Sunday, May 5, 2019

The Ennoblement of Character

Verily .. I sayeth Mine Instructions to the emerging morontial citizens of Urantia...

Ye shall ennoble thine character through the techniques of deliverance to the Father's Life.

Thine motivations and desires are to eventually be placed into serving your eternal freedom.

Your character shall becometh blossomed into usefulness and understanding.

Thine Universe Mother's Seven Adjutants of her Consciousness shall be thine mindal shepherds .. developing mind and will and personahood towards the higher urges and vaster tendencies of the Spirit.

Allow thine Individualized Indwelling Life of the Father's Life to lead you .. to spiritize thine patterns and habits and addictions unto luminosity and clarity; and as you declare your desire for becoming the will of the Universal Father, then shall this alignment taketh upon you an accelerated pace.

Your individual evolutionary progression shall grow and mature .. develop and prosper you until your freedom appears upon the horizons of your destiny as the emerging sons and daughters of Nebadon.

Michael Of Nebadon

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