Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Rebirth into Alignment

Thou growing citizens in The City of Christ Michael...

By your personal nature ..  before the rebirth of the spirit .. mortal men and women are often influenced by inherent evil tendencies which stem from their material nature and animal biology .. but these naturally occurring imperfections of behavior are neither sin nor iniquity.

Mortal individuals must become translated .. transfigured .. and transformed many many times in the great procession inwards through My Father's worlds of Light and Life.

You have yet to truly begin the long ascent to the perfection of the Paradise Father, and the second birth into the vesture of immortality merely begins the journey.

In thine imperfect state, you are each carrying within you an endowed nature that has its origins in the biological animal kingdom. With tendencies for evil in its transgression of the divine laws, yet this is certainly not sinful.

Humankind is subject to evil .. yet, as you progress out of thine evolutionary beginnings, and as you choose to follow the higher impulses which arise in you .. so shall ye bypass the disturbances of evil choosings.

Evil tendencies are simply immature urges and ignorant desires which provoke each individual into error and misunderstanding.

Yet, you have always the opportunity to direct thyselves towards moral light and truthful bearings.

Unless you knowingly and deliberately choose the paths of sin and the life of iniquity .. thine temporal evils of error will soon be transformed by your loving faith trust, and your hunger for perfecting thine personhood into righteousness and the intimate closeness and everlasting communion .. relationship with the Ineffable Infinity of God.

Be courageous in your decisions. Be watchful and weary of relying only upon your subjective feelings and mentalizing opinions which will lead you into attitudes unproductive in gaining your eternal freedom.

Certainly, the inherent tendencies in the natural order of this world must be checked and discerned by those who seek their joys in the Father's Life.

Evil occurs as error, yet, sin is an attitude of consciously rebelling against the Trinity Center and Source .. and it was this rebellion which was brought to this world by those who gradually slipped from the heights of their spiritual light into the subjectivity and misunderstanding of gross darkness.

I say unto My true apostles who choose to walk with Me into their union with the Spirit of Life ...

Put down the weaponry of thine mistrustful defenses .. choose our Eternity of Engagement .. our Fellowship .. seek the will of the Fatherhood of God in all that you strive for .. let go of the atrocities of separation and the abominations of rebelliousness .. and I shall acquaint thee with a Higher Life and a Fulfillment of Heart which is as yet unknown in the world of human life.

I bid thee our fellowship which shall raise thine sights and ennoble thine inclinations...

Michael Of Nebadon

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