Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Attentiveness Yields Atonement
Monday, October 14, 2019
Los Preconceptos
Friday, October 11, 2019
Live for the Love of God
Faith, Hope, and Charity Prevail
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Certainty Awakens in Thine Surrendering
Good Day Fellows of The City of Christ Michael...
Today, I speak to you of a few of the Eleven Kingdom Powers of Prayerful Intimacy.
Faith and Charity and Hope .. these are the certainty of God .. these are the surety that all is well throughout the universes .. these are the absoluteness of assurance of the omnipresence, omniscience, omnipotence of the Good Father.
As you truly hold faith in God's Sovereignty and his Generosity and Goodness, then shall you seek alignment with him.
Judge not that ye be not judged” refers to the idea that what you judge is really in you. And "As you judge thyself, so shall you judge others" refers to the notion that until you come to terms and accept and understand yourself so will you judge others .. in accordance with your avoidance of the darkness and your misunderstanding of yourself and your refusal to accept your imperfections.
To judge another is to curtail your own proper perceiving .. thine capacities to know and view your life with clarity .. correctly.
Your mind is designed to grow with faith tendencies and to ripen and mature with trustworthy inclinations.
Mind is designed for penetrating the false to discover the truth.
As you judge the words and acts of another .. you announce to your Godhood that you crave understanding .. you announce that you are lacking in the right knowledge .. that you are desirous to know and understand better what you are observing in you and in the others.
As you judge another .. step back within thyself to reflect upon and see the very thing you are feeling judgemental towards .. and see where it is also in you.
This is the very beginning of understanding the wheat and the husk and chaff of existence. Of placing all these things in their right order and right relationship; for you shall learn to live as Cause rather than as a slave to your effects .. within the vibratory emanations of thine Thought Adjuster Life.
The choice to judge rather than to know and understand is the cause of the loss of peace and prosperity.
In your judgments .. is your subjective intellectual mind which shall eventually become cleared upwards into greater Objectivity and Absoluteness.
Judgement is the process on which individual perception rests .. yet .. you are to go further to find true knowledge and right understanding and absolute truth beyond the judgements of your mind's intellectual perceptions.
Therein, as you evaluate your right perceptions into right understanding .. right knowledge .. only then shall consciousness grow and develop.
Certainty rests therewith a mind which desires understanding insight.
Stability prospers in a mind which nurtures clarity and truth.
Security is establishing in you as you seek to understand the real and the true .. and as you learn of the gifts of thine personality mind .. thine creative nature .. and thine soul emergence .. and the Life of the Father's Sovereignty living in thee.
Michael Of Nebadon
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Mis Hijos de la Tierra
Oh Mis hijos de la tierra ...
Yo os hablo de progreso ... crecimiento ... avance ... y la aceleración de vuestra personalidad hacia la Voluntad del Padre y vuestra Identificación.
Vuestra voluntaria conformidad de vuestra voluntad con la voluntad de Dios producirá una personalidad digna de entrar al Reino de los Cielos. Y este Reino se convertirá para vosotros en la realización del despertar del gobierno del Padre que traerá armonía, justicia y orden a vuestra vida de existencia.
No es suficiente producir en vosotros sentimientos religiosos mortales y aquellos impulsos espirituales necesarios que traen buenos sentimientos.
Se necesita carácter. El carácter se desarrolla por estas virtudes cardinales y esos valores trinitarios eternos. Os convertiréis en un individuo excelentemente estable. Un individuo salvajemente seguro. Un individuo apasionadamente seguro que se ha llenado hasta rebosar de respeto propio y dignidad ... humildad ... asombro de la existencia ... y asombro infantil ante las infinitas posibilidades de crecimiento en la Vida que se os ha dado.
Yo os aconsejo que os despojéis de toda cualidad que obstaculice este logro de vuestra unión con la Voluntad del Padre y su Vida ... cada impulso mal calificado debe ser elevado a su correcta rectificación en esta sincera humildad de mente y corazón y de vuestra entera personalidad.
Como vosotros sois verdaderamente mis apóstoles ... entonces vosotros me representaréis adecuadamente en la tierra ... viviendo como yo vivo ... actuando como yo actúo ... dispuestos a dejar ir todo lo que me traiciona; para que os volváis verdaderamente ennoblecidos en la rectitud de carácter ... vivificados en la filiación consciente con el Infinito ... exaltados absolutamente en vuestra disposición sincera de buscar la verdad y el amor bajo todas las condiciones.
Yo os animo a que le déis un gran valor a la vulnerabilidad, la transparencia, la humildad, la vida honorable y la sinceridad. Permitid emerger en vosotros un corazón puro que ansía la verdad y está sediento de rectitud, respeto y reconocimiento al Dios Uno.
Vuestra fidelidad es la verdadera lealtad a Dios Padre, y esta es una de mis virtudes cardinales ... construyendo en vosotros un carácter lleno de coraje para mirar y ser visto ... para verlo todo, es a partir de ahí la comprensión y la obtención y el ganar conocimiento de vosotros mismos.
El coraje está en el corazón mismo de Mis enseñanzas. Yo os instruyo que no temáis ... que no evitéis ... que no ignoréis. Incluso que desarrolléis en vosotros paciencia para que vayáis más lenta y sinceramente en vuestra búsqueda de la verdad y el amor incondicional.
Nuestra asociación es nuestro apostolado que brinda paciencia a aquellos nerviosos y ansiosos ... resistencia y perseverancia y constancia a aquellos dudosos, débiles y heridos ... fuerza y determinación y penetración en el carácter en los superficiales e inmaduros e insensatos que podrían intentar maneras más fáciles para su avance.
Mi espiritualidad religiosa hará de vosotros los nuevos hombres y mujeres de valor ... coraje ... y del heroísmo del alma.
Venid a Mí ... pedid y reconoced y permitid y aceptad y alinead con la indescriptiblemente hermosa voluntad de vuestro Padre Dios, y todas las cosas se volverán nuevas y vivas para vosotros.
Michael Of Nebadon
Oh My children of the earth...
I speak to you of progress .. growth .. advancement .. and the acceleration of thine personhood into the Father's Will and Identification.
Thine voluntary conformity of thy will to God’s will shall produce a personality worthy to enter the Kingdom of the Heavens. Andvthis Kingdom shall become for you the awakening realization of the Father's rule bringing harmony and justice and order to thine lifetime of existence.
It is not enough to produce in you mortal religious feelings and those necessary spiritual impulses which bring good feelings.
Character is needed. Character develops by these cardinal virtues, and those everlasting trinitarian values. You shall become a superbly stable individual. A wildly secure individual. A passionately certain individual who has become filled to overflowing with self-respect and dignity .. humility .. awe of existence .. and childlike wonder at the Infinite possibilities of your growth in the Life which hath been given to you.
I advise thee to become stripped away of every quality which hinders this achievement of your union with the Father's Will and his Life .. every wrongly qualified impulse must be heightened unto its righteous rectification in this wholehearted humility of mind and of heart and of thine entire personhood.
As you are truly My apostles .. so shall you properly represent Me upon the earth .. living as I live .. acting as I act .. willing to let go of all which betrays Me; that ye might become truly ennobled in righteousness of character .. enlivened in the conscious sonship with Infinity .. absolutely exalted in your wholehearted willingness to seek truth and love under all conditions.
I encourage you to place great value upon vulnerability, transparency, humility, honorable living, and sincerity. To allow to emerge in you a pure heart which hungers after truth and is athirst for righteousness and respect and recognition of the One God.
Thine fidelity is true loyalty to God the Father, and it is one of My cardinal virtues .. building in you a character teeming with the courage to look and to be seen .. to see all is thereafter to understand and gain knowledge of thyself.
Courage is at the very heart of My teachings. I instruct you to fear not .. to avoid not .. to ignore not. Yet to develop in you patience so that you go more slowly and sincerely in your pursuit of truth and unconditional love.
Our association is our apostleship bringing patience to the nervous and anxious ones .. endurance and perseverance and constancy to the doubtful and weak and injured ones .. strength and determination and penetration in character to the superficial and immature and foolhardy ones who might attempt easier ways to their advancement.
My religious spirituality shall maketh of thee the new men and women of valor .. courage .. and soul heroism.
Come unto Me .. ask and acknowledge and allow and accept and align with the indescribably beautiful will of thine Father God, and all things shall become new and alive for thee.
Michael Of Nebadon
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