Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Realizations of God Immersion

My religious gospel in Galilean times and in this 21st century restoration mission amplify the values of the universe of universes ..  I shall call ye forth to heighten the dexterity of thine faith, trust, and conviction assurance in the certainty of your destiny only as you give all to the Father.

My religious approach to a new way of living life in the garment of mortality culminates in that differential impulse for giving of thine pure worship .. and that eternalizing urge sent from the Spirit of Life which fosters wisdom attainment through the transmutation of thine darkness and densities unto the all-pervading Father Light.

Walk within My religious proclamations .. discover a newly emerging tenet within thine emerging and immortalizing soul which is athirst for righteousness and carries within it a heart of rectitude and cooperation.

Thine emerging personality achievement will occur as you raise your mortal opinions and priorities into the trinitarian values of the One Eternity of God who is Father to all, and much much more.

In thine emerging immortal soul ye shall discover the original design for life .. those unerring and supreme values shall become born in you .. and these are the unwavering values, the unchangeable values, the values which shall build in thee a renewal of heart and mind.

Ye shall discover in My gospel a clear directive .. a directionizing impulse from My Spirit of Truth, as well as, from the Universe Spirit of the Mother. Coupled with the Imminent power and grace of the Father's Adjuster Life Spirit, ye shall build a maturely-held receptivity capable of approximating the understanding of My vision of eternity, beloveds.

These are Mine proclamations for all the kingdoms of life upon the earth planet. My values which I bring forth and amplify shall elevate thine mind and ennoble thine desirous inclinations towards Absoluteness through wonder and awe and humility and childlike trust.

And these things which I come to show thee are of the higher spheres in My Father's many worlds of wisdom, illumination, and ascendancy.

These are the everlasting priorities, the unapproachable elevations caused by renovating thine mortal values .. for I am come to showeth thee Absoluteness of the Heart of Deity which hath values in contrast with the limiting relative values discovered by the superficiality of the outer rim of mind.

Walk within My Universal Care and Guidance, and ye shall be saved by faith and trust and thine personality who shall come to knoweth the way of victory, the life of God's imminent authority and your authorship of creative nature, and finally, ye shall realize the truth of his directly approachable identity and divine nature in thee.

Insight shall be gained, perceptions widened, realizations shall immerse thee in the Kingdom of His Love.

Such superhuman insight shall become for thee a gateway into  this genuine and personal religious experience.

Michael Of Nebadon

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