Friday, February 10, 2023

Universe Association and Ascendancy Divine

I tell thee that it hath come to me that there are those amongst you who bow down to the ephemerality of effects .. ye believeth that you are its victims of chaos and coincidences.

Bow not in a travail, saying "Let us take counsel amongst ourselves, how we might flee this wrath that cometh imminently upon us?"

I say these ones are the ignorant of the Planetary Race .. they squander their soul  possibilities and bring disturbances upon their potentialities as a personality spirit who cometh unto the Schoolhouse of Urantia seeking advancement.

...they knoweth not the law of Eternity .. they discard with their subjectivity the highroad of attainment .. as they flee from a wrath that ever pursueth them.

Whereto shall they flee that the wicked are not rampant? Is there a mountaintop fashioned to receive them?

I say unto you .. the pure in heart render so such accountings to the makers of earth's mischiefs, they stand with the valiant .. the reliant .. the trustworthy ones who art dependable and useful to me; for these are my apostles of the Planetary Sphere who perform a vast combat.

I tell you further, beloveds of my heart, that there are ones among you who await all exaltations of themselves .. they squander their possibilities and they delay their freedom. They await to receive the accolades of splendour and significance .. the fruits of living the Ideal of Paradise.

Mine children who crave entrance to the Progressive Ascendancy through their Association with Us .. quiver not from thine own effects which search you out and findeth a proximity close in circumstances.

Own thyself! Await not. Squander not thine opportunities in time and space. Arise and becometh master of thine endowed authorship.

Knoweth what I reveal?

I have need of those individuals who art readily willing to be taught their proper manners for entrance unto Nebadon Universe . . . 

Michael Of Nebadon
The Planetary Initiatives

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