Saturday, August 31, 2019

Generosity and Goodness Abound in Me

I am the Eternity Word of the Father Son. I am blended eternally with the Universe Mother .. together we represent the Trinity Host for all within our universe domain.

He and she who cometh unto Us .. who come to learn in our universal discipleship .. they who are courageous enough to seek the vastness of the Objectivity of Truth .. they shall findeth a new life emerging in themselves as they give themselves to My disciplines .. and as they allow My Spirit of Truth to transform their human nature into the divine tapestries.

I am Michael of Nebadon .. Son of Paradise .. grandson of the Infinite Father and Son. I am all that ye might expect yet much much more.

Thine ideas of Me are pale in comparison to the reality .. thine images which you have upheld in mind of Me are limiting, grossly misrepresentative of Mine Eternity Personhood.

Again beloveds, I embrace your human creaturehood, and I bring the divinity of Mine Personhood. Both exist simultaneously in Me. The two natures are twixt .. they are blended and valuable to Me; for I have come into your creature evolutionary experience to gain its exceptional value .. to imbibe thine human creature perspectives .. to embrace thine finer virtues of life .. and I do this in the glorious will and name of the Undivided and Immaculate  Infinity who hath sent Me to return here to My native planetary home .. that together we might venture forth into the refinements of existence as you place thine gentle hands in the generosity of Mine Eternity Person.

...I come to showeth thee My way and truth and the very life which I am .. that you might have a greater quotient of that very same Life in and of the Universal Father.

Michael Of Nebadon
City of Christ Michael

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