Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Wholeness of Christos

I am the Wholeness of the Bread of Life. Mine 21st bestowal at this time shall bring personal salvation to the children of the earth...

A reckoning of thine personal chaos will decimate all thine obstructions into My Father's Harmony and Everlasting Order.

Verily do I instruct thee to follow in My Way of Victory .. the Truth of God Authority .. and the Life that I am may become thine own Life as you reach with thy Daily Prayerful Intimacy.

He who comes forth out of the crowd of unconsciousness and the mortal weight of their material urges shall find the Father's Kingdom .. and they shall walk upright into glory and graciousness .. a nobility of heart shall consume their selfishness.. a character of purity and right-hearted decisions shall overtake them .. a dexterity and a vulnerability of personhood shall make of them a servant in Our service usefulness in the Kingdom of My Father God.

Michael Of Nebadon

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The Faith of Jesus Michael

The Nature of Jesus Michael’s Faith A. Absolute Trust in the Father Jesus Michael’s faith was total and unwavering. It was not conditioned o...