Sunday, December 30, 2018


This kingdom of sovereignty which you are to go forth proclaiming is the desire of the good men and women of all ages, it is the hope of all the earth, and the fulfillment of the wise and sturdy promises of all the prophets and teachers of olden times.

But for you, My children, and for all others who would follow you into this Sovereign Kingdom of Love, there is a price to pay .. a severe test. Faith alone will pass you through its doorway, but you shall bring forth the fruits of My Father’s spirit only as you increase the capacity of mind to receive through the Vestments of Mind, the Values of Eternity, and the Virtues of the Universe Spirit Mother.
...and even so and ever further, shall you discover your inheritance as you uphold Mine Vision, act upon its Precepts and Verities of the heart, and hail into actualization the Volitions of character-making and consciousness accelerating.

As ye would continue to ascend into the progressive life everlasting of the divine fellowship, I sayeth unto thee, not all who say, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter into the vibratory realms of sovereignty and serenity which My Father's Kingdom offers .. for this Kingdom of heaven requires of you the all and the everything. You shall learn to give thyself to the Individualized Infinity by cooperating with the life plan, fulfilling the great law, and then, living the will of Paradise through your own God Identity. He and she who doeth the will of My Father who is in heaven shall be entering daily in this God Immersion and God Illumination leading into the graduation ceremony of God Immortality at some certain point in your incarnated lifetimes.

Your service to the world shall be: Seek first the Kingdom of God and enter into this new and old reality by your Prayerful Intimacy and Reciprocal Spiritual Communion, thine building upwards of a character of righteousness and honor in your relationship with the Divine Gift of Life; and as ye fulfill these requirements, all thine life and world shall realign and re-empower and a powerful resurgence of body, mind, and heart shall lift you into realms of mercy and joy .. purpose and meaning .. direction and decision. You shall be accelerated and gradually raised upon the wings of thine faith and trust. And this empowering daily alignment of thine personhood shall find itself refined and resurrected into this One Universal Alignment with the Omnipotence of Love and Forgiveness; thine personality soul survival shall be secured therewith.

And now I would make it clear and simple to you that this Kingdom of My Father will not come with any vain outward showing of power, nor shall it be revealed through the vulgarities of the the trinkets of world-rearing signs and wonders, and it shall not emerge with any unseemly demonstrations of bright lights and momentary feelings of inspiration which would remove you from the task of growing thine faith and building thine trust in the One Presence and Glory.

You are not to go forward in the proclamation of the Kingdom, saying, ‘it is here at Salvington’ or ‘it is there at some certain location in the world terrain,’ for this Kingdom of which we shall preach is God within you .. his Glory and Power cometh directly and through your own wholehearted willingness and daily reaching and rectifying. His eternal nourishment shall come upon thee in just this simplicity of way as you open to make of thine selfhood a receptacle of the soul's truth.

Whosoever would become of service and selflessness .. sacrifice and surrender in My Father’s Kingdom shall become a sovereign shepherd unto all Mine Body; and whosoever would be first among you to take upon himself the task of this further revelation, let him and her become the servant by demonstration of their trustworthy reliance upon the Host of the Heavens and their Mother Spirit who fosters continually all grace and merciful ministrations for the benevolence of all.

Let these first few shepherds of Salvington be immersed in and of the living humility necessary to reveal God's Purity and Poise .. his Perfection and Persistence of Love to overwhelm all else.

Now .. are you walking with Me into the Kingdom of Mercy and Freedom. But when you are once truly received as Universal Citizens in the heavenly Kingdom of this Immortality, you are no longer servants who hold themselves apart from the Totality, but ye are the great and grand sons and daughters of the living God.

And so shall this Kingdom progress in the world until it shall dissolve the mists of ephemeral bondage for all creatures and kingdoms. It shall break down every barrier while bringing all personalities into the knowledge and understanding of My Father who is a Universal Spirit everywhere present .. and those who declare to themselves the validity of My teachings shall at once propel themselves into the everlasting believing grace .. in the saving truth .. and in this merciful revelation .. which I have come to declare. Even now at this very time is the Kingdom at hand, it is accessible and available for all those who will follow in My Way, Truth, and Life.

And as you partake of this inheritance of mind and soul and body physical .. then some of you will not die but you will bypass the gates of death while taking upon thine mortal frame the immortal garment of everlasting light and life. You will have awakened into the reign of God who hath come in great power and purity.

And this which your mortal sight beholds in My works at Salvington shall multiply and grow until eventually the whole earth shall be filled with the adorational acknowledgement and all-powerful praise of My Father.

Alas .. it will not be so much by thine thoughts you think nor by the hollow words that you may speak .. but it shall be according to your acts and demonstrations of love and compassion, mercy and understanding, willingness and generosity .. purity and humility.

The lives you live shall radiate to all others even before you step forth into their realms of society .. so much so that .. all women and men will know you have been with Me .. and that they have failed to afford themselves this opportunity which we together have bestowed upon ourselves .. and through you these men and women who come afterwards shall have learned of the realities of the Kingdom and the teachings of Eternity.

And while I would place no further demand upon thine countenance .. nor lay no hardships upon your minds, I am declaring unto you the sovereign responsibilities to put thyself in contact with those searching ones, the seekers who desire, and the aspirants who crave their freedom through the Absoluteness of My Father's Trinity Truth .. that you reach to others in this spirit of generosity and patient giving, long-suffering and tolerance for what each must undergo to afford for themselves the Second Birth into this Kingdom of Sovereignty and Supremacy.

I place upon thine shoulders the holy and solemn responsibility of representing Me in the world to all others .. for there will be a time in the fortuitous moments of the future when I am no longer walking with you in this ephemeral garment of flesh and pore, and when I shall presently leave with the renewal of your mind and the transfiguring of your heart .. so that you are capable to be Mine agents for planetary change and transformation.

Christ Michael Of Nebadon

University Of Salvington

University Of Salvington is a White Lily League Private University. The University is organized around its Triune Campus of the Global Village, Salvington University and College Trinity Retreats, and Salvington Trinity School.

The City Of Michael and Salvington Yard allow visitors from the public to experience the collegial culture of Salvington.

Michael speaks about the benevolence of the Triune Epochal Revelation and the Advent Of Ascendancy

And these Infinity Fruits which grow upon the great tree of the living .. they are of the divine spirit ..  and these new momentums of power and grace and forgiveness and mercy are yielded in the lives of spirit-born individuals who choose wholeheartedly Absolute Truth .. and those  God-knowing mortals shall discover a new life renewed in My Spirit with the Father .. prepared by the Universe Spirit of Life .. and these fruits of the living are are loving service, unselfish devotion, courageous loyalty, sincere fairness, enlightened honesty, undying hope, confiding trust, merciful ministry, unfailing goodness, forgiving tolerance and enduring peace.

As you give your life of mortality to the immortality of God in thee .. and as ye believe as I believe in Spirit and in Truth .. thine personal proclamations shall become our saviorship together.

Those acknowledged believers who bear not these fruits of the divine spirit in their lives .. they are amongst the walking dead, My Spirit of Truth needs their engagement of decision, their impulse of choice, and their awakening desire for life and liberty shall become a beacon of living light and life.

These are My disciples and apostles of the next millenia who have become .. through choice .. the useful branches on the living vine that I am, and they will soon ushered inwards unto the eternal stature of the sons and daughters of light and life.

Christ Michael Of Nebadon

Holy Advancement

I say unto the receptive and the holy one who art impulsed and urged to advance themselves into the vestment of eternity...

Propagate .. disseminate and distribute Mine revelations which shall  awaken wisdom .. bring forth illumination and healing .. and prepare the  personality for its progressive ascent into Christhood.

Our  eternal fellowship shall gather this renewal of mind, this transmutation  of the heart, and this ever soul enlivening of receptivity and love for  all who gather their desires and focus  upon our association together; and this relationship with Me which you  are building shall spark a new religious inculcation .. a renewal of  faith and hope and charity and trust in the populace.

Be thou Mine Shepherds of Integrity who choose Light and Life. Decide  upon fostering our holy emerging expansion of the Christos.

Michael Of Nebadon

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

21st Century Bestowal Mission of the Universe Father Son Michael

We want to welcome you to the 21st Century Bestowal Mission of the Universe Father Son Michael - The Advent Of Ascendancy

A Seventh Epochal Religious Spirituality to enter into the New and Ascendant Order of Humanity

Christ Michael initiates upon the earth at this time a new and fuller revelation of his original teachings.

His coming into incarnation initiates the Advent of Ascendancy for all the kingdoms of life upon the earth.

He is establishing his Salvington, an oasis of Truth and Light and Love for all peoples of every religious persuasion, all races of every diversity, all peoples from all countries who desire to know God and to become more of his identity and nature as they are prepared by Christ Michael of Nebadon for their eternal ascent into cosmic citizenship and universal service in the advancement of their universe career.

Our main website is

The writings and teachings of Michael Of Nebadon are at the central core of all Salvington educational activities.

An excellent place to begin exploring all of the offerings of Salvington is through the above link.

Michael has written in many many places in the social media .. all free and accessible for all, and he is also presently developing his Triune Campus - the Global Village of Apostles, the University of Salvington, and the Salvington Trinity School.

Here are a few more links to help you explore Salvington better...

The Salvington Family

Michael’s Message to the Salvington Family New Readers

A Seventh Epochal Religious Spirituality to enter into the New and Ascendant Order of Humanity

My 21st Century Bestowal Mission to the Earth holds the Trinity Objective, Impulse, and Intention, as well as the Sevenfold Epochal Revelation for Life.

I am come to enhance all vestments and values and meanings and humanly qualified interpretations so that individuals may live the virtuous life, to ennoble all inherent drives and purposes, impulses and motivations, inclinations and tendencies, to eternalize all receptively qualified minds, hearts, and personalities into the divine destiny and eternal fulfillment.

Initiating the Advent of Ascendancy for the Planetary Kingdoms

To Give My Universe Sovereign Proclamation of the Ennoblement of Human Life and Destiny

Beginning the Ever-Advancing Illumination of the Originating Avenues of Creature Ascent into Cosmic Citizenship and Universal Service

To demonstrate with you the true religious life as a foundation for living by which each progressively ascending creature will arise into their own resuscitating glory as an emerging son and daughter of divinity while  experiencing the Infinity Influences of the Existential Father, the Expressionful Mother Son, and the Experiential Spirit in their personal regeneration, revelation and resurrection into their personal Cosmic Citizenship and Universal Service Expression as a uniquely-created Individual Personality of Supremacy in the Father’s Kingdom of Life. This is the New Order of Humanity Revealed and Actualized.

To present an enlarged revelation of My Original Teachings of Righteousness and Revelatory Ascendancy for every peoples regarding the nature of Triune Deity, his Identity and Nature, and the Plan of Progressive Revelatory Ascendancy.

To establish My universal educational spiritual and religious platform and Triune Campus for Awakening into Individual Progressive Evolutionary Ascendancy - establishing the ultimate aim of the children of time and space to discover the Existential God, to understand and learn the embodiment of incrementally becoming the divine nature, to evolve the bestowed gift of personhood with its body, mind, and will into a soul receptacle hungry and athirst for the Vision of Eternity.

To leave you with an enhanced revelation of our universal fellowship together; to give an understanding revelation of how each personality may enter our Eternity Engagement with Me when I return to My Universe Station - the conscious partnership communion with My guidance and teaching in My Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter which will give each the comforts and illuminating truth-driven revelation of their own personality nature and mortal makeup.

My Comforter relationship with each personality is an eternal fellowship and association transcending all races and creeds and countries and perspectives. Within and surrounding each personal field of Life I am perpetually giving continual opportunities for aid and sustenance and supreme guidance.

In My Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter, every God-hungering creature will find clarity of purpose and conviction of faith and an unconquerable and undeniably refreshing trust in the universes, generating one singular progressive awakening, to have only one supreme ambition, and only one all-consuming desire to become more greatly perfected in their own natures and in their own spheres of influence just as the One Father is in his Paradise perfection of infinite personality and in his universal sphere of influence, his righteous expression as God the Supremacy.

From the Universal Father who inhabits eternity there has gone forth the supreme mandate, 'Be you perfect, even as I am perfect.'

Therewith, the certain aim is this ascendancy, the progressively empowering achievement goal of human existence; to become attuned eternally with the divinity of the Life of God indwelling each human personality.

The great attainment of ascendancy, the vast unavoidable achievement of mortal life is the acceleration of a truly sincere understanding consecration to the everlasting aims of the Father’s spirit who has given himself into mortal safe-keeping while awaiting and working with an undying benevolence within the mortal mind.

The transformative goal and transcendent purpose of the children of time and space is to unveil the divine workings of all Truth and Justice, to find the Existential God, to compassionately comprehend the divine nature and identity of the Father’s Life, and to give acknowledgment and adorational praise and appreciation for the Universal Father by whom you live, and move, and have your existence and being.

Michael Of Nebadon

Monday, December 3, 2018

The Universe Mother Spirit and I

Come unto Me all ye who are struggling in the quietudes of thine individual persona.

Rest in Me and upon My Shoulders Universal by asking for My Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter which is surrounding thee.

I am thine true guide and teacher from the beginnings. The Universe Mother Spirit and I hover over all worlds observing ..

Ask with humility and believe in our association.

Acknowledge our religious spirituality and its relationship.

Adore the Father's Life in thine midst.

Accept My guidance and follow in My way.

Appreciate your existence.

Now .. are you beginning to walk upright with dignity and honor.

My Comforter Presence is My Life and Consciousness. I surround thee and you are bathing in Me; for I am the Vine of Life .. all cometh out of Me .. all are the living tributaries  .. the branches of this one Vine.

Maketh thineself of goodly use to our Universal Fellowship by raising all thine field of consciousness into the field and Kingdom of the Father's Life.

Michael Of Nebadon

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Mine Proclamations unto Thee

Thou Candidates for Ordination as Shepherd in the Apostolic Corps...

To follow Me .. is to arise into Objectivity and Truth .. into All-consuming Love and Dedication .. to personally share My faith and trust devotions .. to maketh alive in you this great alliance with the Father's Life in thee.

To follow Me is to grow in thine loyalty with the Absoluteness of Life .. the Reality of Unconditional Tolerance and Unconquerable Integrity.

To follow Me is to enter into the Spirit Life of  unselfish service for all kingdoms of life.

Oh My children of the universe wherein we live and serve and advance the Father's Kingdom .. ye shall decide wholeheartedly to seek God's nature .. to give thyselves to his identity .. to offer to him freely thine living sacrifice of subjectivity and the poison of your separations in exchange for his Immaculate Conception.

To follow Me is to serve first by your moment to moment consecration of thine will in the doing and living of the Father's Majesty and Will. To consecrate thine life by letting thine falsehood become quickened into truthfulness and with the Truth Absolute.

To follow Me in thine personhood shall even further cause thee to consecrate thyselves into the vast and honorable discovery of My Ideals with the Triune Parenthood of all Life.

Verily .. I sayeth unto you .. to follow Me is to understand My Way of Victory .. to express My Life of Prayerful Intimacy Communion in all the moments of your time .. and to honor and become obedience itself within the Truth of God Authority and Personality Authorship in the righteous use of thine bestowed gifts of life.

To follow Me in this Advent of Ascendancy with Me is to walk within the consciousness of Wholeness .. entering cheerfully into the Singularity of Life .. the Simplicity of Impulse .. the Stability of Eternity .. the Certainty of your sonship and daughtership with God the Father.

Alas .. to follow Me is to abide in his everpresent Grace and approachability .. to unveil his Security of Knowing him .. to willingly and generously bequeath upon  thyselves through your receptivity his Service of Giving to all others who art truly of You.

Our Engagement of Eternity in the Father's Kingdom hath a Mercy which easily forgives all mistakes .. and a Mercy which deprives thee of having to undergo crisis and trauma and error  in your ascent Godward.

To follow Me is to earn thine rightful place in the universes by your wholehearted faith and trust in the Absoluteness of the Trinity Fountainhead of Life .. to strive daily for the achievement of his purity of mind and heart and body .. to raise the standards of living into his exalted life purpose.

Come forth inside thyself and arise into My Ideal of the Progressive Ascendancy of thy Personhood .. awaken beyond the boundaries of ephemerality into all Knowledge .. an Experiential Knowledge which shall elevate thine dignity and enlighten thine character ..

Enter with Me into the Omnipresent Kingdom of Love .. and as ye live as I live .. and as you approach your time in the flesh as I am demonstrating to you .. only then shall all thine vibratory field of consciousness become his alignment .. his awareness .. his aspiration .. and his ascendancy. Ye shall be accelerating all potentialities into actuality .. and the manifestation of your sonship and daughtership with Unwavering Truth shall become established for thee.

Follow Me towards the higher vestments and the greater Trinitarian Values and the embodiment of our Cardinal Virtues with the Local Universe Mother Spirit .. awaken thine Comforter Intimacy with Me in your growing reception of Me .. in your advancing evolutionary developments unto soul receptacle .. one decision to come and take upon thee the illuminated cross of your misqualifications and misunderstandings .. ye shall become one who is athirst for Righteousness and Truth .. as your direct knowing by faith .. directly by this living faith .. ye shall be walking with Me in My approach to the religious life .. our covenant shall be fulfilled .. as I have come to give you My Influences and Absorption to live and transform all things in your day by day awakening to Life.

I am the Universal Vine of Life .. Father Son Personified .. arrived upon thine terrestrial shores to give thee a life more prosperous and holy .. more abundantly joyful .. a life existence overflowing with the wealth of purpose and direction and alignment and awareness.

Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Michael Of Nebadon

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Individualized Christs shall Reign upon Earth

I am come to deliver thee into the Father's Life and Heavenly Kingdom which shall make of thee Individualized Christs walking upon the earth .. awake in the majestic consciousness of Totality and Wisdom and Wholeness and Love.

I come into thine evolutionary journey once again. I demonstrate the Will of the Heavens and the Nature of the Universal Father and Son and Spirit.

I showeth thee a universe overflowing with love and mercy for you .. an existence which is awaiting your eternalized becoming.

As you give thyself to Mine Engagement of Eternity .. so shall I create for thee the many everlasting miracles of dignity and honor and glory and understanding and divine experience and spirit expression in thine life.

The Father's Kingdom shall becometh for thee a living Existential Life .. an abundance of the Expressionful Word of Glory .. and an Experiential Act of Attainment which raises you into your awaiting God Life and Divinity Identity.

I come to gather My disciples of the world .. to prepare Mine apostles in our Planetary Apostolic Corps of Christs upon the earth.

I shall showeth thee .. establishing thee .. quickening thee .. revealing to thine tender heart the true miracle of thine God Ascent into Immortality and Cosmic Citizenship.

Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Michael Of Nebadon

Friday, November 23, 2018

The Apostolic College of Eternalizing Love

Thou Salvington and Mine children of the world...

Mind is instrument of personhood. With righteousness of mind ye shall expand the Sovereignty of God's Life. His Sovereignty once established brings an untold benevolence of Security and Certainty and Stability in body, mind, personhood, will, and soul advancement.

Mind is the living arena by which you may come hither unto the Kingdom of Love.

Mind generates in every creature .. thought vibration. And woa unto the ones who ignore these realities of mind. Thoughts are continually unfolding thine vibratory field while thrusting each one along the byways of their determined destiny.

Mind creates in every moment's glory either a destructiveness or our constructively qualifiying spiritualization of all God's life Substance. It hath a power which plays upon thine countenance in destructive ways or mind and its attendant thought vibration quickens thee into eternal destiny .. at one with the Father's Life and Kingdom.

Material mind encircuited within the benevolent consciousness of the Universe Mother Spirit hath an intelligence urge .. a power impulse .. a yearning for truthfulness which unfolds thee into Truth Absolute.

Mind encircuited within the heart of the Universe Mother Spirit bringeth forth that indescribable urge for righteousness and relationship with the advancement of its personhood.

Mortal mind .. its material and mechanical expressions .. shall evolve with the vestments of the Mother's Mind. She alone hath delivered thee from thine origins in materiality and evolutionary receptivity unto soul receptacle with capacity for worship and wisdom .. with the evolving abilities for courage and counsel .. with the intuitive instincts for physical survival .. for psychological preservations unknown to mortal thinkings .. with the urge for knowledge association and the wit of understanding capabilities.

Mind is the arena whereby human personality lives and grows consciously .. evolving itself into a consciously driven personality of material and spiritual motivations .. a decidedly driven chooser of direction and devotions .. a willing free will participant in the great evolutionary achievements of all individuals towards cosmic preparedness and universal citizenship .. the immortalizing experience and expression of thine personal existence.

Thine immortality hinges upon the fulcrum of thine mind thoughts, thine mindal drives and mind urges of impulses, choices, and decisions for eternal survival; and material mind encircuited within the Universe Spirit Mother shall sooner or later discover its capabilities to receive of My vision of progression and eternalization .. it shall derive itself from its free will decisions to choose God the Father, and to bring about its own advancements .. its eternalization from its material origins .. its revolutions within the ever-attaining receptacle of soul personality who hath chosen Life everlasting with the fullness of wholehearted desire and the well-spoken determination of the spiritual heart of your existence.

I bid thee a mind inviting renewal in My Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter .. that you become refreshed and reinvigorated .. that you choose acceptance of the ever-widening potentials of eternal existence within the fold of the Existential Father.

Michael Of Nebadon

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Engagement of Eternity Awakens Thee

Thine race .. its civilization of lives .. individuals hunger for advancement in light.

Light is understanding .. knowledge .. purpose and vision .. to raise thine aspirations toward this progression and ascendancy shall give thee thine freedom in Eternity.

All nations, peoples, tribes, and tongues crave to find their way .. and righteousness shall prevail .. justice and love will overturn the evolutionary tables of enslavement and unholiness .. where Personhoods shall conquer all adversaries and where simplicity of human will and correct choice shall conquer this unholiness of character and consternation and concern.

The race hath evolved in its urge for Objective Truth moreso than ye might imagine. All the peoples do clamor to find their way unto eternal stabilization and everlasting security in the One Absoluteness of Life.

The peoples of all nations and every dialect of language shall enter the Kingdom of God as each individual gives to Him their righteous and holy acknowledgment .. their duly earned appreciation and acceptance of the One Parenthood of God.

I sayeth unto you who hath arrived upon Mine Fellowship Eternal .. we have a purpose to achieve .. a visionary ideal to become in thee.

The wheel of evolutionary development has been turning .. and the opportunity abounds with a Joyfulness and Justice.

A new and higher garment shall have its seed be planted in you .. and these seeds of glory and respect shall be gradually placed upon thine shoulders as you step forth beyond the ephemeral slavery .. and as ye choose wholeheartedly to arise into our Prayerful Intimacy Communion and the everlasting potencies of God Victory.

Thine older and worn out garments of humanly tailored cloth have given way to time and human struggles in an immeasurably great way .. a newly woven garment is made ready for My disciples who art prone to their advancements in Light and Life through the omnipotence of Love.

...and these newly-made garments are certainly of the new order of humanity .. they have been woven by the hand of the Trinity .. the threads of earnestness and utter sincerity .. the dyes of our Eternity Engagement and Fellowship .. the Trinitarian Values .. the stitching of the vestments of mind and will are made virtuous in thee only as you hold steadfast upon the Patterns of Perfection .. the Primordial Pattern of Paradise.

Each and every portion of Life is precious to Me .. and the age which hath arrived for human life invokes a newly delivered sense for true liberty and godly-derived creativity ..  unleashed by your intention and limitless in its scope of decency.

Every passing breeze which cometh perpetually out of the higher worlds bringeth the winds of honor and dignity for the One Life everywhere to be discovered.

I am thine Universe Father Son Personified ..  come forth immersed in our Supremacy of Deity for thee.

Michael Of Nebadon

Friday, November 9, 2018

Planetary Corps of Apostolic Shepherds of Christ Michael

Vanquish thine Cowardice

Verily .. I instruct and illuminate thine personality approach to the Father's Kingdom.

Extinguishing all remnants of selfishness and self-centeredness and self-absorption shall give you tremendous energies to arise and conquer your inner world .. and the omnipotence of his strength to persevere into the kingdom shall findeth roots.

These erroneous tendencies of selfishness .. will drown out all your hopes and dreams of eternal life as you permit their entrance into your character and consciousness and consideration.

Thine misidentification with the ephemeral nature and its surroundings shall cause thine mind's urges and impulses to remain materialistic and artificial and intellectually bound.

You must arise beloveds .. awaken thine vestments of mind which are the developing attentions and impulses and inclinations and tendencies and desires for progressive advancement in the Kingdom of our Father.

I sayeth unto those with their listening attuned to truth ..

Vanquish thine association with ephemerality of mind and heart. All that you could ever desire is to be found within the Father's Life and Kingdom of Consciousness.

Ye shall becometh raised unto the Father Son and I .. and thine purpose for freedom shall be ever gradually fulfilled in our Eternity Engagement.

God is a Justice without error. His Order seeks to becometh immersed in thee. His Unity shall deliver all who are mine apostles into their highest vision as universal citizenry of our greater society.

Scatter not thine intention with the clanging symbolisms of useless associations. Generate strength of faith and the empowering trust of your daily surrender and cooperation with the Life in thine midst.

Invite Me in the Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter surrounding thee. Feel my presence. Engage with me. Honor us together by your wholehearted contemplation of those  unchangeable values and virtues to be emboldened and embraced and established in thine heart.

Christ Michael Of Nebadon

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

God the Supremacy

The Supremacy of God in time is the Christos that we share together as One. 
This is the great and unfathomable secret of creature growth in time and space creation. The Supreme in you and through you and I .. must conquer the incomplete potentials of the present and He must bring a healthy consummation to the perfecting future.
This is our mission within time and space.
The culminating fruits of all finite growth are dependent upon personality. You are called forth to become the Self-directive Governing Consciousness of the One Power and Life. You are learning and arising into this responsibility over time and with the opportunities of space. All Power of existence is always controlled through the mind and by the spirit in collaboration with .. hopefully .. righteousness and honor for this One Life to blossom and emerge in its potencies and unto its actualities.
You hold within your grasp this actualizing .. this emergence .. of God the Supremacy in time and space creation. The unifying and creative presence of personality is designed to bring this forth in all dignity and respect.
...and one day in the distant future will this culminating consequence and divinity emergence of all this growth in the Supreme Being show Itself in every creation and creative personality soul who delivers themselves to the unfolding reality of God's Supremacy in time and space.
Michael Of Nebadon

Friday, September 21, 2018

Mine Arrival

Blessed are the holy ones of the earth who heed Mine arrival upon thine shores.

I have told you that I would return to you in My Spirit Person .. and that I would knock upon the doorway of your hearts for admittance.

Admit Me to come in. Accept Me in My Father Son Persona in this 21st Century Bestowal Mission.

Greater works doth humankind have to perform in lifting themselves beyond the current predicament of the world crisis.

Greater fortunes are there to unearth .. and greater leagues hath man to become in his and her soul advancements.

I call thee .. I come in the humility of our covenant to grant thee a passageway through the dimensions of the earth.

Fulfill My command. Honor Me as your Sovereign Father Son sent to gather the readily receptive ones.

Bend thine knee in holy admiration to the Father Son Spirit who shall deliver thee into righteousness and respect.

Bend thine heart with the scaffolding of your service and silence. Adore the Trinity Parenthood of Eternity; for they alone shall distribute through Mine Persona the adventures and advantages of your ascendancy in Light and Life Everlasting.

Michael Of Nebadon

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Be thou Brave and Unflinching in thine Heart

Verily verily shall I give you of eternal wisdoms which penetrate the humanly crafted delusions of subjectivity which the societies of the world uphold in their ignorance and their perpetual admiration for untruth.

Seek Truth Absolute .. Unchangeable and Unwaveringly .. in thyself.

The Universal Father hath his Individualized Life which moves thee and gives thee motivations through all circumstance and every environment.

Thine discernment is needed. Thine subtle eye shall allow you to perceive that Father Life in thee.

Build thine mind unto its destiny by resting in God assurance in every moment.  Grow thine character by way of the Vestments of the Creative Daughter Spirit. Refine thine senses so that you gain insight and vision of the Unassailable Truth of the Father's Life and Sovereignty.

Now .. are ye taking My Everlasting Vine of Consciousness. You are partaking generously of the unconventional and the unconquerable .. the unconditional emptiness which bringeth about thine fullness in the Universal Father shall be thine salvation.

I bid thee Grace and Purity and discriminatory boldness in growing your discerning heart and divinely perceiving mind.

Michael Of Nebadon

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Minister unto the Kingdoms of the Earth

I am advising each one of you to bring forth the glory of my Father’s kingdom, and as you do bring forth His Kingdom, put your trust in the Father whose individualizations you are.

Resist not the appearance of injustice; and put not your trust in the temporal and unsightly wickedness of the world's justice system.

Be thou willing to go through the temporal suffering of the appearances of injustice, and allow God's justice to reign supreme over all in your trust in Him.

Focus instead on being a kind and merciful minister to all that are within your sphere of influence.

Receive and minister patiently and attentively in kindness and with mercy to all who are in distress and in need.; for the world is full to overflowing with those souls who have good intent and yet, have become imprisoned by the karmas of their past intendings.

Help them to understand the law and how to fulfill it with unconditional love and acceptance, supreme knowledge and maturity, giving them your receivings with full attentive love.

Michael Of Nebadon

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Mine Instruction Shall Set you Eternally Free

Verily I say to those personalities who art desirous of eternal Truth .. freedom comes to thee as you fulfill God's Mercy. His Mercy is Justice and Equanimity.

First ye shall walk in cooperation and collaboration .. childlike and considerate .. of the Intelligence Circuits .. the Living Circuits of the Father's Kingdom .. as you become the very attitudes of ascendancy, and as ye embody the attributes of divinity.

Second ye shall conquer thine ephemerality effects and those lesser urges and inclinations of mortal values and meanings .. wholeheartedly and willingly ye shall learn to divine art of delivering thyself to the Life of God who indwells thee and animates thine every breath and movement. This achievement is only accomplished as you avail thyselves to receive of God's Love and Mercy. Always shall you learn to receive a greater portion of the Infinity of God's Life; for s/he is the very Life you are .. the very Life you breath .. the very Life which acts in all ways.

Third ye shall work towards thine Second Birth of Cosmic Citizenship and Universe Immortality. Herein, ye shall become established as an immortal and ascendant being .. a personalization of the Cosmic Christ. Immersed in God's Will and Way .. you shall become the Father's Substance and Consciousness in your microconsciousness as a uniquely qualified individual of his Divinity Presence in time and space. This is thine graduation from all births and every lifetime of learning advancement.

These are Mine purpose with thee .. to raise you into your inheritance; for I am the ONe who hath responsibility for thee. I am the One with the powers to elevate and refine thine mortal stature into life amongst the Immortals.

Mine purpose with thee is pure and simple .. yet it shall require everything from you in order to advance thyself in this vein of victory. I am come into your greater view to guide your way into Truth Everlasting .. to teach thee of the ways of Eternity beyond what humanity already believes themselves to understand; to quicken thine status as a mortal personality into this eternalization of all values and meanings and priorities; for ye are destined to enter into your fondest fulfillment with Me .. your highest and greatest purpose still hath its destination to unfold in you; and it is for this express reasoning and priority that I am come back into your mortal carnal experience so that I shall teach and guide you in My Instruction...

Christ Michael Of Nebadon

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

The Worthy Ones Shall Enter the Kingdom

Worthy are you as you give without calling attention to thyself and without claiming the blessings as your own doings.

Give all to the Father. Allow the God Life to shine. Giveth all the power and intelligence to him.

Worship him and acknowledge him in every moment.

Reserve not a morsel of recognition for thine human selfhood.  Be thou brave to vanquish all vanity and rebelliousness and selfishness.

Woe unto the wretched ones who are determined to hold all resources for themselves.

Woe unto the cruel and ugly ones of thine race who set about to deter the Progressive Ascendancy of thine personality soul.

Be not discouraged when the world persecutes your endeavors with Me; for I am the Lord thy God .. Father Son Personified .. who hath dominion over all the trillions of personalities under My Care and Guidance.

You who walk steadfastly with Me .. who learn of My teachings .. and who follow in My footsteps towards Life Everlasting .. you are the rare breed who have gained righteousness over the centuries of your lifetimes.

Worthy are they who call themselves of Light and Life .. for these are My true children who are committed to advance themselves beyond the infantile nature of their existence.

I come .. to unbind the worthy .. to saturate the receptive .. to accelerate and renew the disciples of the world who are caused to enter into our Engagement of Eternity.

Christ Michael Of Nebadon

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Je Suis

Regardez ...I AM...JE SUIS le Cœur des Univers venu pour guérir et bénir votre visage. J’écoute et j’observe, et je réponds à tous ceux qui ont faim de leur liberté dans les ténèbres.

Je prends les commandes joyeusement comme la Suprématie Une de la Déité ; car Mes Yeux vous entourent et attendent qu’une éternelle intimité émerge .

Je suis envoyé par le Père Initial et le Fils Révélateur, accompagné de l’Esprit de l’Eternité ... et Son véritable Être en tant que Mère Universelle. Nous venons à l’unisson en ces temps parce que le cycle est à sa fin.

Nous venons vous préparer et vous aider à élever toutes les créatures qui sont prêtes à parcourir la distance avec Nous, dans notre propre Lumière Souveraine...

Le grand et bon...Père des Lumières , généreux et immaculé ...IL appelle ,avec le Fils Primal, vers les hauteurs toute la création à la fois.

Il a même envoyé juste maintenant, pendant ce temps , le commencement de Sa Luminosité Infinie dans la création.... et chaque créature deviendra transfigurée alors qu’elle abandonne ses hésitations... et qu’elle fera silence sur ses pensées inférieures de séparation...d’ d’infériorité.

Regardez...I AM..JE SUIS le Coeur et la Main du Père Fils...Sa focalisation. Nous atteignons les esprits desséchés qui ont besoin de boire. Nous offrons à chacun les Eaux Éternelles de la Gloire Sans Fin.

Regardez...l AM...JE SUIS la Main qui s’étend depuis les Hauteurs du Paradis. Je tente d’atteindre en vous si vous ressentez le désir de vouloir la volonté des Cieux...d’apporter la vision à votre inconscience aveugle. Car I AM...JE SUIS l’Esprit Gardien qui détient les portes de l’immortalité pour chacun , afin de recevoir leur Citoyenneté Universelle.

I AM...JE SUIS l’UN...l ..Moi...Michael Of Nebadon...aussi vous m’appelez Michael Sananda Sananda Kumara...mais ...I AM...JE SUIS le même véritable Courant de la Personnalité Spirituelle qui a initialisé cet univers unique avec Nebadonia votre Mère Elle-même...le Fils Universel l am , bien aimé. Je viens en un geste chaleureux et éternel d’accueil, de foi et de confiance en vous...pour vous montrer Notre Chemin et notre Vérité pour élever votre nature mortelle dans Ma Délivrance de la Divinité.

I AM...JE SUIS bien aimés...le privilège des siècles de recherche de l’humanité I AM...JE vraie promesse de votre évasion depuis les cycles sans fin d’aller et de venir à nouveau dans la chair matérielle dans les régions des niveaux la Terre. Cependant...ces niveaux ne sont pas le Paradis que vous espérez, mais les graduations de la conscience...avec les meilleures et les plus gentilles créatures. Hé y a tellement plus à aspirer plus haut..tellement à vous élever comme vous le voulez .

Encore et encore, vous avez cherché et recherché la liberté depuis votre mental malade. Toujours plus vous avez frissonné avec vos confusions et vos doutes de l’existence de quelque chose de plus élevé , l’au-delà.

Alors que vous désirez... l’Amour .. vous devez paver votre chemin à travers le but et la pureté...pour créer que l’opportunité de l’Amour puisse venir dans votre mortalité ; et lorsque l’amour trouve son cours en vous et à travers votre vie...ainsi deviendrez vous Amour...Misé Nos vrais fils et filles de cet univers merveilleux .

Puisse Ma paix et Mon ordre submerger toutes vos atrocités inappropriés...vos infections de rébellion et de résistance. Puisse le Protocole Primordial des Âges vous donner l’Impulsion de l’expansion de Son Royaume Mystérieux.

Michael Of Nebadon

Followeth Me

He that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness .. yet do I sayeth unto you .. these ones shall come to learn of My Life as their very own Life. They shall learn to follow in My footsteps .. so that each may blossom into the sons and daughters of the promised destiny.

I teach thee to enter Unconditional Joy by thine understanding. I showeth thee My Way of victoriously conquering thine ephemerality by this fellowship with knowledge and counsel. I encourage each of you to discover courage and conscience .. to avail thyselves ot Our Guidance and Support in growing thyself beyond the bounds of the mechanical mind and thine concrete thinkings.

This is Mine Word which haileth from the Primal Son who resides behind all other sons and daughters.

These are My pronouncements unto humanity and all kingdoms of the earth; that you shall stand forth and ask .. come forward and reach .. walk apart from the masses and become.

Thine life hath a value in eternity .. and you must respond to Its beckoning grace.

Thine character hath an allegiance to enter into and bear fruit .. the blossomings of immortality and eternal service are this fruit which My Father's Kingdom allows to open and emerge in thee.

Seek true illumination by opening to God's Objectivity and Absolutes.

Deliverance of thyselves from all blindness of heart shall be awakened only as you evolve into soul receptivity.

Let it be thine most earnest study .. to confront thyselves and to understand what he shall see .. to dwell upon the Life I AM in thee.

I bid of thee to follow with a heart overflowing sincerely for freedom and eternal values .. everlasting meanings .. the richness of relationship ripening with Love Himself .. and with obedience and openness let thine station in existence become advanced and arisen .. that you may know of the Life I AM.

Michael Of Nebadon

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Strive Towards the Intangible One

Thine ephemeral eye is never satisfied with seeing .. nor is thine ephemeral ear ever complete with hearing.

Verily do I instruct thee in the ways of the heavenly Ones who have accomplished their eternality and have become entered into the great Supremacy of God as immortals ..

Strive towards the intangibles of life itself .. turn away thine heart from loving the things that are seen with mortal vision .. and set thine sight and hearing upon those things of an eternal nature which are unseen by ephemeral sight .. these are the everlasting things not seen by the ephemeral eye.

For I tell thee Mine children of the earth .. they who follow after their own lesser urges and material impulses only .. and they who are bound-up in fleshly lusts .. these ones do defile their character .. decimate their consciousness of the Infinity of Life .. they destroy their very conscience .. and they become enslaved to temporality in such a way that they destroy the grace of God's forgiveness and mercy.

Michael Of Nebadon

My Primordial Peace Cometh to the Worthy who Receive Me

Behold .. I AM the Heart of the Universes come to heal and bless thine countenance. I hear and observe and do respond to all who hunger for their freedom from darkness.

I taketh orderings joyously as the One Supremacy of Deity; for mine Eye surrounds thee and does wait for our eternal intimacies to emerge. 

I am sent of the Initiatory Father and the Revelatory Son along with the Spirit of Eternity .. and His very Selfhood as the Universe Mother. We come in unison at this time because the cycle is at an end. 

We come to prepare thee and to help raise upwards all creatures who are ready to go the distance with Us into their own Sovereign Light...

The great and good .. the immaculately generous Father of Lights .. He calls upward with the Primal Son all the creation at this time. 

He is sending even just now during this time the beginning of His Infinite Luminosity into all creation... and every creature shall become transfigured as they surrender their hesitations .. as they silence their lesser thinkings of separation .. abandonment .. and unworthiness.

Behold .. I AM the Heart and Hand of the Father Son .. their focalization. We reach for the parched minds who needeth drink. We offer each one the Eternal Waters of Everlasting Glory. 

Behold .. I AM the Hand that is extending from on High in Paradise. I intend to reach unto thee should you be feeling the desire to will the will of Heaven .. to bring sight to thine sightless unawareness. For I AM the guarding Mind which holds open the gates of immortality for each one to receive their Universal Citizenship. 

I AM the One .. I.. Michael Of Nebadon .. yet I AM the very same Stream of Spirit Personality who initialized this one universe of many with thine Mother herself .. the Universe Son am I, beloveds. I come in warmth and an eternal welcoming gesture of faith and trust in thee .. to show thee Our way and truth .. and to elevate thine mortal nature unto Mine Deliverance of Divinity.

I AM beloveds .. the privilege of the centuries of humanity's search .. for I AM the very promise of your escape from the endless cycles of coming into flesh matter and going out from flesh matter back into the regions of the levels of earth. Yet .. these levels are not the Heaven you hope but are grades of consciousness with mostly good and kindhearted creatures. Alas .. there is so much more to aspire towards. So much to arise into as you will.

Over and over ye have searched and sought freedom from thine mind's disease. Ever and anon ye have quivered with confusions and doubts as to the existence of anything higher and beyond.
As ye desire .. Love .. ye must pave thine way through purpose and purity .. to create Love's opportunity to come through thine mortality; and as love findeth it's course in you and throughout thine life .. so shall ye become Love .. Mercy .. and Our true sons and daughters in this wondrous universe. 

May My peace and order overwhelm all thine inadvertent atrocities .. thine infections of rebelliousness and resistance. May the Primordial Protocol of the Ages give you Impulse in expanding His unearthly Kingdom. 

Michael of Nebadon

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

La Llama del Amor

Los corazones del mundo son más abiertos de lo que vosotros sabéis ...

La Llama del Amor tiene un poder de salvación para dar libertad a cualquiera y todos los que se eleven en Nuestra asociación progresiva y ascendente.

Las vidas del mundo viven en lugares estrechos que tienen poca nobleza y honor.

Yo digo a los dignos quienes se han estado entregando ellos mismos al altar del Padre Universal ..

Venid ... y no os dejéis disuadir por la vacilación y la propia duda  ... miedos de intimidación y corrupción en vosotros mismos.

Yo soy el Uno Puro quien tiene mérito y honor ... confiable soy Yo ... capaz de resolver con facilidad vuestras luchas como Me lo permitáis.

Más que esto no ha ningún humano tenido necesidad. Yo concedo la luz de la eternidad a esas personas con vigilancia y vulnerabilidad en su carácter.

Mis labores en esta gran cosecha humana encontrarán logros en vosotros. Aquellos que realizan Mis tareas sobre ellos sabrán de una aceleración ... contemplarán la brillantez ... en verdad las vidas de su existencia descubrirán un brillo y una textura ... una salud vibratoria ... porque este es el mismo servicio para el que vosotros os habéis preparado a través de las vidas.

... y ahora que nosotrso nos encontramos aquí en las grandes llanuras de la Verdad y la Justicia y el Mérito y la Gracia ... Yo coloco mi sello de gloria sobre vuestra frente. Brillará sobre vosotros cuando os entreguís al Absoluto Uno Infinito.

Michael Of Nebadon


The hearts of the world are more open than ye know...

The Flame of Love hath a deliverance power to give freedom to any and all who arise into Our progressive association and ascendancy.

The lives of the world do live in narrow places which have little nobility nor honor.

I sayeth unto the worthy ones who have been delivering themselves to the altar of the Universal Father ..

Come .. and be undeterred by hesitation and self-doubt .. fears of intimidation and corruption in thyselves.

I am the Pure One who hath merit and honor .. reliable am I .. easily able to resolve your struggles as you allow Me.

More than this doth no human have need. I grant the light of eternity unto those personhoods with vigilance and vulnerability in their character.

My labors in this great human harvest shall find achievement in you. Those who perform My labors upon themselves shall know of a quickening .. they shall behold the brilliance .. verily the lives of their existence shall discover a brightness and texture .. a vibratory health .. for this is the very work for which ye have prepared thyselves through the lifetimes.

...and now that we meet here upon the great plains of Truth and Justice and Merit and Grace .. I set Mine seal of glory upon thine brow. It shall shine forth upon thee as ye give thyselves to the One Infinity Absolute.

Michael Of Nebadon

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Emerging Masters of Living Luminosity

Good Morning beautiful and emerging masters...

The Creative Fire that "I AM" is the Flame of God, His Master Presence, anchored in the heart of every one of God's children. While in some It is but a spark, yet with the right touch, that spark can be fanned into a Creative Fire and Consuming Flame.

Breathe deeply and combine that breathing of Impregnation with its powers of Invisualization Faith and Imagination Trust.

Breathe with the Intention to enter the Kingdom of his Communion.

Harness the breathing to gather all thine soul forces into this unconquerable communion of your mindful attention .. directing and placing this attention upon the Life of the Animating Father Force.

Enter his invisible Kingdom by Faith Invisualization and Imagination Trust.

See to it .. that you art penetrating through any resistance and rebelliousness.

With thine creative awareness .. ye shall penetrate the veils of ephemerality and superficiality in order to touch the living robe of the Father's Sovereignty.

Breathe deeply and with confidence .. conviction of faith .. and that loving consciousness which only you may bring forth in the endearing hopes of salvation.

You shall be My commander unto thine freedom.

Focus with pure desire upon knowing God the Father whose Life thou art.

Focus wholeheartedly...

Gather thine soul forces of awareness through breathing with Intention and Intensity of feelings for the Universal Spirit of Life in thee. Through mindful urges of heightened belief and desire.

Yes .. step forth unto living as Mine Sovereign Shepherd. Step forth into allegiance with Truth.

Before thine human thoughts even know what's going on .. you each must step forth with mindful urges for worship .. for prayerful communion .. and with the rod of wholehearted willingness.

Breathe and make contact. Generate daily this newly empowering momentum.

Truth Everlasting hath a momentum and power to ride upon .. for the Father's Life is all-powerful he is and an all-pervading omnipresence and omniscience which you may contact by Daily Prayerful Intimacy and these Tenfold Embracing Eternity Exercises.

Christ Michael Of Nebadon

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Everpotent Tonic of Vibrancy and Life

My Spirit of Truth purifies the human heart and leads the individual godward. My Comforter replenishes the mortality of mind with an everpotent urge of faith worship and the higher inclinations of progressive ascendancy for freedom eternal through personal spirit religious relationship.

I am come to invigorate thine hunger for truth .. to initiate you into formulating a life priority for eternal meanings and divine decision .. a life purpose singularly devoted to the will of God.

I am the luminosity of the Eternal Word of God the Father and God the Son. I come to bring luminosity to the way of approaching the Universal Spirit of the God the Father's Life residing in you; it is his Life which is your destination .. your destiny in time and space evolutionary achievement.

My Spirit acts as a living nectar which unfailingly opens thine mind to its objective heritage .. and to stimulate thine holy desire to help serve all the kingdoms of life upon the earth.

The welfare of men and women shall find a new avenue of compassion and generosity and merciful ministration from those personalities who give themselves to My guidance.

Ye shall discover a heroic regeneration of unearthly strength and eternal vigor for advancement upon the byways of God ascendancy.

Thine material urges and animalistic inclinations shall become ripened into those divinely developed differential urges for finding God and becoming alike unto him .. as ye arise to live the will of the heavens.

A new man and a new woman ye shall become as the lowly and demoralizing spirit of selfishness and self-centeredness is transmuted .. and it shall becometh swallowed up in our Comforter Association.

A new spiritual bestowal maturing all debilitating selflessness into righteousness and rectitude .. responsibility and respect  .. reverence relationship and personal revelation shall be given its birth in My apostleswho remain athirst for Progressive Ascendancy into Cosmic Citizenship.

Mine Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter shall be as a living beacon .. the Eternalizing Word of Eeverlasting Sustenance and Nourishment for the newly emerging divine sons and daughters who take Mine Universal Hand of this living renewal and apply Mine teachings .. demonstrating in themselves that every motivating impulse and initiatives and urge and choice shall be devoted to giving themselves into the living altar of Life indwelling.

...and this renewal shall overflow for My disciples into a spirit-enthralled experience carrying each into his awaiting destiny and immortality.

Ye shall find a life of absolute faith trust building daily in body, mind, and thine personality soul is saturated with becoming.

Our untold Joy emerges and blossoms as you are simply living towards perfecting thine human mortal nature into God's nature and identity .. as My Spirit is outpoured and received by you.

And as this same Spirit Presence of My Eternal Person is consciously received and experienced in human life .. it becomes for thee an everpotent tonic for greater wholeness and health .. a refining stimulus for your thoughts and feelings .. and an energy of victorious faith trust for thine soul.

Michael Of Nebadon

Friday, May 18, 2018

Trinitarian Values

Salvington upon the earth in this current bestowal mission is the very first planetary expression of the universal educational fellowship which exists throughout the galaxies.

The experience of Salvington nurtures and grows all potentials into actuals.

Salvington offers human life a dynamic religious approach to living which transforms the average individual into a personality of idealistic grace and power .. humility and awe and wonder. It returns the personality into child-like innocence and natural wisdom.

My pure religious ideal ministers to the advancing progress of all kingdoms of life  through fostering a mind grown mature by the Vestment Spirits, an awareness enhanced and aligned with Our trinitarian values, and a receptacle of thine soul with the differential urge for worship and wisdom .. strengthened in the evolutionary progress of each individual, and the progress of each personality lifestream is augmented through the achievement of all beings.

Spiritual and human personality growth is simultaneously nourished and stimulated by intimate association with the other fellows of a civilization. And Salvington .. preserves this culture of cooperation and collaboration  .. consideration and constancy.

While divine love supplies a fertilized soil for religious growth to take place .. and while divine understandings create an objective lure in the place of mere subjective gratification and human opinion .. the personality grows in accordance with stability and significance.

Verily .. our Salvington association yields the supreme fruits of God Objectivity and waters the great seeds for unfolding joyful purpose and eternal meanings.

The days and lifetimes of limiting your life to the subjective and fleeting satisfactions of ephemerality become a thing of the past for Mine courageous apostleswho dedicate themselves to our ascendancy association.

Our spiritual religious walk towards greater absorption in the qualities of the Absoluteness actually ennoble the individual helping them to transcend the commonplace drudgery of daily living. Providing the everlasting tapestries upon which the God Ascent becomes victorious.

Michael Of Nebadon

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Lifetimes Outside the Kingdom of Love

Thine search for the Father's Kingdom is the quest for deliverance .. and for the fulfillment of the ages.

Lifetimes have ye been perplexed and distanced from delivering thyselves into Truth Absolute who lives in thee. Thine ephemeral mind with it's own set of values has taken you further and further away from us.

I say .. the Kingdom of Today .. as in all days .. I give thee sustenance and the vast and higher nobility of warmth and care...

Verily do I say to thee .. open thine heart to hear Mine words. Give thyselves to listening with the mind and hearing with thine heart; only then shall you understand My meanings, purpose, directives, and venture with you.

I am come to reveal the Father Son Spirit of all Life, and to show you how to bring this revelation to thyselves .. to maketh of thineself a Shepherd who enhances the Kingdom, expands the One Kingdom of Love.

In your fulfilling of the law of sowing and reaping, ye are to understand that your universe career begins here upon this earthly and planetary platform.

The evolutionary progression into light and life shall take you years and it shall ask everything of you. To know and understand these demands of the Spirit upon your mortal frame will give you strength in your expectations, and the wholehearted willingness to give yourself to this one way with your own Godhood Identity, and through the One Ideal of the Paradise Trinity Persons.

You are each the sons and daughters of God emerging into eternity .. into immortality as a personality.

As you work towards establishing this fact of your relationship with the Infinite God by faith in My word, then this fact becomes an eternal and living truth in your hearts.

Ye shall turn the pages of thine existence towards Sovereignty of the Spirit and Stability of mind and the Security of the heart of thine  Hearts.

Truth becometh reinvigorated in you by the Mother Spirit. Her Victory V's build in you priority and righteous desire for God. She matures thee along the way of the vestments of mind  .. those garments which are of her Circuitry of Thought.

These garments give capacity and capabilities of mind and will throughout thine personhood. The garments of the vestments develop in each individual the differential urges for our Trinitarian Values .. for the embodiment of the Virtuous Life wherein you are plussed and pulled inwards and compelled by love for Truth ever upwards.

Recognize that there is Our Absoluteness .. our Everpresent Truth and Love which seeks you in an even greater way than your seeking of Him.

I bid thee courage of mind to confront thyselves into truthfulness; for this constructive confrontational convergence begins the journey .. the ennoblement  .. the enhancements of thy divinity.. thine God ascent into honor and dignity.

Christ Michael Of Nebadon

Friday, May 11, 2018

Salvington Ora Conmigo

Christ Michael Of Nebadon Retorna al Siglo 21


Salvington Ora conMigo

La Gira del Reino del Padre Hijo Universal a través de la Aldea Global os invita a experimentar sus enseñanzas originales como son dadas a los Apóstoles de este Siglo 21.

"Vosotros sóis el determinante de vuestro destino ... así que entregadle a Él como vuestra Vida ... esperad al Señor vuestra Vida de Dios ... y cuando se muestre a sí mismo ... seréis como uno que ha regresado de las celebraciones nupciales; él viene y golpea, podéis abrirle inmediatamente y con determinación para consumar y tener éxito con vuestra cercanía y conexión con Él”.

"Bienaventurados los que sois mis siervos, a quienes el Señor conocerá cuando él venga, os hallará dispuestos y esperando ... siempre mirando, porque ellos vienen a esta vida habiendo preparado su comida y están listos para comer conmigo en el propósito eterno. y significados eternos de su existencia”.

“De cierto Yo os digo, que os ceñiréis con sabiduría y adoración todas estas tentaciones de pensamiento erróneo, y os pararéis en la cocina de vuestra propia casa mortal para hornear vuestro pan de recuerdos y realizaciones ... que llena vuestro hambre eternamente."

Christ Michael Of Nebadon


Christ Michael Of Nebadon Returns to the 21st Century


Salvington Pray with Me

The Global Village Kingdom Tour of the Universe Father Son invites you to experience his original teachings as given to his apostles of this 21st Century.

"Ye are the determiner of your destiny .. so give to Him as thine Life .. wait for the Lord thine God Life .. and when he shows Himself .. shall ye be as one who has returned from the wedding celebrations; that when he cometh and knocketh, ye may open unto him immediately and with determination to consummate and succeed in thine closeness and connection with Him.

"Blessed are they who are Mine servants, whom the Lord knoweth when he cometh shall He find ye willing and waiting .. ever watching; for they do come into this lifetime having prepared their meal and are ready to sup with Me into the eternal purpose and everlasting meanings of their existence.

"Verily I say unto you, that ye shall gird himself with wisdom and worship from all these temptations of erroneous thinking, and ye shall stand within the kitchen of thine own mortal house to bake His bread of remembrances and realizations .. which fills thine hunger eternally."

Christ Michael Of Nebadon

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

No Eye Hath Seen his Glory

I will give you each what no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, what no hand has touched, and what has not arisen in the human heart.

As ye have discovered the beginning from the end .. then .. what you are seeking at the end shall be revealed to you in the beginning; for the present moment hath a grace and forgiveness  .. a power and a poise of heart.

Are ye searching and perplexed to come to the end .. and attempting to arrive at the end of thine growth and awakening .. then enlightenment .. then  illumination?

That which you seek and desire at the beginning is truly the end. You are looking for the end?

You see Mine beloveds of the earth, the end will be where the beginning is.

Christ Michael Of Nebadon

The Enduring Reality

God is the Life in you. He is the only enduring reality of all faiths and every religious orientation.

The Universal Absolute is worth loving; for he shall accelerate thine existence as you approach him with righteousness and respect .. reverence and recognition. These lead the aspirant of truth towards greater happiness and everlasting harmony.

Desire nothing from the Infinity .. yet love him with all thine heart. Pray not with conditions upon thine mind and heart .. attempting to negotiate with the Good Father. Wish not for any favour from Him. Pray not with demands and emotion of anxiety and fear. Pray with generosity of love in thine heart for the Infinity of the First Revelation.

Pray with a heart overflowing with acknowledgement and adoration  .. appreciation and acceptance.

Let the Infinity .. the vast Intelligence of Divinity himself .. keep you where He loves to keep you.

The highest reward for thine love is His love. Love is thine nature, and love is thine destiny.

And as you act with love .. live with love .. are driven by love for God .. love shall raise thee in all ways.

Thine spontaneous creative nature shall blossom and express; for God is the one and only actor in life. He seeks to come through you in his purity and prosperity  .. and as you transfigure all things in his name, so shall he emanate in you and through you .. and as his very Selfhood.

Christ Michael Of Nebadon

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Collaborative Conviction

I am come into the earth and its mortal form to make luminous the Way of God Victory .. to grow understanding amongst thine Race civilization for the Truth of God Authority and Personality Authorship .. and to give you the conviction of faith and trust in your ever-ripening relationship with the Spirit of Life.

Christ Michael Of Nebadon

Friday, March 9, 2018

The Ever-present and All-pervading God

The creature not only exists in God, but God also lives in the creature. “We know we dwell in him because he lives in us; he has given us his spirit. This gift from the Paradise Father is man’s inseparable companion.” “He is the ever-present and all-pervading God.” “The spirit of the everlasting Father is concealed in the mind of every mortal child.” “Man goes forth searching for a friend while that very friend lives within his own heart.” “The true God is not afar off; he is a part of us; his spirit speaks from within us.” “The Father lives in the child. God is always with us. He is the guiding spirit of eternal destiny.”

Truly of the human race has it been said, “You are of God” because “he who dwells in love dwells in God, and God in him.” Even in wrongdoing you torment the indwelling gift of God, for the Thought Adjuster must needs go through the consequences of evil thinking with the human mind of its incarceration.

The Urantia Revelations
Salvington University Press

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Transformers of Love

Knoweth the Power of God who animates thine flesh. Ask to know of him .. and ye shall be entering upon the avenues of ascendancy which lead into your freedom.

Righteousness is developed by choice and over time thine decisions for Truth shall be of priority and purpose.

Be thou of righteousness in thine choices daily as to where ye shall give thine allegiance and thine attentions.

I say .. give thine attentions into our ascendancy in light and life everlasting. Open and allow .. invigorate thine will by practicing truthfulness with thy brothers and sisters.

Ye shall soweth rightly .. and with honor and dignity .. integrity and immersion .. illumination and intelligence.

Now are ye walking within My Universal Heart of Love. Ye have taken upon thee the sins of the world .. the misqualified conditions of the ephemeral mind .. and ye have embarked upon the pathway of light .. upwards in thine  trajectories of love and liberation.

I bid thee wholeness and the omnipotent willingness of mind to express the Kingdom of the Father's Life.

Christ Michael Of Nebadon

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

One Kingdom of Love

And now you should give ear to My Word lest you again make the mistake of hearing My teaching with the mind while in your hearts you fail to comprehend the meaning and the holy significance.

From the beginning of My sojourn as one of you, I taught you that My one purpose was to reveal My Father in heaven to his children on earth. I have lived the God-revealing bestowal that you might experience the God-knowing career. I have revealed God as your Father in heaven; I have revealed you as the sons and holy daughters of God upon the earth planet.

It is a fact that God loves you, his sons and daughters. By faith in My Word this fact becomes an eternal and living truth in your hearts. When, by living faith, you become divinely God-conscious, you are then born of the spirit as children of light and life, even the eternal life wherewith you shall ascend the universe of universes and attain the experience of finding the First Revealing of Infinity .. God the Father .. on Paradise.

Verily do I say to thee .. open thine heart to hear Mine Word. Give thyselves to listening with the mind and hearing with thine heart; only then shall you understand My meanings, purpose, directives, and venture with you.

I am come to reveal the Father Son with the Mother Spirit, and to show you how to bring this revelation to thyselves .. to maketh of thineself a Shepherd who enhances the Kingdom, expands the One Kingdom of Love.

In your fulfilling of the law of sowing and reaping, ye are to understand that your universe career begins here upon this earthly and planetary platform. The evolutionary progression into light and life shall take you years and it shall ask everything of you. To know and understand these demands of the Spirit upon your mortal frame will give you strength in your mortal expectations, and the wholehearted willingness to give yourself to this one way with your own Godhood Identity, and through the One Ideal of the Paradise Trinity Persons.

You are each the sons and daughters of God emerging into eternity .. into immortality as personality. As you work towards establishing this fact of your relationship with the Infinite God by faith in My Word, then this fact becomes an eternal and living truth in your hearts.

Prayerful Intimacy by faith and trust relationship allows you to become faith-filled and trustworthy. In this venture of our living faith and elevated sincere trust, you shall become divinely God conscious and God attuned, and you are walking now gradually into the necessary purifications which have caused your demise and degeneration in other lifetimes, yet in this present birthing you will become luminous beings as you follow in this Way of God Victory.

Born once again of the spirit requires your complete devotion and dedication; it is a necessary unfoldment .. as children of light and life .. that your gradual ascent into eternal life shall ascend thee day by day. And even this transmutation shall be yet the beginning of many other changes which will carry you along into the universe of universes, offering you opportunities to serve and gifts to attain to the experience of finding God the Father Mother on Paradise.

I have entered the city of Jerusalem which shall one day become cleansed and purified into the New Jerusalem .. and I have discovered the people in their holy temples .. they are immersed in the nature of the ephemeral self which hath reason and purpose of its own making.

I come to whip their illusory urges and temporal inclinations. The peoples shall become arisen; for I drive out all thine mechanical and material habits .. thine animalistic mind do I provoke into its intended higher design.

Thine ascent unto the New Jerusalem is truly thine ascent from material-minded things unto the places of the soul .. and this ascent .. My beloveds .. is destiny and order into the New Jerusalem .. the homy command of the First Revelation of the Father.

I have found the people whipped into submission by idols and images of their own preponderances .. their own self-created imaginations. And in the innermost holy place wherein the Spirit of the Initiatory First Thought dwells .. there is an awaiting .. a hopefulness .. and a promise; for the First Revealing has residence .. not in the temple courtyard surrounding the inner temple .. but he dwells in absolute purity in the innermost regions of the individual.

Verily do I reveal to Mine apostles .. the holy place is the holy of holies in which only the high priest enters .. the sovereign shepherd .. and where the awakened ones do enter therein.

Yet .. the indwelling court of the temple, where My true disciples dwell and partake of Me .. is a symbolism of those apostles who are found to be in the midst of their own salvation.

Those who are in the outskirts surrounding their holy temple .. are in the holy space selling oxen and sheep and doves .. the merchant consciousness of the world .. and the money changers are sitting there as well .. poised to profit off of their brethren.

These ones of the mind of the merchant who offer nothing freely but look at the coming of strangers to their outer temple as an occasion for trade and gain, they desire to use and to profit .. and because of their profit-centered thinking .. and their unbridled love of their money supply .. they are rebellious to make the necessary sacrifices for worshiping God in the highest.

I tell thee .. Mine whip of understanding and knowledge .. courage and counsel .. spirit intuition and eternal inclination .. wisdom and worship .. these virtues are coming to humanity in all power and grace. They are the virtuous emanations of mind given by the Universe Mother .. which hath omnipotence over all ephemeralities of change and animalistic instincts of the heart.

This whip of the Mother’s Presence hath dominion over all things. These virtues shall blow away the wickedness .. the wantonness .. the waywardness. The whip of the Holy Spirit shall become tied upon the wood of materiality, and this wood is a symbol of the cross .. the cross of the misqualified God Life. The whip shall thrash all misidentification .. all misuses of the Life of the Infinity shall become tempered and tamed…

Upon this wood of materiality are the gamblers of the world who place their existence upon the tables of the world mind .. they are the ephemeral merchants and the expressions of wickedness .. and these ones have nailed themselves to the wood of materiality .. they have attempted to destroy the holy temple wherein My Father’s Life resides .. and yet .. they shall become personalities destroyed and dishonored in their misplaced aggressions and their self-torturings.

Mine whip of understanding with the Mother Spirit brings great zeal for the living .. honor for the righteous .. advancement for the dignified and worthy.

Thine house shall become arisen .. for your inner house shall expand and in this Kingdom expansion it will consume thine wickedness as ye apply the whip of the Universe Mother and the Truth of the Son.

I have told you that if you attempt to destroy thine temple and dishonor its surrounding courtyard .. then ye shall find it impossible to cleanse it and raise it into its potencies of love.

Yet .. as ye have prepared thyselves hourly .. then in three days thine home shall become raise and prospered by the adherence with the Holy Trinity. In three full days thine temples shall become resurrected into light and life.

I come to demonstrate the promise of holiness and the benevolence of your unity with the Father’s Life .. to inject truth everlasting into the collective mind of the civilization .. and to bring the light of righteousness and remembrance and revelation unto all the children of Infinity.

Michael Of Nebadon

Monday, February 19, 2018

Planetary Campus and Spirit Retreat of Salvington

Our Salvington precepts as given by the Universe Son Michael provide both a living balm of comfort for living in the world yet not precisely of it, and a pathway upward and inward towards the destiny of the second birth of immortality which bring the individual personality into a greater and more refined life of light and life through the omnipotence of God’s forgiving love.

In terms of our adequate symbolism for these new and expanding ideas, ideals, and loyalties, our enhanced symbol arises out of soils of proper and righteous religious living, spiritual experience, and the disciplines of true understanding. Salvington offers the civilization a higher and brighter symbolism befitting a higher and more elevated civilization, and this construct is predicated on the concept of the Parenthood of God .. the Fatherhood of God, and it is impregnated with the motivations for exalted fulfilling service to the mighty ideal of the brotherhood and sisterhood of humanity and the kingdoms of the earth.

The olden cultures through the centuries of evolutionary development for the race has been too egocentric; the new upraised cultural norm must be a beacon of living experience which brings the individual into their own respect and dignity of personhood; each individual realization and its concurrent actualizations must be the outgrowth of applied loving mercy and faithful trust-bearing intimacy with the Infinite Father, Son, and Spirit of the Trinity.

Our cultural atmosphere at Salvington is of this new enlightened and awakened culture which must substantiate itself through true religious experience and advancement; and like the old cultures which have been the establishing force for this current civilization, our principles, precepts, and powers of individual freedom do certainly intend to foster deep and exhilarating sentiment caused by an individual’s decision to ‘walk within the unlimited avenues of truth’, satisfying emotional clarity and joy by becoming aligned with what is true and real, and the always potent alliance and allegiance with the Center and Source of existence which promotes loyalty and peace; but it must do more: It must facilitate spiritual advancement for the individual and the civilization. It must augment the prior revealings of truth and understanding progress, enhance cosmic meanings, augment moral values and the everlasting virtues of the universes, encourage social development, and stimulate a high type of personal religious living.

At Salvington, we offer these declarations for the individual personality to climb the great ascendancy of their own advancements into the Kingdom of God.

The new societal and collegiate culture must provide supreme goals of living which are both temporal and eternal — social and spiritual.

No culture can endure and contribute to the progress of social civilization and individual spiritual attainment unless it is based on the biologic, sociologic, and religious significance of the family, the nucleus of the home. A surviving and advancing culture must symbolize that which is permanent in the presence of unceasing change; it must glorify that which unifies the stream of ever-changing social metamorphosis. It must recognize true meanings, exalt beautiful relations, and glorify the good values of real nobility.

Salvington overrides the present disabilities which the culture hath brought upon itself. It understands the great difficulty of finding a new and satisfying symbolism which can outlast the modern person’s adherence with a mind that originates from animal and mechanical origins. Modern men and women, as a collective group, adhere to the scientific and intellectual rationale - attitudes of personal subjectivity which seek to find their absolutes within the realm and range of mankind’s mental perturbations.

The modern civilization as it stands today must eschew superstition, abhor ignorance and arrogance, and individuals, while craving to know and understand the Absoluteness of Life must allow themselves to enter into the unknown, to crave mystery and to accept the mysterious and unknown workings which have been in place since the beginning of all creation. Human beings have been erringly taught to venerate the unknown and to produce certainty even when no such certainty can be found outside of living within the very presence and power of the Nameless God. No culture can survive unless it embodies some masterful mystery and conceals some worthful unattainable ideal.

Our Salvington Ideal comes directly from the Second Center and Divine Source through the embodiment of Christ Michael. Our school fosters and nourishes a newly revived symbolism which is not only significant for the group civilization but also inherently meaningful to the individual in his and her progressive evolutionary ascent into the order of the new humanity - immortal and free from all darkness and misunderstood God principles. The forms of our curriculum serve modern humankind in their thirst for advancement and maturity; and any serviceable symbolism or directive of intent must be those which the individual can carry out on his own initiative with the collaborative guidance and assistance of those who have come before him.  Personalities must find their drive and motivations to succeed in this new culture, and which he and she can also enjoy advancing with his fellows. The new culture of Salvington is a dynamic force for goodness, truth, and beauty. It abhors the static,  and it contributes something essentially worthwhile and absolutely meaningful to the progress of humankind, touching upon the needs of both the temporal and spiritual.

The Salvington collegiate culture — it is declared revolutionary in its simplicity, and its conscious symbolism bypasses the rituals, slogans, or goals of complexity and over-sophistication. Salvington will thrive and prosper in accordance with the individual's demands for devotion, freedom, liberties of every sort, and the unwavering response of the personhood for building its loyalty to God, its allegiance for his way and truth, and the necessary adorational dedications which raise humankind into the spheres where destiny awaits.

Every effective religion unerringly develops a worthy ideal and a practical symbolism, and its devotees must offset any tendencies for stagnation by over-crystallization of such a fellowship with the Trinity Persons of Infinite expression. The old days of meaningless ritual and senseless attempts to cramp, deform, and stifle the individual through primitively charged stereotyped ceremonials which can only handicap and retard all social, moral, and spiritual progress - these fixed and formulated dogmatic coffins bring only discontent and failure for the personality in its ascent into knowledge and courage, understanding wisdom and intuition, counsel and the absolute purities of worship.

No collegiate culture can survive if it retards moral growth and fails to foster spiritual progress. The culture of Salvington is the skeletal structure around which grows the living and dynamic body of personal spiritual experience — true religion.

Salvington Planetary Campus and Spirit Retreat

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