Friday, October 11, 2019

Live for the Love of God

Lo .. ye women and men of this planetary sphere which is in My Universal Care and Guidance...

Pray .. I tell thee about the Christos of God's Wholeness who is thine destiny in consciousness and soul advancement.

Christos is the Majesty of God's Life .. the emanence of his Love.

It is the love of God made manifest upon the earth, and every planetary world.

Lo, men and women are living upon the lower planes of existence .. yet they each aspire towards Christos by their love for Absoluteness and Objectivity .. for Truth and Unconditional Mercy.

The planes of greed and selfishness and lustful ways .. these are of the lower nature of all creatures. And as you remain suffocated by the lesser urges and temptations .. so shall you remain conflucted in wars and struggles and fighting on every plane of your life.

Christos shall be awakened into as ye understand the wheat of life .. the chaff of circumstance .. and the husk of defenses psychological in thine personal existence.

And Christos is this unconquerable and indivisible glory which is everywhere present .. this undivided treasure of invincibility and unconditioned security which all seek and crave, yet they find not; for it is far too subtle a reality for those with a mind focused upon only bodily urges and ephemeral things.

Ye canst not find thine God Life .. thine Christhood by force nor by conquer with the sword.

In every landscape the strong and prosperous enslave and kill the weak and the poor. All human earthly kingdoms rise by force of arms .. by conquering and oppresiveness of lives .. yet force hath been conquerer and artificial king over the oppressed and disempowered.

This Christos in you must be brought forth by your attendance upon him. He comes to overthrow this iron rule of force .. he commands that the seat of each human personality be filled with Love and Forgiveness .. thus he taketh his place upon the throne of power in every emerging child of God.

And Christos fears not .. nor does he negotiate with the ways of men. 

I come to preach to thee  boldly and with dignity and honor. I enter thine terrestrial shores to speak in the courts of earthly man-made kings and queens.

Everywhere that hath been overtaken by the imposing injustices of victories won by the force of military arms shall bow down to Christos Lovecand Mercy when I am finished with setting up the kingdom of the Father's rule in the hearts and minds of his children.

Every worthy individual who comes to enter the courts of My Father God  shall discover a renewal of mind and a regeneration of heart .. a renovation of their freewill .. and an intoxication of their soul's yearning for Truth.

Christos .. Life .. the Kingdom of God upon the earth .. all these accomplishments by the Father's Love, Wisdom, and Power shall be attained by his gentleness and love and kindness and caring.

Where are the temples and the courts of the Christos?

I sayeth to the sober minded children .. that I come ministering at shrines and courts and temples unmade by human motivations; the churches and temples of Christos are the hearts and minds of all holy women and men who are prepared to see the majesty of the king of all Life.

The groves and orchards of nature are his synagogues ..his altars .. and his forum is of the world stage .. the planetary evolutionary achievements.

The Christos hath no priests nor nuns nor rabbis dressed up in puppet style garments looking to impose their fallen usurpious authorities upon the minds of My children. These imposters and misrepresentations who crave to be admired by all  men and women shall bow down to Christos, and their motivations shall become inundated with God's true glory and honor.

I sayeth .. every son and daughter of humankind is a fair priest of God's Love.

When men have purified their hearts by faith and forgiving inquiry .. Christos shall taketh root .. shall establish his glory .. for he needs no middle man nor woman to intercede in his behalf .. and I am this Christos Wholeness come to penetrate the veils of drunkenness and delirium; that the race shall one day find its avenues of progression and ascendancy in Me.

Ye shall learn to lay down thine defenses and surrender thine psychological edifices of unreal propositions .. ye shall lay down thine motivations and desires and drives and conditions .. and thine material priorities of bodily acts shall rest upon the very altar of the Lord thy Life.

Every woman and man is priest and rabbi unto their own universe career. Each is himself and herself a living sacrifice unto Life and Light.

You need not seek the Christos in another .. yet guided shall you be by Mine Universal Vine and Comforter Certainty; for when your heart is purified then shall I come to taketh up Mine Residence in thee.

Thine heart and mind shall be transformed first by My Spirit Life .. and the  Christos I AM shall come, and I will abide with you for evermore.

Michael Of Nebadon
City Of Christ Michael

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