Saturday, June 29, 2019

Thine Purifying Power

Every woman and all men are priests of the Parenthood of Infinity. All must reach for the Living One who resides in your midst.

And lo, do I reveal to you each that you need not seek in outward places the Living Christos .. the Life of God the Father; for when you crave and hunger for righteousness, when you art wholeheartedly desirous of advancement, as you claim the living of his will and way of attainment, as your heart is purified, and as your mind becometh divinely intoxicated with His glory .. lo, the Christos Life will expand and grow within thee.

His Kingdom of Love shall findeth a trustworthy residence within the terrain of thine heart and mind and body.

You shall be expanding into the Kingdom of his Reality and Objectivity .. and his Absoluteness shall raise all concrete thinkings .. all materializing influences shall give way unto the eternalizing power of the One.

The Godhood living in you shall come to taketh up his residence in thee .. and this Father Principle of Life shall abide with you, and It shall raise you ever further into his glory and wonder and Life Everlasting.

Michael Of Nebadon
The City Of Christ Michael

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