Tuesday, December 24, 2019

My Way Delivers Thee

My 21st Century gospel brings a message of renewed faith confidence and everlasting hope in the way of your advancement into our Universe.

I have come to give you the assurance of your eternal survival .. as you follow Me and becometh immersed and aligned with My teaching ideal during this next advent of ascendency.

Michael Of Nebadon

Friday, December 20, 2019

University of Salvington

Primus Trimestre 2020 begins on January 1st 2020.

Planetary Fellowship with Like-minded People

Digital Campus Accessible from Everywhere

Worldwide Communities & Stimulating Groups

Wisdom Colleges 
Ascendancy Retreats 
Halls of Illumination

Collegiality amongst Sincere Students and Collaboration of  Learning Together

Spirit Retreats & 
Transformational Conclaves

At Home Campus Amphitheatrum

Private and Public Bilingual Conferences

University Quality Lectures with Translation into Spanish and French
Supportive Online Classrooms and Activities

Schools of Trinitarian Ordination and Service

Write to us at our Office of Admissions 


Primus Trimestre 2020 comienza el 1 de enero de 2020.

Comunidad planetaria con personas de ideas afines

Campus digital accesible desde cualquier lugar

Comunidades mundiales y grupos estimulantes

Colegios de la Sabiduría Retiros de ascendencia
Salones de iluminación

Colegialidad entre estudiantes sinceros y colaboración para aprender juntos

Retiros espirituales y
Cónclaves transformacionales

En el campus de casa Amphitheatrum

Conferencias bilingües privadas y públicas

Conferencias de calidad universitaria con traducción al español y francés
Aulas y actividades de apoyo en línea

Escuelas de ordenación y servicio trinitario

Escríbanos a nuestra Oficina de Admisiones


El Reino de Mi Padre

El Reino de Mi Padre gobernará la tierra a medida que vosotros entráis a este nuevo ciclo.

Yo retorno para reencender mis enseñanzas originales ... para dar a la humanidad la próxima revelación de mi instrucción del evangelio ... para ayudar a cada hombre y mujer con el deseo de avanzar desde la criatura planetaria evolutiva a vuestra próxima fase de crecimiento y desarrollo universal ... para volveros los hijos e hijas inmortales del destino.

Vosotros alcanzaréis el Reino del Amor y de la Misericordia a través de vuestra lealtad hacia mí ... a medida que aumentéis vuestras capacidades para recibir y relacionaros íntimamente; porque la Voluntad del Padre es la puerta de entrada.

Primero vosotros confiaréis en el plan de desarrollo para vuestra vida ... este plan divino de progreso.

Luego, aprenderéis de vuestra naturaleza creativa ... vuestra autoría ... vuestra capacidad para sembrar vibraciones y cosechar sus resultados ... y para volver a poner todas las partículas de la Vida del Padre en su Perfección de la Luz ... así todas las cosas serán renovadas .

Esta es la ley de vuestra vida que debéis cumplir para avanzar progresivamente en nuestro universo.

Ahora vosotros estáis preparados para vivir su voluntad y vida en cada uno. . .

La Casa de mi Padre está constantemente irradiando sobre la creación sus glorias de gozo misericordioso y seguridad eterna.
Cada criatura puede participar de su gozo y felicidad emanantes mientras cooperáis con él viviendo como Yo vivo ... acercándome a vuestras vidas de acuerdo conmigo; porque Yo soy el Padre Hijo de este dominio del Universo ... y mientras os consagráis a vosotros mismos para aceptar la Vida del Padre y trabajáis para perfeccionar vuestra mente y voluntad de personalidad hacia su Mente ... su Voluntad ... su Perfección Prístina ... y como el camino primordial hacia esta gozosa abundancia os abre hacia arriba, así seréis elevados por mi Mano Universal de la Eternidad.

Michael Of Nebadon

My Father’s Kingdom shall rule the earth as you enter this new cycle. 

I return to reignite my original teachings .. to give to humanity the next revelation of my gospel instruction .. to help every man and woman with the desire to advance from evolutionary planetary creature unto their very next phase of universal growth and development .. to become the immortal sons and daughters of destiny. 

You shall attain to the Kingdom of Love and Mercy through your loyalty to me .. as you increase your capacities to receive and intimately relate; for the Father’s Will is the doorway to enter therein.

First you shall trust in the plan of unfoldment for your life .. this divine plan of progress.

Then, shall you learn of thine creative nature .. thine authorship .. thine capacity for sowing vibration and for  reaping its results .. and for resowing all particles of the Father's Life back into his Perfection of Light .. thus all things shall be renewed. 

This is the law of your life which must be adhered with in order to advance progressively into our universe.

Now are ye prepared to live his will and life in you . . .

My Father’s House is constantly radiating down upon the creation his glories of merciful joy and everlasting security. 

Every creature can partake of his emanating joy and happiness as they cooperate with him by living as I live .. approaching your lifetimes in accordance with me; for I am the Father Son of this Universe domain.. and as ye consecrate thyselves in accepting the Father’s Life and working towards perfecting thine personality mind and will unto his Mind .. his  Will .. his Pristine Perfection .. and as the primordial pathway into this joyful abundance opens you upwards, so shall you be raised by my Universal Hand of Eternity. 

Michael Of Nebadon

Comforter Fellowship

Fellows of Salvington...

I am come .. residing in the Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter resident in your spiritual heart ..  and I am come in the flesh garment of thy creaturehood to guide and instruct thee with words and in the form of all things.

The Universal Absoluteness hath given this magnificent and universal injunction .. to strive for the attainment of perfection .. to bring thou forth the Life of his  divinity. 

Let this injunction be thine first duty .. thine primary impulse .. the very urge and decision that shall raise thee upwards into your God Dignity.

I sayeth to the unencumbered ones who have made the space in themselves to receive Me .. thine highest ambition .. thine most primary motivating tendencies shall be this reciprocal  relationship with the Living Infinity.

This is the priority of all the struggling creature creation of the God of perfection ... this possibility of the attainment of divine perfection.

I sayeth Mine children .. this is the final and certain destiny of all humanity’s eternal spiritual progress.

All creatures are in search of this powerful experience of their own Life Impulse .. this effervescent beam of love .. and whether consciously or unconsciously .. I sayeth, ye seek this experience of Love and Life.

The longing to feel this love drives thee .. pulls upon thine human mortality .. spurs thee onwards to seek and search .. albeit, humans and spirits ye shall have an understanding of the yearning according to your state of development and consciousness .. you will draw conclusions .. you will follow through with thine urges and free will .. all thine thoughts and feelings seeketh. 

Interpreting these feelings correctly .. understanding it is the Life of Infinity that you search for .. and as you realize this primary motivating urge .. then will you allow this driving force to act through you .. and even leading you into harmony and balance .. unity and happiness. 

Realizing the real nature of these urges and strong feelings .. this search .. you will look not unto false goals and false ephemeral fulfillment. 

They who reach this realizing stage of development where they understand what these inexplicable feelings of longing really are .. they alone have taken a great leap forward. They will knoweth Me .. follow Me .. perceive Mine Spirit of Truth .. they shall be opening their eye of faith, trust, Reliance .. open as a child to becometh directed by Mine  Comforter Truth. 

. . . they shall know in what direction to go .. Truthward.

Michael Of Nebadon

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Unto the Heavens

Give heed unto those  who cry out unto the heavens .. behold .. we  perish for lack of light .. for our limitations overwhelm us! 

I say, they perish not ..  for I and my administration save them with a continued outpouring of Eternity's radiance.  

Give heed unto those  who cry .. sustenance  we demand .. our souls are famished with the husks of benevolent institutions having no wisdom nor light in them.  

Open thine hearts to those who come unto thee saying .. use us for the sake of Truth!  

Give heed unto those  who cry .. we would serve the Infinite Life .. our Lord and Source .. eagerly will we surrender to this service of splendour .. if only ye would but show us the  way to act righteously in our heartfelt  ministrations.  

Give heed unto those individuals who shout ..  let us chant wisely .. let us ponder eminently .. let us peruse the octaves of Immortality .. for ye have revealed the angelic natures of the  kingly ones who come to minister unto us for our freedom!   

I Michael, do tell you of these things which occur throughout the heavens of our universe. I tell you .. go ye unto the world and sayeth .. thine Lord hath  sent ministers to every land and clime. He  seeketh their ennoblement in character and in  circumstance .. he desires to raise all lives into order and stability .. he gives without obstruction .. nor does the Universal Source  vacillate in his giving.

Conduct thine missions to inform the obnoxious ones who are untrustworthy .. the frail ones who lack in their faith and spirit reliance .. that there is a supply unendingly given .. a glory to be attained without surcease .. a victory to be achieved in thine personhood soul in the way of the light and life of Infinity. 

Michael Of Nebadon

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