Thursday, August 8, 2019

Abundantly Joyful

As you do it unto the least one .. as you offend or judge the smallest and weakest creature, as you repel and desecrate the grandest of Life,  so have you done it unto Me, beloveds.

Yet, as you praise God the Father Mother of Existence .. as you consecrate and devote your mortal life with the Living God .. then have you honored our association and engagement together.

Knoweth this .. that there is only One Life with a myriad of individuals within it. You claim that One Life directly in communion .. Prayerful Intimacy Communion with the Father's Life in you.

. . . and as you enter into this Life, you behold his Kingdom glory .. you soften the love of your own heart, you strengthen your mind and will in its capabilities of discernment and dedication, you place thyselves in a positive position to receive more and Infinitely more of the Life in you and beyond you.

There shall you find Me at one with the Father Son Spirit of that Life; for I am the Spirit of Truth surrounding thee as the amniotic fluid of Truth and Love. I walk with you in faith and trust and assurance and intimate guidance in your personal relationship with the Trinity Parenthood of that One Life.

Michael Of Nebadon

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