Friday, August 16, 2019

Our Universe Overflows with Goodness

The way I chose to design our universe is as a meritocracy. You earn the right to advance by your wholehearted commitment and willingness to serve the Universal Goodness of the Father.

Thine awakening unto those higher values develops through choice .. thine moral nature grows by righteousness .. the expression of thine soul garment ripens into the sweetness of receptivity only in accordance with your heightening urges, tendencies, inclinations, and impulses for Truth which is God .. his  Absoluteness of Love.

(52.2) 3:5.16 The full appreciation of truth, beauty, and goodness is inherent in the perfection of the divine universe.

The inhabitants of the Havona worlds do not require the potential of relative value levels as a choice stimulus; such perfect beings are able to identify and choose the good in the absence of all contrastive and thought-compelling moral situations.

But all such perfect beings are, in moral nature and spiritual status, what they are by virtue of the fact of existence. They have experientially earned advancement only within their inherent status.

Mortal man earns even his status as an ascension candidate by his own faith and hope.

Everything divine which the human mind grasps and the human soul acquires is an experiential attainment; it is a reality of personal experience and is therefore a unique possession in contrast to the inherent goodness and righteousness of the inerrant personalities of Havona.

Michael Of Nebadon
Urantia Fellowship

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