Wednesday, April 17, 2019

11 Kingdom Powers of Life

The 11 Kingdom Powers of Mind, Will, and Personhood.

Just as the Great Mystery of Infinity reveals himself further through the Existential Father Perfect Thought Ideal .. the Expressionful Son and his Eternity Word of the Ideal .. and then finally, the Experiential Spirit and his Acts complete this revealing to all creatures.

You each now have the understanding wisdom on what must be accomplished by you .. for you .. in you .. through you .. and as you.

1. Magnifying the Perfect Thought of Father Ideal

2. Momentumizing his Perfect Thought Ideal in Word

3. Magnetizing his Thought Ideal and Eternal Word in Act.

Thus, you hold the creative power to create, preserve and constructively control, and uphold the integrity of your God Qualified creations of mortal thought in its vibratory force, momentum, drive, impulse, and radiance.

Invitation Kingdom Power
"I AM Sapphire Blue Indigo .. Sacred Fire Love .. God the Supreme Expanding in Me from Above."

Christ Michael

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