Sunday, July 28, 2019

Arise unto the Revelation of all Actualities

Mine children of the earthly evolutionary journey...

Say unto the Infinity Persons of Deity and to the Universal Father Adjuster Spirit who lives in you and guides you ever upwards in moral, ethical, soulic advancement...

I only desire to live and become your Will. I desire nothing more or less than this Will of Absoluteness and the Perfection of the Personhood I am.

I desire to elevate all my urges, to increase my understanding of myself and You.

You take ownership of this physical form .. I place it in your control of Absolute Goodness, Truth, abd Beauty. I understand that you provide for me every breath and all resources in order to accomplish this lifetime plan. I accept and honor my human with its endless needs and yearnings. I acknowledge and appreciate and accept and align with You who are raising me unto the Me in You that I am becoming.

I desire to continue learning and growing in these avenues of progressive ascendancy, and I am trusting with the fullness of faith and cooperation and collaboration that you will provide exactly what is necessary for us to be victoriously successful in the becoming one as your Will.

I will gratefully and happily and joyfully assert myself as you give me your direction and resources .. your purpose and priorities. I will walk with you, my Father Mother God who is living in me and with me and for me .. and one day soon I will merge with you forever.

I share My counsel with each one who hath the thirst for Truth and the hunger for Righteousness and Reverence .. for relationship with the Universal Parenthood of Life.

Michael Of Nebadon

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