Saturday, March 28, 2020

Values of your Eternalizing Advancement

Values can never be unchanging nor static; for always do the values of personality change, advance, and progress. The closer personality comes to living in accordance with reality .. the more empowering is its realization of true significance .. for values continually change and are intended for growth, expansion of understandings, maturing of meanings and cosmic frameworks, and the embodying of points of new reference in order to grow divine recognition and spirit insight and that regenerating perception of the real and the true. 

As personality undergoes change there ensues a great risk that those changes are simply stultified and without growth, lacking the expansion of meaning and the  exaltation of value. Changes .. personal inner changes become valueless without true soul development and Spirit-led growth. Potential evil is the result of change without true honorable growth; as personality remains affixed with continual changes built by merely human opinion, subjective beliefs derived from mortal viewpoints, and the unhealthy indoctrination of dogmatic living causing preconceptions to flourish and decay to set in.

Cosmic adaptation is needed .. and those preparations necessary for advancement into the higher worlds of a more endearing socialization amongst your fellows where service opportunities abound to expand Life .. to ascend in order to be amongst those personalities who understand the values of the One Parenthood of Life .. to enter our universe with the increasing value understandings of growing towards a more perfected meaningful experience of existence.

Existence must be honored, and as ye art acknowledging of our Source, only then shall experience possess those Eternity Values which elevate character and broaden the understanding of the soul's emerging vision.

Values are not to remain as merely intellectually-bound conceptual illusions; values and virtues of this ennobling momentum for living shall be reality-driven and truth derived. True values depend upon the enjoyment and pleasureful association of relationships - personality to personality relations producing actuals from out of all inherent potentialities. Values stimulate righteousness when derived from reality .. from truth .. from love and compassion and mercy. They are always both actual and potential. 

Values always permit those awaiting personality developments to ripen and fructify. The fruits of Spirit always are these necessary actualizations which are birthed from out of what is and what is to be.

The association of actuals and potentials equals growth .. and results in growth for the entire personhood; and this soul emerging growth is the experiential realization of values and the expressionful actualization of virtuosities of an eternity identification and an ascendant nature. 

Yet, verily do I sayeth to the wisdom seekers and the truth hungry souls ..  thine truest personal growth shall bring you along the way of those circles of personality achievement in your furtherance towards progress with the Adjuster Life - Adjuster communion, Adjuster guidance, Adjuster attunement with the full commitment of the mind and the heart and thine entirety of personhood.

Thine personality progressions .. of values and virtues .. and stimulated by the urgencies of your vestments of mind and will .. these shall always produce meaningful new valuations in the ways you perceive thyself and all your relatings .. but it is relatively valueless without soul growth. 

God the Supreme desires each part of himself to venture unto those truly valuable productions of human life bringing forth a growth of values, a progression unto new  meanings and understandings, the realization and revelation of the experiential selfhood .. the actualization of the cosmic interrelatedness of both of these experiences so that values grow and blossom, new meanings are born, and the evolutionary advancings .. actualizations .. within the personhood come forward in preparation for thine Second Birth and well beyond even this necessary accomplishment.

The experiences of attaining to that greater God consciousness .. the discoveries of the living One in his identity nature .. and the actual spirit attainments of becoming in thine finite personhood alike to the Infinity Personhood of the Universal Person .. these shall all become the direct result of these value-producing developments. 

. . . a Self-directive Governorship awakens in those individuals who decide wholeheartedly to give to the Father their cooperating concentrations and their life-producing collaboration.

Then, are ye becoming that creature something that evolves your inherent and initial gifts and endowments to go beyond mere mortality .. beyond the raw potentialities of animal and material identifications .. and transcendent to the old order of the materially-centric humanity. You have entered into the new order of the soul .. an ascendant creature of spiritual promise .. a member of that spirit-reaching humanity who strive for the fulfillment of their destiny in and of the Universal Father; for thine immortal and emerging soul is evolving from out of thine newly found values for living.

You have positioned thyselves for growth optimization .. the necessary kingdom conditions which allow advancement to occur for the individual. You have met the conditions necessary to enter into the kingdom of God the Supremacy in whom we share life together.

Michael Of Nebadon

Friday, March 27, 2020

Our Saviorship Begins

In this My return within the 21st Century .. I am restoring My teachings .. My words .. and illumining My gospel directives for those who are dedicated to achieve with Me .. to attain to their everlasting union with the Spirit Life of our Father God .. for these ones are receptive beyond the encumbrances of their preconceptions and subjective conclusions .. they are hungry for truth and freedom .. certainty in their survival is firmly planted and this security allows each to advance unto accomplishing their own resurrection and ascension .. to advance themselves upon the plan of the progressive ascendancy for humanity.

True .. I am arisen in My stature and My Universe Sovereignty is secured for our universal home to become further immaculate .. and I have come once again into the pastures of your planetary world which hath become My own planet of nativity having completed My seventh bestowal here.

I sayeth .. only those with the eye of faith opened and awakened shall now knoweth My physical presence at this time. Those who have preserved their soul dignity .. upheld their reverence and respect for My Father's Life .. these ones shall findeth Me walking in their midst. They shall be athirst to enter the Kingdom of our Engagements.

. . . and they shall becometh endowed with My Spirit of Truth which pervades their personal inner atmosphere .. they shall be humble and open to receive of Me and Mine Universe Administrative Influences for the human life to create it's necessary discipleship with the Trinitarian Circuitry, to harness their personality endowments of mind and will and body and personhood, and to capture this moment of our mutual saviorship .. our cosmic togetherness in actualizing the potentialities of God the Supremacy.

Michael Of Nebadon

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Salvington Admissions

In Salvington University, our unique colleges offer a deeper experience of the University Lectures given by Christ Michael, suggested textbook readings, daily Salvington Ideal disciplines and strategies for growing intimacy with the Infinity of God the Father Son and Spirit, and twice each month, the individual colleges experience Christ Michael in his private dialogues for your Transfigurative Inquiry.

Tutorials, classes, and studies are as given by the college administrators of each college, and are interchangeably shared amongst all the colleges. This helps to supplement and complement your ascendancy work, so you have access to the shared experiences of the whole University as well as those revelations within your college.

Application to be admitted into the University requires writing to our Admissions Office. Our acceptance policies look for certain characteristics in applying students.

If you are seeking to become a Freshman Fellow of the University, our primary culture fosters for the individual a deeply held faithful trusting relationship with the Universal Absolute Parenthood of God - the Trinity Host as their Personality Circuits of Intelligence reach outward into and throughout creation.

The philosophical precepts and the ideal of the Universe Son Michael and the Universe Spirit build the personality into a unified force wherein divinity and personality are blended and intertwined in one drive and one singular motivation - the fulfilling of the law and the living of God's will and intent.

A righteousness of character in terms of priorities and purpose develops, an understanding of the plan and the way of the Second Source as it is revealed through the Universe Son Michael is illuminated and clarified for the individual personality.

A preparation is given to individuals so that each may attain to their own Second Birth into this Universal Light and Life - Universal Citizenship - is the immortal initiation that all evolutionary personalities must achieve as they go forth into the advancing spheres .. the worlds of light and life in our universe.

We welcome all inquiries, and every possibility is afforded those who qualify for advancing their universe career through the divine disciplines of our apostleship with the Universe Son Michael and the Universe Spirit with the Host of Heaven.

The Living Fragment of God the Father is within each moral and ethical creature. This Life of God is further developed and advanced as the individual pursues righteousness of character decisions and the rectitude of carrying their mortal limitations and human life into the Parenthood of God and the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of the Universes.

Applications for the University of Salvington are received year-round.

Our Admissions Team evaluates applicants for the Apostleship of Ascendancy based upon certain criteria regarding the Trinitarian Values which each individual embodies.

Trinitarian Values within the mind and heart and personality of the applicant allows an easier integration within the collegiate culture and community of the University.

The University Of Salvington, the College Halls and their particular Trinity Retreat Monthly Activities:

Ascendancy Lectures with the Universe Father Son Michael

Practical Applications and Guidance in Prayerful Intimacy Communion

Tutorials of Instruction on the Writings of Michael

Studies in the Great Writings throughout the Centuries

Dialogues with your Student Fellows and Colleagues

Partnerships with your fellows

Services of Adorational Worship and Communion Ascendancy

Classes and Forums of Enhancements & Engagements Of Eternity

University of Salvington

School of the Planetary Prince

absolutum charitas ab origine

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