Thursday, June 20, 2019

Thine Sucklings are thy Deliverance

Thou City dwellers who clamor for righteousness and rectitude .. ye shall be rewarded with the greater prosperity .. greater than any material wealth can offer .. the fuller eternal prosperity shall taketh root in thee.

Ye shall becometh established in his Kingdom of Sovereignty and Stability and Strength and Security.

Be thou determined to find the eternal One who lives in thine midst.

Truly, the Father's Life is an everywhereness .. his omnipotence and omnipresence reigneth over all lives, and he hath his personal residence on Paradise.

Be thou ever asking .. pushing to know .. to discover .. to gain admission to his Kingdom of light and life.

For each and all who ask with a heart overflowing with  vulnerable need and sincerity and desire for the eternal things .. they shall be granted entrance into our Father's Kingdom.

All who ask and acknowledge and adore and appreciate .. they shall find his sublime Life of happiness and wholeness and harmony and order.

These are My disciples,  and they are of My universal fold; for everyone who sincerely asks and then allows .. they shall receive of his goodness and truth.

...and they who seek shall find; for I holdeth back not one iota .. not one particle .. all shall be given to thee as you have prepared your place to sit at the table of righteousness.

Oh child of the universes .. thine character growth is upon thine choices and determinations of purpose and priority. The Lord thy Life is imminently present .. in close proximity. Yet, he awaits thine righteous use of your endowments .. thine correct askings .. thine wholehearted free will decision to go beyond thine boundaries of selfhood to embrace his Objectivity.

Seek .. ask .. find .. allow .. receive .. and he and she who come to the Father in the ways I am instructing .. they shall be amazed and enthralled and ennobled and enthused by God's glory and simplicity .. his generosity and justice .. his pristine Life.

To she and he who seek and ask and persevere .. they shall begin to perceive rightly and honorably; for the more cosmic viewpoint shall find fertile soil in these individuals.

I am the One Universal Vine, and you are its branches. I distribute the Trinity Life unto each one who suckles upon My Life .. who hungers for the preparations of the Holy Spirit .. who thirsts for My guidance and deliverance through My Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter.

Michael Of Nebadon

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