Wednesday, June 12, 2019


Mine children of this earthly sphere of evolutionary attainment...

It is the Spirit of Life who lives in you who creates that unquenchable yearning to become godlike in thy character, thy  morality, thy personality nature.

Attune to the Living Father through thine Thought Adjuster Life .. he works unerringly with you in building that incessant longing to be like God .. in stoking the embers of thine urge for ascendancy .. in giving you a taste of the inheritance awaiting you .. to enter the processional inwards through service, love, and the living actualization of all thine mortal potentials.

The Father hath sent out of himself a Living Presence to eternalize thine ways .. to spiritize thine meaningful understanding .. to eventualize thine mind and will towards perfection in him.

Here beloveds .. you have begun thine universe career journey unto the higher worlds of Jerusem .. the capitol of this system of worlds. And as you arise upon My guidance and instruction in the Father's way, truth, and life .. so shall you discover a new and heightened purpose for the great universal adventure of existence.

The attainment Paradiseward .. of standing in the very Personal Presence of the First Great Revelation who awaits your coming in the far distant future .. yet as you ascend the many higher worlds in Our Father's House .. so will you be overflowing with yet more of his goodness, truth, and beauty.

You shall most certainly stand in front of the Universal First Revelation of Infinite Deity .. and there before the actual person of Deity shall you be thou praised and comforted unto worshiping the infinite source of that divine gift of Life which you have chosen wholeheartedly to become one with.

The Adjuster is the living presence which creates this unearthly connection .. this indescribable link between thine mortal selfhood and the  Paradise Father.

So great shall you discover his goodness and generosity beloveds .. so wide is his mercy and compassion for thine mortal evolutionary experienxes .. so understandingly attuned to thee is his Adjuster Life who draws you nearer and nearer to the Absoluteness of the Universal Father.

Michael Of Nebadon
The City of Christ Michael

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