Thursday, March 24, 2022

The Planetary Shepherd

Come, Follow Me
The Good Shepherd
Michael Of Nebadon Worldwide Shepherds of Goodness and Love

“Ye shall be living, learning, and teaching the Revelations of my 21st Century Gospel. All human lives shall unwrap their existence through this personal spirit-led relationship with the Father's Individualized Life." 

Walking with Christ Michael
The Beautiful Shepherd
Michael Of Nebadon Worldwide Shepherds of Allegiance and Association

“I am come to nurture, preserve, and protect these natural and sovereign inalienable rights of humankind to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness designed to ensure good and responsive individual self-government in the use of their free will in the acquisition of knowledge and use of intuition, reason, and sensation; to further educate, nurture and establish within the grasp of the individual the endowments of all faculties, capacities, sensibilities, and powers in league and allegiance with the great Circuits of Deity in order to advance that individual and allow his natural sovereign capabilities to emerge and prosper.” 

Teaching the Way of Christ
The True Shepherd
Michael Of Nebadon Worldwide Shepherds of Truth and Transparenc

"As ye rely upon thine Indwelling Adjuster Spirit in teaching and guiding you, and as ye are receiving and then living my gospel, so shall you each become mutually edified whilst rejoicing together in knowingly understanding that you have found My Way, Truth, and Life."

Michael Of Nebadon Sovereign Trust
The Planetary Congregation

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The Faith of Jesus Michael

The Nature of Jesus Michael’s Faith A. Absolute Trust in the Father Jesus Michael’s faith was total and unwavering. It was not conditioned o...