Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Unto the Heavens

Give heed unto those  who cry out unto the heavens .. behold .. we  perish for lack of light .. for our limitations overwhelm us! 

I say, they perish not ..  for I and my administration save them with a continued outpouring of Eternity's radiance.  

Give heed unto those  who cry .. sustenance  we demand .. our souls are famished with the husks of benevolent institutions having no wisdom nor light in them.  

Open thine hearts to those who come unto thee saying .. use us for the sake of Truth!  

Give heed unto those  who cry .. we would serve the Infinite Life .. our Lord and Source .. eagerly will we surrender to this service of splendour .. if only ye would but show us the  way to act righteously in our heartfelt  ministrations.  

Give heed unto those individuals who shout ..  let us chant wisely .. let us ponder eminently .. let us peruse the octaves of Immortality .. for ye have revealed the angelic natures of the  kingly ones who come to minister unto us for our freedom!   

I Michael, do tell you of these things which occur throughout the heavens of our universe. I tell you .. go ye unto the world and sayeth .. thine Lord hath  sent ministers to every land and clime. He  seeketh their ennoblement in character and in  circumstance .. he desires to raise all lives into order and stability .. he gives without obstruction .. nor does the Universal Source  vacillate in his giving.

Conduct thine missions to inform the obnoxious ones who are untrustworthy .. the frail ones who lack in their faith and spirit reliance .. that there is a supply unendingly given .. a glory to be attained without surcease .. a victory to be achieved in thine personhood soul in the way of the light and life of Infinity. 

Michael Of Nebadon

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