Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Relationship with Me Brings Awakening

Ye are walking with Me...

Believing in the Way of Victory .. the Truth of Perpetual Communion .. and the Life of Progressive Ascendancy of Personhood.

He who walks with Me in Spirit and in Truth .. they shall have Life Eternal.

I sayeth unto Mine apostles of the world ..

Refine thyselves .. quicken all impulses unto the values of Trinitarian Reality.

Mature thyselves .. into the eternal ennoblement of thine mortal life unto those Cardinal virtues which bring you into the Kingdom of My Father God.

Surrender thyselves in mind, will, and entire personality unto the Life I AM.

Sacrifice thine ephemeral tendencies for seekings of pity and feelings of victim .. for others to recognize and love you .. and now reach for My Universal Hand of God the Sevenfold who cometh as I AM .. to guide thee upwards in Ideal .. in Vision .. in Intimacy with the Father's Life.

Michael Of Nebadon

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The Glories of Eternity

Mine earthly children .. I teach ye to transmute a curse of thine circumstances unto a blessing of extraordinary benevolence .. of golden op...