Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Deliverance is Available

The greatest miracle is accomplished by you and you alone with the Living God; for you shall bring forth his Life in you.

This greatest of miracles strengthens your willing determination to advance thyselves in the great processional inwards. All thine human forces gather .. converge .. bringing integrity and insight .. involvement in your own existence .. an interconnectedness grows with all the Life everywhere as you realize that God is an everywhereness without limits.

Our Salvington Fellowship is purely religious .. deeply spiritual .. and even pointedly psychological. You enter the realm of this insightful understanding of thyself .. of perceiving truthfully without any obstructions .. through gaining the perspectives of Ascendancy and Acknowledgment and Adoration and Acceptance and Availability and Appreciation and Awareness and Attention.

All the creation is truly the Body of God the Supremacy who is derived from out of the Infinity of One Deity Absolute.

...and you are part and parcel of this Supremacy. You are his members .. his family .. his very Selfhood awaiting liberation through the actualization of all possibilities .. every potentiality .. each individual becoming raised and flowered unto Everlasting Truth and Unconditional Love.

Michael Of Nebadon
City Of Christ Michael

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The Faith of Jesus Michael

The Nature of Jesus Michael’s Faith A. Absolute Trust in the Father Jesus Michael’s faith was total and unwavering. It was not conditioned o...