Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Certainty Awakens in Thine Surrendering

Good Day Fellows of The City of Christ Michael...

Today, I speak to you of a few of the Eleven Kingdom Powers of Prayerful Intimacy.

Faith and Charity and Hope .. these are the certainty of God .. these are the surety that all is well throughout the universes .. these are the absoluteness of assurance of the omnipresence, omniscience, omnipotence of the Good Father.

As you truly hold faith in God's Sovereignty and his Generosity and Goodness, then shall you seek alignment with him.

Judge not that ye be not  judged” refers to the idea that what you judge is really in you. And "As you judge thyself, so shall you judge others" refers to the notion that until you come to terms and accept and understand yourself so will you judge others .. in accordance with your avoidance of the darkness and your misunderstanding of yourself and your refusal to accept your imperfections.

To judge another is to curtail your own proper  perceiving .. thine capacities to know and view your life with clarity .. correctly.

Your mind is designed to grow with faith tendencies and to ripen and mature with  trustworthy inclinations.

Mind is designed for penetrating the false to discover the truth.

As you judge the words and acts of another .. you announce to your Godhood that you crave understanding .. you announce that you are lacking in the right knowledge .. that you are desirous to know and understand better what you are observing in you and in the others.

As you judge another .. step back within thyself to reflect upon and see the very thing you are feeling judgemental towards .. and see where it is also in you.

This is the very beginning of understanding the wheat and the husk and chaff of existence. Of placing all these things in their right order and right relationship; for you shall learn to live as Cause rather than as a slave to your effects .. within the vibratory emanations of thine Thought Adjuster Life.

The choice to judge  rather than to know and understand is the cause  of the loss of peace and prosperity.

In your judgments .. is your subjective intellectual mind which shall eventually become cleared upwards into greater Objectivity and Absoluteness.

Judgement is the process on which individual perception rests .. yet .. you are to go further to find true knowledge and right  understanding and absolute truth beyond the judgements of your mind's intellectual perceptions.

Therein, as you evaluate your right perceptions into right understanding ..  right knowledge .. only then shall consciousness grow and develop.

Certainty rests therewith a mind which desires understanding insight.

Stability prospers in a mind which nurtures clarity and truth.

Security is establishing in you as you seek to understand the real and the true .. and as you learn of the gifts of thine personality mind .. thine creative nature .. and thine soul emergence .. and the Life of the Father's Sovereignty living in thee.

Michael Of Nebadon

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