Monday, August 3, 2020

The Plan of Planetary Salvation

The Plan Of Salvation will re-establish all interplanetary lines of communication over the next millennia.

Michael's Plan for mortal participation in the planetary establishment and progressive dissemination of this revelation is presently coming into view.

There is a far-reaching ideal of spiritual unity at the heart of this Plan which is inclusive of all peoples and every life kingdom.

This spiritual unity and evolutionary social harmony will be grown out from diversity and variation, yet it will endure as trust is built upon this common purpose and divine heralding.

Harmony on all levels of human expression must become established in order to further this revelatory endowment to humanity and the life kingdoms of the planet.

Social harmony and divine unity are the unerring markers of community that is of one purpose and one direction and one objective of revelation. Unity shall be inclusive of all diversities of expression.

Social harmony within the ever-empowering divinity of spiritual unity is always the measure of our effectiveness and usefulness in serving the revelatory advent for the unveiling of progressive evolutionary ascendancy for all the peoples and the kingdoms of the world.

Our sincerity of dedicated devotion to serve this revelation is of utmost importance. The progressively unfolding spiritual ideals of our harmony and unity as an organizational Impulse of the will and agenda and intention of our local universe is completely governed by this will of Infinity, as is the universe of universes.

Our day to day goals and aims must meet the integrity alliance of the long-term viewpoint for the planetary evolution; allowing the natural and normal unfolding of these revelations, and the advent of personal and planetary ascendancy.

Decisions and choices and viewpoints within the short-term objectives that must be administered have the necessity to become clarified and cleansed by the overall Impulses of the long-term vision of spiritual wisdom.

Michael of Nebadon Revelatory Trust

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