Saturday, August 24, 2019

Absoluteness of Infinity

You ask Me .. "Where are the temples of Salvington? Where are the temples of Christos? Where do we travel in order for You to help us?

Sayeth I unto thee .. My Spirit of Truth is the Holy Comforter who surrounds you at all times now. I work with you directly, with assurance and subtlety. I expand My Comforyer guidance .. its Influence you do gain access to by your acknowledgment, asking, allowing, appreciating, aligning, and acceptance that I am sent by the Trinity Parenthood to evolutionize thine mortal endowments into Immortality and Universe Citizenship.

I share with you .. as well .. the Supremacy of God who is Christos; the Infinity of God as he experiences the ever-evolving universes in their actualization.

I say unto you .. the temple of Christos is his wholeness .. his everywhereness .. his omnipresence. Christos that I am .. ministers at shrines not made by mortal intellects .. temples not built by mortal hands.

Christos is all about thee .. everywhere is He .. his temples are the hearts of the holy ones upon the earth who have tenderness, gentleness, generosity, giving, and a high regard for the values of trinitarian glory...

The temples of the Christ are built by Intimacy with God who is their Archtect and Builder .. their Creator, Preserver, Upholder and Sustainer in every heart and mind and body physical throughout the Heavens.

Christos is Majesty Supreme. He dwells everywhere as everything and seeks to inundate everyone with his happiness .. his holiness .. his joyfulness.

Joy abounds in the holy women and men who are preparing themselves with the ministry of the Spirit Adjutants of the Mother's Life .. they are refining all urges and impulses towards Truth and Love and Freedom.

Then, these wisdom seeking men and women .. these honorable personalities of a worshipful nature .. they become the groves of God .. the fields of plenitude and abundance and prosperity .. immersed in God's transcendent qualities and attitudes and attributes.

The groves of the Father's Life are as the human fields which become overflowing with the lush fruits of the spirit-minded personalities of the civilization. Groves of fruit-bearing hearts and ripening minds and tender shoots of free will which have made themselves worthy to enter the Kingdom of Reality by their holy choices and consecrated decisions in every moment's opportunity.

...and you each do seek to bear the fruit of the Spirit Life by your adherence to the powers of the Father's Absoluteness .. his Kingdom cometh already in waves of Grace and Glory and Generosity.

Michael Of Nebadon

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