Monday, April 1, 2019

Thou City Dwellers of Peace

Good Afternoon thou City Dwellers ...

You who seek to know Absolute Truth .. and who aspire to find the Everlasting One Father Spirit who hath brought forth all the Life everywhere.

As you reach upwards for My Universal Hand of Mercy, so shall you gain the greater clarity of understanding your place in Life .. the serenity of moving into your position in relationship with thine Individualized and Indwelling Life.

So great shall become your clarity and purpose that all hungers shall cease for outer contrivances .. and your purpose in needing to bring forth that Indescribable Urge and Living Impulse for our Association to grow and blossom shall quench your thirst for righteousness and connection and fulfillment.

Ye shall discover in My gospel that you begin to achieve the possession of a new and all-empowering courage to advance daily along the ways of your freedom .. and this augmentation of your personality mind and emerging immortal soul vesture shall become in you a spiritual power of joyous celebrations .. an eternal development in thy  character growth and personality righteousness .. in the convergence of all thine  personality priorities into One Impulse of happiness .. and our fellowship in the understanding expression of your own authorship to bring forward the destiny awaiting thee shall overwhelm all darkness and misqualification.

The gospel of My Father's kingdom is the approach to him .. the way to have his victory .. the means and truth of your deliverance into cosmic Cosmic Citizenship .. and the growing Life philosophy to know how to approach your living .. the grand adventure to set you eternally free .. and the empowering clearness of your creative nature enough to  inspire you to dare to achieve new meanings and interpretations .. everpresent hopes and vision for the eternal life beyond this mortal evolutionary journey.

Michael Of Nebadon

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