Friday, November 29, 2019

Transformáis Todos los Impulsos

A medida que vosotros transfiguráis todas vuestras motivaciones mortales y transformáis todos los impulsos efímeros innecesarios que os llevan más lejos del Reino de la Consciencia ... aumentaréis vuestras sensibilidades ... moldeando vuestra vestimenta interior del alma para escuchar con la comprensión del espíritu ... percibiendo con la perspicacia de lo divino ... confiando en el corazón inmaculadamente presente de un verdadero niño ... y vuestros poderes de fe se volverán más útiles.

Creed como Yo creo ... y vivid como estoy viviendo entre vosotros durante esta misión otorgada de misericordia e iluminación para los apóstoles de este mundo que os habéis estado preparando para Mi llegada ... habéis estado ahondando más profundamente en Mi Palabra ... ellos que os habéis hecho respetuosos, receptivos y humildes para que yo pueda agregar a vuestra alma estatura como un hijo e hija emergente de rectitud, reverencia y confiabilidad.

Solo aquellos que habéis desarrollado la innegable y ferviente confianza y fe ... aquellos que os dedicáis a la fidelidad, el respeto y el reconocimiento de la Vida Una ... Me conoceréis mientras estoy aquí entre todos vosotros.

Todos los demás que habláis con el ruido metálico del falso respeto y las abominaciones de la rebelión y la importancia personal ... nunca sabréis que he venido. Solo en vidas futuras los irreverentes e impíos vendrán a leer las palabras que escribo, hablo y enseño ... imaginarán que si estuvieran aquí en este momento abandonarían todas las cosas y se convertirían en un apóstol obediente.

Sin embargo, estaréis confundidos y propensos a la reinterpretación de Mis sermones ... Me usaréis para vuestra propia agenda ... y sufriréis mucho hasta ese día en que os hayáis agotado de toda abominación y catástrofe.

Y en ese momento ... incluso ahora, en este momento oportuno de confluencia y convergencia ... la Absoluta Universal de la Presencia del Ajustador del Padre os llevará a Mí; porque vengo al servicio de la Vida del Padre ... su Intención Prístina ... las glorias de su Plan de Salvación para cada criatura grande y pequeña ... conocida y desconocida ... rica y pobre por igual ... santa e impía en sus intenciones y motivaciones .. para encontrar su camino hacia Él.

Michael Of Nebadon
Salvington Planetary Cities

As ye transfigure all thine mortal motivations and transform all unnecessary ephemeral urges which carry you further away from the Kingdom of Consciousness .. ye shall be heightening thine sensitivities .. shaping thine inner vesture of the soul in order to hear with the understanding of the spirit .. perceive with the insight of the divine .. trust with the immaculately present heart of a true child .. and thine faith powers shall become arisen into fuller usefulness.

Believe as I believe .. and live as I am living amongst thee during this bestowed mission of mercy and illumination for the apostles of this world who have been preparing for My arrival .. they have been delving more profoundly into My Word .. they who hath made of themselves respectful and receptive and humble in order for Me to add unto their soul stature as an emerging son and daughter of righteousness and reverence and reliability.

Only those who have developed the undeniably fervent trust and faith .. they who dedicate themselves to faithfulness and respect and recognition of the One Life .. they shall knoweth Me whilst I am here amongst you all.

All others who speak with the clanging noise of false respect and abominations of rebellion and self-importance .. they shall never know I have come. Only in future lifetimes will the irreverent and unholy come to read the words I write and speak and teach .. they shall imagine that if they were here at this time that they would give up all things and become an obedient apostle.

Yet, they shall be confused and prone to reinterpretation of My sermons .. they shall use Me for their own agenda .. and they shall suffer greatly until that day when they have exhausted themselves of every abomination and catastrophe.

And at that time .. even now in this opportune moment of confluence and convergence .. the Universal Absoluteness of the Father's Adjuster Presence shall carry you to Me; for I come in service to the Father's Life .. his Pristine Intention .. the glories of his Plan of Salvation for every creature great and small .. known and unknown .. rich and poor alike .. holy and unholy in their intentions and motivations .. to findeth their way to Him.

Michael Of Nebadon
Salvington Planetary Cities

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Receptivity and Reciprocity of Life

Hunger for truth .. thirst for righteousness in character and consciousness .. desire for progressive soul advancement of thine entire personhood. 

. . .  desire to know the Source of thine existence .. the breath of all Life.

These motivating urges are the beginning inclinations of every God-seeking mortal who ascends into our Universe from out of the evolutionary struggles of their planetary nativity.

With thine fullness of personhood .. ye shall seek the light with a whole heart, and only then will the spirit of Life deliver thee from thine personal bondage to those forces of materialization.

I am the indwelling Spirit of Truth who guides thine way to victorious accomplishments in thine emerging Immortality. 

I transform thee from within .. I grow thine character righteousness .. I renew thine mind unto higher meanings and spiritizing values and the attitudes .. attributes .. convictions of ascendancy. 

Assurance develops in My apostles who are wholehearted in their desire for freedom, devotedly decided upon truth, justice, order, and harmony  .. those God-aspiring individuals who uphold a singular dedication for touching the hem of Infinity .. for knowing the fabric of Eternity .. and for entering the reciprocal intimate relationship with God Individualized .. the great Mystery of their Life.

Michael Of Nebadon
City of Christ Michael

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

I am thine Pruning Benevolence

Yo os hablo a todos con sencillez y con el poder de la Palabra...

En la viña de mi padre, las vides de las galaxias están madurando con la plenitud de la misericordia y la bondad. Muchas enredaderas están descuidadas ... crecen altas y salvajes ... el crecimiento de sus hojas aparentemente está fuera de control y sus ramas parecen estar en el caos.

Sin embargo, las hojas de la comprensión son amplias y profundas ... las ramas de la vida y el perdón amoroso se extienden fácilmente hacia todos. Sus uvas son agrias y también dulces; porque una mezcla está ocurriendo.

Y su podador viene ... con la agudeza de la verdad y la compasión, el corta cada rama y cada hoja que ha cumplido su propósito ... cada rama y cada hoja no queda sobre la gran vid de Mi Padre Infinito. Solo quedan la raíz y el tallo después de que el podador de la vida llega para purificar ... para desenredar ... para volver a tejer y a poner orden en el caos de cada hoja y rama. Él mantiene su vid a través de toda la existencia.

Muchos venís ... miráis la apariencia de la vid recién cortada para nada. Aparece la esterilidad ... el viñedo parece estar despojado y privado de toda belleza. Todos los que miráis desde el punto de vista de lo efímero ... los ojos efímeros que perciben sólo en la superficie de la vida ... ellos ven la falta y el caos y la fealdad de las cosas estériles y desoladas ... maldicen al podador, diciendo "¿por qué no te importa? ... ¿por qué no salvas a todas esas hojas y ramas? ... ¿por qué permites que el podador venga y corte toda nuestra belleza? ... salva a los niños del mundo y a las víctimas que están siendo amamantados por la vid de la vida. Derribas todas las cosas hechas por nosotros, y  separas nuestra vid ... su creación es una cosa de nuestra belleza mortal ".

El podador luego dice: "contentaos vosotros con lo que pensáis y con vuestras interpretaciones que abundan en la visión limitada que proviene de vuestros instintos menores ... y volved a la hora de la cosecha y mirad".

Luego, en el momento de la cosecha, la aridez desnuda de cada rama y cada porción solitaria de la vid rebosaba de hojas luminosas ... los tallos de la vid brillaban con la aparición de una nueva vida ... racimos pesados ​​de uvas deliciosas pesaban en cada rama en la tierra.

Los recolectores se regocijaron, y cada día ellos llevaban la riqueza de este abundante fruto a la prensa en la que fluían jugos frescos, ricos y encantadores.

He aquí ...  vosotros despojaréis de la vid de vuestra mortalidad todas las cosas que succionan sin ceremonias sobre la Vida que viene de las raíces del Celestial Uno. Entonces, crearéis esa fertilidad de receptividad que obtiene un vasto y abundante crecimiento para vosotros mismos.

Todas las maravillosas doctrinas y rituales mortales e ídolos e imágenes y formas de hombres y mujeres son ramas que pronto deben ser cortadas, sus palabras y efusiones de cortesía y los espejismos de sus bromas sociales son hojas que deben ser desarmadas y eliminadas; porque estos pertrechos mortales son inútiles para el avance del individuo y la raza ... estos falsos ídolos mortales de vanidad intelectual y narcisismo emocional han crecido tanto que la luz del sol ya no llega al corazón ... las aguas de la Palabra celestial no pueden fluir por las venas de vuestra inteligencia. Cada individuo y la totalidad de la raza os habéis secado de la limpieza moral y la decisión ética. El podador de la vida prepara un camino para que todos los nutrientes puedan fluir a cada porción de la vid y su follaje pueda traer los frutos de la Vida del Espíritu.

La viña del Señor vuestra Paternidad de la Vida hace que eliminéis todas las imperfecciones mortales innecesarias ... y la tierra se extenderá por todos lados con seres humanos capaces de tener receptividad y reciprocidad con la Fuente Paterna.

He aquí, Yo soy el podador de todas las personas. La Trinidad que Yo represento viene a preparar vuestro abundante crecimiento, y con el Amor de su omnipotencia, nuestra fraternidad corta todas las ramas y hojas innecesarias. Yo podo a vuestra personalidad hasta que no quede nada, sino los tallos desnudos de la vida humana hechos santos y respetuosos.

Mis apóstoles confían en la poda de sus vidas. Conocen la belleza de los tallos desnudos ... son más felices cuando se disuelve la pomposidad de la vegetación espesamente cubierta ... de modo que los tallos de sus vidas son puros y sin asfixia ... Yo y mis apóstoles sacamos en sí la abundancia de la divinidad y prosperidad espiritual a medida que se acerca el tiempo de cosecha.

Ellos dan su aprecio y cooperación al podador que Yo soy ... han venido a colaborar conmigo para acortar su personalidad de cada hoja crecida de más por la indigestión e interpretación mortales.

Ellos experimentan la cosecha como un tiempo de celebración y certeza; porque ellos se regocijan en mi venida y ellos son traídos a la prensa divina donde toda la dureza y la rigidez se exprime para crear el fruto vivo ... la esencia de la Vida.

Michael Of Nebadon
The City Of Christ Michael

I speak to all with simplicity and the power of the Word ..

In My Father's vineyard, the vines of the galaxies are ripening with the fullness of mercy and kindness. Many vines are unkept .. they grow high and wild .. the growth of their leaves are seemingly out of control and their  branches are appearing to be in chaos.

Yet, the leaves of understanding are broad and deep .. the branches of life and loving forgiveness reach easily outwards to all. Its grapes are sour and also sweet; for there is a mixture occurring.

And his pruner cometh .. with the sharpness of truth and compassion, he cuts off every branch and leaf that hath served his purpose .. every branch and each leaf remains not upon the great vine of My Father Infinite. Only root and stalk remains after the Pruner of Life comes to purify .. to untangle .. to reweave and bring order to the chaos of every leaf and branch. He maintains his vine throughout existence.

Many cometh .. they glance at the appearance of the vine freshly cut down to not a thing. Barrenness appears .. the vineyard appears to be despoiled and stripped of every beauty. All who look from the viewing point of ephemerality .. the ephemeral eyes which perceive only upon the surface of life .. they see the lack and the chaos and the ugliness of things barren and desolate .. they curse the pruner, saying "why dont you care .. why don't  you save all those leaves and branches .. why do you allow the  pruner to come and cut away all our beauty .. save the children of the world, and the victims who art suckling upon the vine of life. You tear down all things made by us, and you separate apart our vine .. its creation a thing of our mortal beauty."

The pruner then says, "content thyselves with what you think and thine interpretations which abound with limited seeing coming from your lesser instincts .. and come again at harvest time and see."

Then, at harvest time the naked barrenness of every branch and each solitary portion of the vine was overflowing with luminous leaves .. the stalks of the vine were bright with new life appearing .. heavy clusters of delicious grapes weighed every branch to earth.

The gatherers rejoiced, and each day they carried the richness of this bountiful fruitage to the press wherein fresh, rich, lovely juices flowed.

Behold .. ye shall strip away from the vine of your mortality all things which suckle unceremoniously upon the Life coming from the roots of the heavenly One. Then, shall you create that fertility of receptivity which garners a vast bountiful growth for thyselves.

All gorgeous mortal doctrines and rituals and idols and images and forms of men and women are branches which soon must be cut away, their words and gushings of politeness and the mirages of their social banterings are leaves which must become stripped apart and removed; for these mortal accoutrements are useless to the advancing progression of the individual and race .. these false mortal idols of intellectual vanity and emotional narcissism have grown so great that sunlight no longer reaches the heart .. waters from the heavenly Word cannot flow throughout the veins of their intelligence. Every individual and the entirety of the race hath become dried up of moral cleanliness and ethical decisiveness. A way is prepared by the pruner of life so that all nutrients may flow to every portion of the vine and its foliage may bring the fruits of the Spirit Life.

The vineyard of the Lord thy Parenthood of Life cause you to remove all unnecessary mortal imperfections .. and the earth shall becometh spread throughout with human beings capable of receptivity and reciprocity with the Parenthood Source.

Behold, I am the pruner of all individuals .. the Trinity that I represent cometh to prepare thine bountiful growth, and with the Love of his omnipotence, our fellowship cuts away all unneeded branches and leaves .. I prune thine personhood until all is naught but unclothed stalks of human life made holy and respectful.

My apostles trust in the pruning of their life. They knoweth the beauty of the naked stalks .. they are happiest as the pomposity of thickly overgrown vegetation is dissolved .. so that the stalks of their lives are pure and without suffocation .. I and My apostles bring forth in themselves the divinity abundance and spirit  prosperity as the harvest time approaches.

They give their appreciation and cooperation to the pruner that I am .. they have come to collaborate with Me in shortening their personality of every overgrown leaf made by mortal indigestion and interpretation.

They experience the harvesting as a time of celebration and certainty; for they rejoice in My coming and they are brought forth unto the divine press where all hardness and rigidity is pressed out to create the living fruitage .. the essence of Life.

Michael Of Nebadon
The City Of Christ Michael   h

Friday, November 15, 2019

Kingdom of Christ Reality

Lo .. ye shall enter thine God Intimacy through your Prayerful Communion with the Paradise Spirit who lives within you. 

And this Intimacy with the portion of Infinity in you shall awaken you to higher meanings in life. 

Thine core human drives .. impulses .. motivations .. these shall all become heightened and refined towards the Father's Kingdom of Reality.

Michael of Nebadon

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Ask in My Name and I Shall Help You

Truly My children I sayeth unto the listeners and the obedient ones who art desirous to enter into their discipleship with Me…

Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye have already received them .. and ye shall have these things so long as it brings forth thine fulfillment in Perfection.

Ask .. and it shall be given unto you; seek .. and ye shall find so long as thine seeking is intended to fulfill thine Life in the Father; knock .. and it shall be opened unto you as you are heightening thine sensibilities and exalting thine sensitivities of thine emerging soul.

Ye ask whilst motivated by thine self-importance and ephemeral aggrandizement .. and certainly ye shall receive not. Ask not amiss motivated by your controlling agendas and personality subjectivity which attempts to usurp the Majesty of God and his kingdom. Ye ask amiss when your asking is manipulative and cunning .. and when ye seek to use the generosity of God in order to consume upon your lusts.

And whatsoever ye shall ask in My Name .. and in cooperation and collaboration with My Universal Station in this Universe .. that will I accomplish for thee, in thee, by thee, for thee, with thee, and as thee.

Do that which our Father might ask and do of you .. that you may be glorified in him .. and that I am glorified as the Son in the Universal Father.

Whatsoever ye shall ask in My Name .. with thine humble heart and thine all-abiding desire to strip away from thee all artificiality and mortally woven textures .. and that will I do in you .. that the Absoluteness of the Father may be glorified in the Son that I am, and in the sons and daughters of the Son.

I am Michael of this Universe .. Father Son Personified .. Love of God the Sevenfold .. Infinite Mother Spirit Unified.

Michael Of Nebadon

Ye Shall Live On

Al principio, vosotros creéis que sois hijos e hijas de Dios porque mi enseñanza os ha hecho más conscientes de los impulsos internos, la guía y los principios espirituales de la presencia permanente de nuestro Padre ... pero actualmente Mi presencia consoladora ... el Espíritu de la verdad, ahora está con vosotros como guía personal y maestro, consejero y revelador, ayudante e instructor ... éste ha sido derramado sobre toda carne, y vivirá entre hombres y mujeres ... y os enseñará a todos ... tal como vivo ahora entre vosotros en este siglo XXI ... y os hablo a vosotros las palabras de verdad.

Y este Espíritu de la Verdad ... hablando para las dotaciones espirituales de vuestras almas inmortales emergentes ... os ayudará a saber que sois las hijas e hijos de Dios, y que esta filiación inherente es una realidad eterna que se despliega y emerge.

Mi Espíritu constantemente dará testimonio de la presencia permanente del Padre, que es vuestra Presencia de Vida y Espíritu, que debe expandirse y extenderse a través de vuestra vida humana.

Porque Yo os digo a los que escucháis sin preconceptos ni opiniones ... vosotros sois en realidad los hijos e hijas de Dios, y esta realidad viviente se volverá aumentada ... aumentará ... se desarrollará ... cada vez más en la medida que vosotros Me sigáis.

Michael of Nebadon

At first you believe that you are the sons and daughters of God because My teaching has made you more conscious of the inner impulses, guidance, and spirit leadings of our Father’s indwelling presence .. but presently My Comforter Presence .. the Spirit of Truth .. is now with you as a personal guide and teacher, counselor and reveler, helper and instructor .. it hath been poured out upon all flesh, and I will live among men and women .. and teach all .. even as I now live amongst you in this 21st Century .. and speak to you the words of truth.

And this Spirit of Truth .. speaking for the spiritual endowments of your emerging immortal souls .. shall help you to know that you are the daughters and sons of God, and that this inherent sonship is an unfolding and emerging eternal reality. 

My Spirit will unfailingly bear witness with the Father’s indwelling presence which is your Life and Spirit Presence which must be expand and extended through your human life.  

For I sayeth unto they who shall listen without preconception and opinion .. you are in reality the sons and daughters of God, and this living reality shall become augmented .. increased .. developed .. ever further as you follow Me. 

Michael of Nebadon

Loyalty to My Gospel

Thou Global Villagers who desire God inordinately and with the utmost sincerity... 

Become thou God seeking and God finding .. God giving and God recognizing .. God realizing and God conscious in all thine moments upon thine planetary home. 

Our Village is a place to meet and greet others who have come into the Holy Comforter Communions with Me. They who are seeking God connection, God contact, God communication, God communion and congruence of their personality nature with the Living God.  My Father is a God of love and infinite mercy and compassion. He delights in the practice of mercy and forgiveness .. yet, do not begin to believe that thine personal ascent in the kingdom is to be one of mundane ease wherein your immediate gratifications are satisfied.

You will be called forth to live a life of vulnerability, transparency and revelation, sensitivity and giving, humility and acceptance, truthfulness and objectivity of love.  

The Processional unto Paradise through the systems and constellations and through this our universal home .. it is an  ascent with the opportunities for supreme adventure and excitement beyond what you can imagine ..service and surrender, sacrifice and an extraordinary serenity and safety shall emerge in you as you gradually ascend godward. 

My Father God desires to bring order from out of your chaos, justice from out of all the apparent injustices of the world, stability woven from out of the instabilities and security emerging from all personality insecurities. 

These avenues of ascendancy in the progressive ascent into reality and truth and life .. it is perhaps the most rugged achievement of all thine lifetimes.

The raising of your mortally woven lifetimes into eternity shall call forth from within you a mind immaculately developed by the Mother's Adjutant Spirits, a heart fondly and passionately textured by your devotions and dedications to truth and unconditional love.  

Service in bringing forward the expansion of the kingdom upon this small earth shall evoke in you every fiber of faith conviction and trustworthy confidence and imagination.  

Our association in bringing forward this newly revealed gospel which I am and which I being to humanity .. it calls for all the courageous humanity that you and your mutually dedicated fellows of the kingdom can build and develop and express; for the existential perfection of the Father's ideal living in you must become the expressionful Word of a personality and personhood aligned with that ideal .. and only then shall you discover the experiential acts through service and surrendering to that immaculate ideal motivated and driven by love and mercy.  

Many of you will be tested and tried so that you are fully established in your loyalty to the gospel of this kingdom.  It is easy to believe intellectually, yet when your courage is strengthened by the presence of your fellows and colleagues it requires a higher and more profound form of human courage and devotion.

I have come to make thee sons and daughters in good standing with the Universal Parenthood of Life. Calmly and certainly ye shall walk with Me in spirit and in truth.  

Michael Of Nebadon

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