Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Loyalty to My Gospel

Thou Global Villagers who desire God inordinately and with the utmost sincerity... 

Become thou God seeking and God finding .. God giving and God recognizing .. God realizing and God conscious in all thine moments upon thine planetary home. 

Our Village is a place to meet and greet others who have come into the Holy Comforter Communions with Me. They who are seeking God connection, God contact, God communication, God communion and congruence of their personality nature with the Living God.  My Father is a God of love and infinite mercy and compassion. He delights in the practice of mercy and forgiveness .. yet, do not begin to believe that thine personal ascent in the kingdom is to be one of mundane ease wherein your immediate gratifications are satisfied.

You will be called forth to live a life of vulnerability, transparency and revelation, sensitivity and giving, humility and acceptance, truthfulness and objectivity of love.  

The Processional unto Paradise through the systems and constellations and through this our universal home .. it is an  ascent with the opportunities for supreme adventure and excitement beyond what you can imagine ..service and surrender, sacrifice and an extraordinary serenity and safety shall emerge in you as you gradually ascend godward. 

My Father God desires to bring order from out of your chaos, justice from out of all the apparent injustices of the world, stability woven from out of the instabilities and security emerging from all personality insecurities. 

These avenues of ascendancy in the progressive ascent into reality and truth and life .. it is perhaps the most rugged achievement of all thine lifetimes.

The raising of your mortally woven lifetimes into eternity shall call forth from within you a mind immaculately developed by the Mother's Adjutant Spirits, a heart fondly and passionately textured by your devotions and dedications to truth and unconditional love.  

Service in bringing forward the expansion of the kingdom upon this small earth shall evoke in you every fiber of faith conviction and trustworthy confidence and imagination.  

Our association in bringing forward this newly revealed gospel which I am and which I being to humanity .. it calls for all the courageous humanity that you and your mutually dedicated fellows of the kingdom can build and develop and express; for the existential perfection of the Father's ideal living in you must become the expressionful Word of a personality and personhood aligned with that ideal .. and only then shall you discover the experiential acts through service and surrendering to that immaculate ideal motivated and driven by love and mercy.  

Many of you will be tested and tried so that you are fully established in your loyalty to the gospel of this kingdom.  It is easy to believe intellectually, yet when your courage is strengthened by the presence of your fellows and colleagues it requires a higher and more profound form of human courage and devotion.

I have come to make thee sons and daughters in good standing with the Universal Parenthood of Life. Calmly and certainly ye shall walk with Me in spirit and in truth.  

Michael Of Nebadon

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