Sunday, October 18, 2020

Earthly Delights of Purpose and Priorities

Thou earthly fellows studying mine Word in the City Of Michael...

I sayeth unto you .. 
All shall come under the divine law of all-pervasive truth and love. 

In the realms of nature many a man and woman who hath achieved eminence .. if not immortalized themself .. hath spent their hours of recreation in cultivating the imagination and enlarging the faculties of the mind.

Every community grows in power and influence as its ideal of manhood and womanhood broadens and advances unto fuller meanings and loftier values. 

Thoughts and opinions may be, and usually are, mere effects of psychological contact and educational egotism in a world of evolutionary trial and error; but there are thoughts which spring from inherent and ennobling principles; and there are honest deductions 
.. from which the world derives silent hope and sweet satisfaction in its ascent unto truth. 

Strive to think right .. to cultivate thoughts of honor and respect .. and to evolve in your daily practice of the holy faith powers all those exalting principles of which ye can form any eternalizing conception .. of physical and mental exaltation. 

Raise thine expectant standard for living .. and hold thyselves to a higher value and virtue. Allow my vision of the immortalizing life to lead thine way ever upwards unto Paradise. 

Michael Of Nebadon 
21st Century Americas Tour

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