Thursday, May 25, 2023

My Yoke of Faith and Absolute Trust

The Planetary Cities are virtual and localized .. and I call all Mine Apostles of this planet to arise and advance with Me.

My yoke upon thine shoulders shall strengthen thee .. shall clarify within you truth as opposed to falsehoods. In our Universe Association, so shall you find the true security for thine person .. a stability shall emerge as you believe as I believe, and as ye art willingly living in harmony with my ways. 

Now, shall you arise unto this intimate connection and personal communion with the Parenthood of Deity. Ye shall blossom deeply in righteousness .. widely in your personal consciousness, as you are being prepared for the new exalted status of Universe Citizenship.

Relationship with My Father God shall be by faith and an absoluteness of trust .. so much so that your faith coupled with love for Him whose Spirit Life lives in thee shall conquer every unworthy adversary .. and shall destroy every adversity from within you.

1. To cultivate faith sincerity. To come as a little child. To receive the bestowal of sonship and daughtership as a gift. 

2. To submit to the doing of the Father’s will without questioning and in the full confidence and genuine trustfulness of the Father’s wisdom and infinite goodness. 

3. To come into the kingdom free from prejudice and preconception. To be open-minded and teachable like an unspoiled child. 

4. To have Truth hunger and the righteousness urge for worship and wisdom gathering. To have a thirst for righteousness in growing personality character towards the finer perfection. 

5. To be willing to experience a change and a renewal of mind. To acquire the motive to be like God and to find God.

Entrance into the Father’s kingdom is wholly free, but progress — growth in grace — is essential to continuance therein.

Salvation is the gift of the Father and is revealed by his Sons. Acceptance by faith on your part makes you a partaker of the divine nature, a son or a daughter of God. 

By faith you are justified; by faith are you saved; and by this same faith are you eternally advanced in the way of progressive and divine perfection.

The kingdom of God is not found by looking outwards. No one shall tell you, “Look here,” or “Look there. 

The kingdom of God is within you, and its doorway is thine Individualized Adjuster Spirit. 

The Kingdom will not come by waiting for it whilst passively wishing and hoping for it to appear; for you shall gain access to My Father's  Kingdom only as you desire truth, dedicate to soul growth, adhere to my gospel revelations,  elevate your personal meanings .. beliefs .. concepts .. and images, seek to help by serving all others, and daily align thyself with the Father's Life. 

Jesus Christ Michael of Nebadon
The Planetary Gospel of Christ Michael

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