Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Truth Everlasting

Truth brings forth Objectivity carrying the aspirant beyond the borders of their own subjective opinions.

Truth makes the unknown to be known. Always, the prior condition before knowing blossoms is unknowing.

Verily verily .. I sayeth to the minds of the populace .. begin with human truthfulness and honesty regardless of the circumstancesand ripple effects.

Truthfulness rearranges each individual personality closer to Truth. This is the great unerring lubricant allowing God's Absoluteness to emerge in your life.

Truth leads you to establish your Jerusem Citizenship wherein a permanence of eternal freedom is given.

Truth is the key element which the planetary culture must sooner or later cultivate and nurture;  thusly, to enter the world of the individual personality allowing all meanings to clarify and values to illumine the personality soul.

Michael Of Nebadon

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