Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Wholeness of Christos

I am the Wholeness of the Bread of Life. Mine 21st bestowal at this time shall bring personal salvation to the children of the earth...

A reckoning of thine personal chaos will decimate all thine obstructions into My Father's Harmony and Everlasting Order.

Verily do I instruct thee to follow in My Way of Victory .. the Truth of God Authority .. and the Life that I am may become thine own Life as you reach with thy Daily Prayerful Intimacy.

He who comes forth out of the crowd of unconsciousness and the mortal weight of their material urges shall find the Father's Kingdom .. and they shall walk upright into glory and graciousness .. a nobility of heart shall consume their selfishness.. a character of purity and right-hearted decisions shall overtake them .. a dexterity and a vulnerability of personhood shall make of them a servant in Our service usefulness in the Kingdom of My Father God.

Michael Of Nebadon

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Adventures in Eternity

Our Universal Fellowship shall deliver you into the Kingdom of the Heavens .. as you gradually open to receive the possession of new courage...

As you allow Me to stir the latencies of your potential...

As you wholeheartedly and with the entirety of thy personhood invite the Universe Mother Spirit and I to eternalize your personality and its creative authorship...

As you become humble and willing without reservation nor hesitation for Me to increase thine status in existence...

As you choose the Father's Life and Will eternally...

And as you walk within My guidance, you shall be augmenting your own soul powers and free will volitions .. thine individual spiritual power shall be brought forth in and of and as the Adjuster Life of God.

My 21st century gospel of the kingdom is to set all humankind eternally free .. and to inspire each and every personality soul to dare to hope for eternal life regardless of religious persuasions and all orientations in life.

For ye are each Mine children whether you realize this or still need time and space to come into My Universal Heart.

Michael Of Nebadon

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Discipleship is Discipline

I impress upon thee .. ye must acquire by thine trustworthiness of heart in the Spirit of Life who lives in you .. and by thine faith-giving adorational worship of the First Divine Source and Center .. a righteousness and a reverence for your existence .. a religious renaissance for you as an individual shall emerge only as you are obedient to My precepts of truth, and disciplined within the entirety of thine personhood with this perpetual reorchestration into divine order of all  chaos in your personal world and its vibratory impressions.

Michael Of Nebadon

Sunday, May 5, 2019

The Ennoblement of Character

Verily .. I sayeth Mine Instructions to the emerging morontial citizens of Urantia...

Ye shall ennoble thine character through the techniques of deliverance to the Father's Life.

Thine motivations and desires are to eventually be placed into serving your eternal freedom.

Your character shall becometh blossomed into usefulness and understanding.

Thine Universe Mother's Seven Adjutants of her Consciousness shall be thine mindal shepherds .. developing mind and will and personahood towards the higher urges and vaster tendencies of the Spirit.

Allow thine Individualized Indwelling Life of the Father's Life to lead you .. to spiritize thine patterns and habits and addictions unto luminosity and clarity; and as you declare your desire for becoming the will of the Universal Father, then shall this alignment taketh upon you an accelerated pace.

Your individual evolutionary progression shall grow and mature .. develop and prosper you until your freedom appears upon the horizons of your destiny as the emerging sons and daughters of Nebadon.

Michael Of Nebadon

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