Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Well and Good for Thee

Why doth ye pause when thine indwelling eternity beckoneth thee?

Its reward is in the doing itself. Its prosperity cometh in the relationship. Its abundance of God Qualities brings success and victorious accomplishment beyond all fading worldly achievements which pass out of thee as the sweat falls away from the pore of the mortal garment.

The decrepit and the aged .. the young and the old .. what mattereth it .. for out of the finite expression and experience .. existence shall be known. 

Out of the fires of mortal sufferings, understandings blossom .. all of thine personhood shall becometh ennobled by adversity, enriched by darkness and weakened character, eternalized by the purpose of existence; that ye grow strong and wide in all thine deliberations .. thine moral quiverings .. thine mortal choosings.

And as ye choose wheresoever to place thine loyalties .. thine allegiances .. so shall all energies follow, and values emerge, virtues becometh embodied, vision is becoming clearer, verities are establishing, volitions are being mastered, and victories are actualizing well and good for thee.

Michael Of Nebadon

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