Friday, March 27, 2020

Our Saviorship Begins

In this My return within the 21st Century .. I am restoring My teachings .. My words .. and illumining My gospel directives for those who are dedicated to achieve with Me .. to attain to their everlasting union with the Spirit Life of our Father God .. for these ones are receptive beyond the encumbrances of their preconceptions and subjective conclusions .. they are hungry for truth and freedom .. certainty in their survival is firmly planted and this security allows each to advance unto accomplishing their own resurrection and ascension .. to advance themselves upon the plan of the progressive ascendancy for humanity.

True .. I am arisen in My stature and My Universe Sovereignty is secured for our universal home to become further immaculate .. and I have come once again into the pastures of your planetary world which hath become My own planet of nativity having completed My seventh bestowal here.

I sayeth .. only those with the eye of faith opened and awakened shall now knoweth My physical presence at this time. Those who have preserved their soul dignity .. upheld their reverence and respect for My Father's Life .. these ones shall findeth Me walking in their midst. They shall be athirst to enter the Kingdom of our Engagements.

. . . and they shall becometh endowed with My Spirit of Truth which pervades their personal inner atmosphere .. they shall be humble and open to receive of Me and Mine Universe Administrative Influences for the human life to create it's necessary discipleship with the Trinitarian Circuitry, to harness their personality endowments of mind and will and body and personhood, and to capture this moment of our mutual saviorship .. our cosmic togetherness in actualizing the potentialities of God the Supremacy.

Michael Of Nebadon

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