Monday, January 21, 2019

The Dissolving of Transgressions

Thine past sins of misqualification and all vibrational misalignments shall be swept clean as you enter the Kingdom of God; for his way washes and dissolves all struggles and sufferings just as the morning's mist is immaculately dissolved upon the coming of the sunshine.

Love the Lord thy Life .. love him with all thine love and devotion. He is the Bread of Life who shall expand his glory to fill thine field of consciousness and mortality.

Believe with all the passion of thine heart which yearns for intimate closeness with the Individualized Paradise Adjuster Life .. for the Father's Life responds to your free will decision to come closer to him. He then expands his own Life Everlasting to saturate your mortal misgivings.

He cleanses all iniquities by the grace of his Presence of Perfection only when you wholeheartedly ask of him and accept him and allow him and appreciate him and acknowledge his Life as the One Presence,  Intelligence, and Power to act in you.

Divide not thine dedication by believing there are any others who act and will. Even though you have free will to choose him or deny him .. even though your free will decides how ye shall utilize his Life .. he allows all things ..  knowing all evolutionary creatures must collapse at certain times into chaos and disorder .. yet he allows you to create with his Life according to your choices and the loyalties of thine heart.

He thus .. dissolves thine temptations as you live accordingly with his laws .. and as you express rightly the Volitions of the Seventh Master Spirit.. Accountability and Acknowledgment, Acceptance and Appreciation, Alignment and Adoration.

These are yet a few of the Divine Volitions of Master Spirit Seven.

The Father blots out all errors and devours all separative tendencies. He elevates the mind's understanding and meanings. He quickens all attitudes into glory and honor.  He accelerates every attribute as you accept his Way .. live his Truth .. and aspire for his Life.

I bid thee strength to ask Us to erase thine transgressions as you accept wholly the Father's Authority and your Personality Authorship and Creative Nature.

The Father's Life .. his Paradise Thought Adjuster .. is his Individualized Life Presence and Eternity Endowment given to you.

This God Life travels with you in your evolutionary unfolding .. he hath interest in merging with his mortal subjects in order to becometh baptised into personalization.

...and for Our own sake do I come as Father Son Personified .. as Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter Guide and Teacher .. to forgive thine transgressions of ephemerality .. to prepare men and women for their ennobling Universe Career as a Cosmic Christ Citizen of our Supremacy.

I am the Sovereign Father Son of Nebadon.

Michael Of Nebadon

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