Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Eternity Engagement Together

There are many ways in which I come to you .. of which ye have no knowledge:

I come saying .. Peace unto you! Knoweth ye my voice!

Ever and always I am with you in my Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter...

I come to you saying .. Let the meditations and contemplations of your hearts affirm that I am with you; that we have a mission to accomplish together.

I come to you saying .. Know ye that the words of others oft are the phrases that I speak with my lips in order to penetrate thine veils of unawareness.
I come in many guises when ye bethink them not; a wise person uttereth speakings and ye say ..  He is inspired; think ye, beloved ones .. she maketh her own poesy? Doth she spout of her own wisdoms? What of the ennobled ones? .. Are they not in the universal body of my bosom?  Do they not use my wordage, being close to my heart?

Lo I sayeth to the searching ones who articulate in their communion with me .. gather up thine tempestuous natures .. the Father rebuketh no one; for he is limitless love and mercy.

Know that ye have ways presently open to you, and for thine attainment. Ample time doth exist for the consummation of my plan of salvation.

Doeth thine portion. Achieve the strengthening of mind and will. Ripen thine tentacles of hunger for truth and thirst for righteousness.

Ye canst not hasten my plan for thee by thoughts mortal. My plan hath order and justice .. it consumes thine inappropriateness and elevates thine own endowments.

Listen well. Imbibe mine discourse. Appropriate thine space for implementing my proclamations. Make thee a way in time for entering the Father's House...

Michael Of Nebadon
The City of Christ Michael

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