena by which human personality enlivens its impulses for Truth and Love .. it lives and achieves its freedom through the mind's choices and priorities.

The intellectual mind shall becometh raised and refined and capable of reciprocal spiritual relations with the Infinity of God only as mind wholeheartedly devotes itself to our cooperative climate. Then shall you be walking with Us unto a fuller life as a more self-consciousness emerges.

Maketh thine decisions for Life Everlasting.

Choose God who lives in thine midst.

Forsake him not.

You .. beloved are the hope of existence .. the everpresent and emerging Christos of God the Supremacy in and of the universes. You hold the possibilities to eternalize into Our prosperous reality or tragically curtail thyselves into stagnation and sufferings and sadness.

Destroy not thyselves.

Choose boldly with humility and certainty and courage Our cooperative eternal venture .. and I shall cause thee to becometh advanced into Light .. attained unto Life .. awakened to this elevated progression of personality ascendancy which secures for thee all of Eternity.

Michael Of Nebadon

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